Arranged Marriage rp (Kiothaeus and Sadlyimnotbatman) [Inactive]

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Arranged Marriage rp Kiothaeus x Sadlyimnotbatman - Arranged marriage

@Kiothaeus here we go so we can just go ahead and put up our character sheets

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Name: Fae Lempellis

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Species: Elven

Personality: She isn't ditzy just kind of out of it sometimes her mind wanders a lot. Fae is smart, fair, and quick as she has been trained and taught since a child. The elven breed are expected to be patient and calm as water and authoritative but Fae has always been a little different she is soft-spoken and values kindness above all else. She can be very excitable and odd and she isn't favored even though she is heir to the head of the family and all its business and most importantly riches.

History: Fae's father is the head of the family the oldest of three brothers two of which are dead he had the best claim when his father died and he took over the family finances as well as businesses. They have a lot of extended family and relatives that run different sectors but the head of the household is Julius Lempellis. Fae grew up in a large manor the only child in the whole place it was kind of a lonely existence she didn't have any interaction with kids her age until she was ten and that was only brief visits from cousins and family her mother was very protective and rarely let other people in the house besides maids and servants who became Fae's only real friends. There were large grounds that she liked to adventure in especially the gardens where the butterflies where but Fae was always kind of lonely since her mother and father were often away on business. She was tutored at home advancing quickly in all subjects she was taught business and politics at a young age and passed the days reading and sliding down bannisters and cooking with all kinds of different chefs that were brought in. When she was fifteen she was sent to a special school to learn how to become a proper lady and stayed there for a year and a half before being brought home again she was groomed to be the perfect heir and she didn't know then but to marry the heir of another family. When she was told of the arrangement Fae had wanted to scream and yell she hadn't had any real experiences in all her life and she wouldn't get any she was going from one prison to another but she didn't and she fed her parents lies about how excited she was to meet her future husband all the while feeding a inner hatred for someone she had yet to meet.


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Name: Alhouin Mavis

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Race: Human(Mage)

Personality: Al is a very outgoing and loud individual. His extroverted personality doesn't match his affinity to ice, as most ice mages are usually more on the quiet side. His natural charisma draws people to him, allowing him to be friendly with most people around his father's company. However, he has a terrible temper, and it is very easy to upset him. His temper has increasingly gotten better over the years, but for the most part it is still horrible.

History: Al is the second born son in a six person family, which includes his father, mother, an older sister, a twin brother, and a younger sister. His father, Alrund Mavis, is the current head of the family with a few siblings that run their own separate companies that are considered branch families, and aren't very influential. As a child, Al grew up in a manor with his siblings and mother. His father wasn't around the house very much, except during holidays and the birthdays of his children. His mother would teach at a magic academy in the capital, leaving the servants around the house to take care of the children. Each of the four children were homeschooled, and teaching them magic was the priority. Despite this, Al was only able to master one type of magic; Ice. He completely gave up on any other magic, and picked up swordplay to make up for his inability to learn other magic like his siblings. The two eligible heirs to their father's wealth were Alhouin and Arland. Naturally, only one could be chosen, so the current head of the family had an idea. "Send them to the Battle Magic Academy; Whoever graduates with the highest honors and grades shall be my heir." However, some people questioned this move, as it had nothing to do with running a company. Why a "Battle" magic academy? Alrund gave no reason, and sent the two boys off anyways. For 6 years, the two worked hard to become heirs. In that whole time, Arland had the upperhand, as he was able to use more than one magic. Though there was one major flaw to his combative magic. He had no physical strength. That's where Alhouin discovered his only strength in the battle for heir, which was that he was a better battle mage because of his swordsmanship plus ice magic, and he had leadership skills. The winner was Alhouin in the end, and he became heir. Arland left the Mavis Household after that, and began studying to become an actual battle mage. Alhouin on the other hand returned home to find out he was engaged. Unable to find the words to react to this, Alhouin silently agreed to the marriage. On the inside however, he was about ready to explode, and possibly run kill his father.


Fae shifted in the back of a limo, the car was smooth and clean and it zipped across the pavement not making a sound. Inside the car though there were the low buzz of voices three people sat in the back two of them were on phones talking, one about stock and the other about a luncheon that was being planed the third person sat silently her back ramrod and her hands clenched in her lap. Fae looked out the window her eyes watching as blurs passed by it all seemed unreal; the almost dazed expression on her face said enough. She couldn't keep her thoughts straight they jumped about like fish in a stream elusive yet there nonetheless. With a attention catching cough she was brought back her crystal gaze meeting up with exact replicas of her own her fathers eyes were the same as hers only slightly deeper set his were cold were hers were often compassionate.

"This will be brief and informational, me and your mother are simply here to meet with Alrund Mavis to discuss a few matters that we have yet to work out then we will all be leaving you here with Alhouin. The staff all report back to us and his parents so we will know if you are not trying to interact I expect your best and most charming behavior this is the man you will be marrying and the man who will help you run our joint families after I pass." Julius was robotic, a man not made for love and kindness he was a business man and a politician he could have a room full of sharks eating out of his palm but he had never told his daughter that he loved her. Kalel Lempellis was sweet and charming she had a certain drawing allure to her and was just about as successful as her husband when it came to politics, she was easy and soft with Fae but hadn't been around enough to form a true bond with her daughter.

"You may not love him at first but try I'm sure he will grow on you." She said sending a look at her husband they had been an arranged marriage as well.

Fae nodded at her parents although her true feelings were far from what she was expressing; when the car finally stopped they had pulled up to a small mansion. It was not as big as the one she grew up in but it was far too big for two people even with a staff it would be as lonely as her real home, Fae could see. Stepping out of the car she looked at her father frantically the reality of it all suddenly hitting her but with one stern look her face was void of emotion a perfect mask. She wanted to help the driver bring in her bags but she knows what her father would say and how it looked so with one last look over her shoulders she fell into step behind her parents her eyes glued to the ground she felt kind of like crying. Her chest felt heavy and tight and she imagined she should be cheery and excited fawning over the idea of being married but she only felt sick and hot.
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Alhouin had just earned his rights to become heir to the family's fortune. All of the money and power a person could dream of was his. However, the expression, no, the aura that surrounds him says differently. His body language, facial expression and actions show that he's lost something rather than won. "Master Alhouin, it is time to depart.. Are you ready, Master?" Jaques, his butler was sent to get the clearly enraged young Mavis heir. Had it been anyone else, Alhouin was sure he would have slit their throat. "Yes, let's go..." With hesitation, Al got up from his seat in his lounge, and was escorted by Jaques. As he walked down the hall, and eventually into the vast courtyard of the Mavis Manor, he thought about how to get out of the situation. At the same time, Al felt the presence of three to four of his father's men watching him, as if they were saying "Its not wise to run from this, Alhouin." This ticked him off even more than being lied to, and his patience was running out. Jaques opened the limo door, and inside were two people; Alrund Mavis and Alice; Al's younger sister.

"Nice of you to join us, Al." Alrund said this with a bit of a humorous tone, as if this was all a big joke to him. Al clenched his fist, and didn't say a word. It was obvious to him that he was being mocked, which might be the reason why Alice was in the car. "Why is Alice here? Where's Mother?" With a sharp glare, Al questioned his father. His father chuckled and Alice sighed, reading another one of her rare tomes she found. "Mother is at work Al. She couldn't attend, and Acele is still researching where the legendary tools are hidden." Alice smiled at her brother, hoping her reason was good enough. Luckily for her, Alhouin felt it was reasonable, and turned away from the two of them. As the limo came to a stop, Al's father spoke. "Al, just know that running is not an option. We have soldiers watching your movements throughout the house, disguised as servants, and some are just waiting in the shadows." As he showed his serious face, Al was taken back. He never saw his father with such a serious expression, so this was strange to him. As soon as Al's guard was raised, his father smiled, and chuckled. "Just relax and have fun with it. She'll be your wife after all." Al got out of the car and sighed. Seeing the mansion made him sigh again, as it wasn't as expansive as the one he lived in. Well, it was only for two people, so maybe it was understandable. He walked into the mansion, followed by his father and younger sister. A servant escorted the three of them to a meeting place, where the two current heads of the family would finalize their agreements.
Fae and her parents had been lead to a study like room and sat down her father and mother had both asked for green tea there eyes meeting for a second as they talked at the same time. She saw something akin to fondness flicker in her fathers eyes and her mother seemed to almost blush a light pink dotting her porcelain skin. Fae looked away from the moment out the window she sat in a hard chair which was not in any way comfortable but it made sense she'd rather not be comfortable given the circumstances. She had read a lot about the Mavis family especially Alhouin her fiancé and they were capable of magic which is something she knew very little about. Her mother had a certain aversion towards magic and it had rarely been allowed in the house although she had once seen something in in the gardens when she was young that seemed almost magical. Her hands were crossed in her lap as she watched the wind lightly blow the leaves in the tree; it was autumn now and it they would start falling off soon.

The door opened and she looked up quickly alert and suddenly the dress her mother had insisted she wore felt too tight and the light brushing of makeup to accent her features felt ridiculous. First the butler of the house whose name she learned was Farrow entered holding the door open and her father and mother rose to greet them both with friendly smiled on their faces one was real and the other fake but to the unpracticed eye of those who didn't know them one could never tell.

Standing slowly she folded her hands at her waist, trying to prolong actually having to look up and meet them; she first glanced at her shoes and then her dress like she was making sure everything was in order when in reality she was trying not to throw up. When she finally looked up she stepped forwards besides her parents her face perfectly composed, she couldn't pull off the perfect friendly smiles like them but she wiped any hatred or unpleasant looks away and replaced them with a calm, relaxed look.
As Farrow the Butler opened the study, Alhouin could see three people. Two of them had cordial smiles on their faces, while the other had a calm look on her face. Al was sure that that was going to be who he was marrying. It seemed she was just like him in a sense. He had no idea who these people were, despite the fact that they were the Lempellis Family. He walked in with a confused face, as his father and sister smiled greeting the heads of the Lempellis family. "Alhouin, This is Julius and Kalel Lempellis." Signaling for him to show respect, Al looked at the two of them, and bowed. "A pleasure to meet the two of you.." Al was smiling when he got back up, hoping to make a good impression. The Lempellis family was very powerful, from what he'd heard in news and from his father.

Alrund had pushed Al to greet the girl standing next to them as well, and it was obvious why. His fiancee was just as important, if not more, as the heads. He smiled at the elven female, and stuck his hand out. "My name is Alhouin Mavis. What is yours, Miss?" He gave a light and cordial smile, though it was quite forced at the time. No one could tell however, as he'd practiced that since he was four.
If Fea was surprised at the greeting her face didn't betray anything she had curtsied bowing her head to the ground when they had walked in. Everything from her posture to the movement of her hands was perfectly timed and she straightening up giving a peculiar quirk at the hand offered towards her. Men greeted each other with such gestures she was expected to curtsy and that was it but she supposed it would be rude to not take his hand. Even though Fae had despised everyday at the retched academy where they had sent her she had every rule drilled into her head and her mother and father expected the best and while Fae wasn't exactly the perfect heir she would at least give them this much. Reaching out she placed her hand in his not sure how hard to light to grip she decided on firm but not hard and shook.

"Fae its a pleasure to meet you." Her voice was soft and low but didn't shake or crack. She knew it was a lie she hadn't want to meet him especially not under the circumstances but no one would ever be able to tell with how amiable she sounded although she still didn't smile. Fae could never force herself to smile, fake smiles always looked odd and uncouth on her face and they never reached her eyes which twinkled when she truly was smiling. Letting go of his hand she tucked her own back at her waist and looked to her parents.

"Its rather nice to see you again Alrund I hope the trip out wasn't too long." Her mother spoke up always the charmer she was warm "And Alice too I see its nice to meet you." There was a smile on her face one that light up her face often. Her mother knew everyone even those she hadn't met she had inside info on almost all the significant people as well as an in to every paramount party or get-together in the hemisphere. She smiled again and motioned for everyone to take a seat which Fae reluctantly complied, her father and mother had taken the two single seats so that forced her to sit on the couch as she would have to cross the room to snag one of the other single recliners. With her ankles crossed and tucked under the cushions she folded her palms in her lap hoping no one noticed how she fisted the material of her dress in her hands clenching so hard her knuckles turned white.
The elven female he was marrying was pretty, to say the least, which was one pro out of the thousands of cons that came with being forced to marry a person you've never met before. After they greeted each other, it was quite uncertain whether or not the marriage would work out. She hadn't smiled once for the whole time Al had her in his sights, which could be troublesome in the future. Was she always not smiling? Or maybe she's just completely opposed to marrying? Regardless, she had no motivation to be there whatsoever.

Alrund and Alice smiled at the two across from them, and everyone took a seat except for Al. The young man did not want to stay in the meeting place, as he needed somewhere to relax and unwind for the moment. Before his father could speak, Alhouin spoke to him. "Father, I'll be going to look around. Have a servant inform me of any information I need to know." Again, before Alrund could say anything, the young man bowed to the Lempellis heads, and walked out of the room. Alrund sighed, and apologized for his son's behavior. "Forgive him, he's just a little shaken up that we arranged this for him. Now, shall we get to the matter at hand?" Alrund smiled, and signaled for Alice to started jotting down every single word that was being said from that point on.

Meanwhile, Alhouin decided to go into the back of the Mansion, where there was a lush garden, and an expansive forest behind it. He could sense that he was still being watched by his father's men, and sighed. Cautiously, he moved closer to the place where the forest and garden met, and noticed there were magic seals all around. Although curious, he decided that could be left for another day to investigate, and headed back toward the mansion.
Fae sat still as the business commenced there was talk back and forth about the wedding, which of course had to be a grand affair it was the one thing all parties besides herself as she had no say all agreed upon. Everyone from distant third cousins to aunts twice removed from both families would need to be invited as well as all the important business associates and friends for both sides it seemed that half the world would be watching her tie the knot with someone she didn't know. When the topic switched to a merger in business's Fae wanted to smash her head against a wall but she considered it for a moment and guessed it would seem rude. As the conversation dragged on she had all but broken the bones in her hand and smoothly she stood at a pause in the conversation.

"Excuse me I'm so very sorry but I'm not feeling well, It was a pleasure meeting both of you but I think I shall retire for the afternoon." it was polite and well practiced and her mother sent her a worried look with she returned with a shake of her head. Standing both her parents pressed kisses to her forehead although tender it wasn't exactly warm. They promised they would be stopping by but the look her father gave her suggested they would also be watching to see if she behaved, with that she took her leave. She didn't exactly feel like exploring as she was afraid of running into her fiancé so she walked down the stairs deciding against sliding down the bannister and followed one of the maids into the kitchen. They all seemed quiet and formal pausing in their work as she walked in they stood alert and she looked kind of shocked. Fae had been personal friends with all the staff back at her home these people were new and didn't seem so friendly but she saw one familiar face a smile lighting up her eyes as the chef smiled at her. He was a short dwarf with a rotund stomach and an excellent knack for cooking and they had spent many days frosting cakes and learning new recipes together from specialty chefs.

"Ahh Miss Fae if your still up for it I have a cake that needs decorating." The dwarf ran a bakery as well and he would always display her cakes in the window he said she had an eye for decoration. Nodding Fae rolled up her sleeves not much caring about the dress she wore and tied and apron around her waist and the other staff were confused and gapped but after she took a piping bag in hand and began to do intricate designs they all went back to what they were doing.
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