Newbie Looking for Roleplays


New Member

Hello to all of my fellow roleplayers! My name is Kio, and I've literally just joined this wonderful website. I've done forum roleplaying in the past, but had to stop for awhile as I just didn't have the time for it. Now, I'd really love to get back into the swing of roleplaying, and all of that good stuff by getting into a few 1x1s, and possible small group roleplays. I've got some samples from gaia online roleplaying in my about me page.

Roleplaying Guidelines

Usually, my only rules for any roleplay are:

  • Activeness- 2x a week minimum on 2 separate days
  • Literacy- There shouldn't be a lot of mistakes in our writing... And at least 2-3 paragraphs
  • No one liners
  • No Yaoi
  • No god modders
  • Anime pictures for characters only

The types of roleplays I like to be involved in are:

  • Fantasy- Roleplays with magic and creatures that don't exist, and spells and skills Oh my
  • Sci-Fi- futuristic roleplays with technology never before seen and stuff like that
  • Sci-Fi/Fantasy- Add magic and science together and its my favorite type of roleplay :smile 2:
  • Fandoms- Includes Pokemon, SAO, Naruto, Fairy Tail; However, I'd like the main characters of the respective series to have little to do with the roleplays. Maybe a biological relationship or two but that's it...
  • Dragons- Probably in the Fantasy section, but I really enjoy roleplays that have to do with either taming or hunting dragons. Fun

That's all I can think of for now... If you have any questions, PM m
Hey there, Musician here,

If you find any of the plots on the information tab on my profile page intriguing, or want to come up with something else together, I'd love to do a one x one with you. :)
Cecy said:
Hello, I was wondering if we could do a naruto rp, please?
Sorry for such a late reply.... Do you have any type of plot in mind? Usually, I'd try to get a group of people involved in something like Naruto. 

If you doubt my skills as a literate roleplayer, here are some samples from Gaia make sure you scroll!

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