Prism University ~ A Pokemon Academy RP [Inactive]

Shura11 updated @King of Imagination

Read the rest of this update entry... 

~Prism University~

The day has finally come for the new school year at Prism university. All the students both old and new are arriving by sea ferry to the port of Tekite island. Old students return happy to see other class mates and eager for the new year and what promise it holds. While new students are excited to start their first steps to becoming masters of their chosen profession.

The boat docks and a whistle blows as the bridge to land is secured allowing the students onto the island. Some students are walking the path to the campus grounds while others are taking advantage of the tram circling back between the school and port.

Role Play is Open! Feel free to start posting!

Mack was still sleeping. It had been a very tiresome day before he got onto the boat. During the trip so far he had only slept 3 hours; he was still very tired. Not even the sound of footsteps made by the new students and their luggage rattling, woke him up, not to mention, the extremely loud whistle made when the ship's bridge was secured onto the dock.

This was not the case for Marek. Mack rarely puts Marek in his pokeball as he thought it was unfair, he wanted his beloved pal to experience the world everyday like Mack always did, being so, Marek was hiding under the bed. He wasn't used to hearing all the kind of ruckus coming from the hallway. He was very scared to the point that he quickly ran from under the bed and jumped onto Mack's belly. This finally woke him up.

"Uuuh, what... what is it now Marek?" He exclaimed as he rubbed his eyes open.

"What's your problem boy. Why do you always have to wake me up when I sleep..." He added.

Mack then started noticing the loud sound of the new student's, which had now gone from the hallway outside his bunk, to what seemed to him, to the side of the ship. He seated himself up in the bed, curious, and he peeked out the window. I guess you can say, that he was lucky he was in the side of the ship facing the port itself, if it wasn't, well, he would have thought that everyone was just simply in the deck having a good time, and would have gone back to sleep.

"Oh, ooooh, no no no no no no no, dang it!" He exclaimed, he quickly turned his head to Marek who was still sitting on his belly. "Oh if only you could tell me how long I overslept." He said to Marek. He picked up Marek and placed him on the floor, allowing Mack himself to get up, which he did so. Mack was sleeping with his casual jeans, socks, and undershirt on. This allowed him to waste almost no time as he took his boots, slide them on and tie them, and then grab his jacket and put it on.

"All right... umm, what else, oh yes." He remembered that in a situation like this i'd be good to put his watch on, not to mention that Mack is always careful about time, and generally did not like to go out without his watch. He grabbed his backpack, his only luggage, and opened it, which contained extra pairs of underwear's, socks, short pant's, jeans, undershirt, a small bottle of perfume and his watch, and also, Marek's pokeball.. He grabbed the watch and strapped it on his right hand wrist. Then he closed his backpack and putted it on. He looked at Marek.

"Let's make haste, and stay close to me all right?" He said to Marek while pointing to the floor next to him. Marek walked beside him. "Let's go" He opened the door and proceeded to the hallway, he ran all the way to the deck. The smell of the sea disgusted him, since a boy, unlike his father or uncle, he always hated the sea and has always been afraid of it. He ran to the bridge which led to the dock, and upon setting foot on the dock he quickly exclaimed: "Whoo, finally off that boat. I think I lost count of the times I vomited on it." He looked around and located 2 groups of people: One boarding a tram, which he presumed that it led top the campus grounds, and another one that was walking on a path.

"Let's uh, let's walk, with that group of people over there. I need to stretch my legs and i'm sure you too." He said to his companion. And so they did, the ran until catching up with the group but did not join it, instead he slowed down and started walking at the pace of the group, at the end of it.
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As the blonde rose up from bed, he could see from outside of the window that the boat was still moving. There were crystal clear waters from what he could see out the window, and he sighed. He saw that his companion was sleeping on top of the table that was in the room, and sighed. "Cyrus." He called out to the blue furred fire type, and smiled. "Wake up, we're gonna get ready now." After a quick wash-up, the blonde fixed his hair, and then proceeded to put on his black cargo pants, an average white tee, and his favorite black vest. He proceeded to put on his fingerless gloves, and made sure he had all of his equipment. "Pokedex, Pokewatch, Cyrus' ball, Cyrus... And.."

He searched for his wallet, which had 3000 poke in it. However, he couldn't find it, causing him to panic. As he frantically searched the room, he noticed Cyrus had something in his hands. He jumped up onto the bed, and the blonde could see that it was clearly his wallet. "Oh thanks Cyrus! I think we're ready now." The Cyndaquil reached for his master's hand, as if he were balling up a fist. The boy smiled, and gave his companion a fist bump, and let him crawl up his shoulder.

Feeling confident and ready, the boy walked out into the open, and could see that the boat was getting ready to dock. A number of students walked by him, some even talking among one another. Those were most likely sophmores, who by the looks of it, had experience on the island. The blonde smiled, and looked to the sky, thinking about the promise his mother made with him. "Four years mom...Just you wait!" With excitement and energy to his step, the blonde took his first step onto the island.

With a smile, he looked at Cyrus, and headed toward the university. Luckily for him, he'd found a complementary map in the room he was given, since he'd lost the brochure for the school. Unable to be patient, the boy began running toward the university. The Cyndaquil jumped ahead from his shoulder, and decided to run with the blonde boy.
The girl was walking off the boat with her luggage in tow. Her Bayleef followed her close behind, with Eevee on her back. The Eevee was mystified by the place around her. "Oh, that's right. You've never been here before, Cherry. Well, we'll just have to give you the grand tour later. Right guys?" She called back. Zero the Pikachu, with his signature ring mark on his forehead, ran up and crawled onto her shoulder, smiling excitedly as Graceon the Absol walked beside his trainer quietly, red eyes cast down.

"Awwwww, c'mon, Graceon. Perk up. You'll be back to your usual prowling grounds soon." She reached down and shook his head playfully, with a smile on her face as she gazed at her grumpy friend.

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Mack was still walking along the small group of people. After a while he noticed that he should have arrived more prepared. He saw people with their Pokedex's, Pokewatch, map's of the island, brochure's of the school and most importantly, money.

"Uncle Wally should have told me about this with more anticipation. Not at the last moment." He sighted. "Everyone is all geared up with their fancy toys... money, clothes, i'm here with this busted up backpack, this teared up jacket... plain black undershirt... ugh I just. I don't know." He muttered to himself.

In front of Mack was a blonde boy with a black vest and a Cyndaquil. Mack looked closely to see a map in the boy's right hand. "I just need to get orientated on the island." Mack said to his buddy, Marek.

Mack paced up his walk to catch up with the boy. "Excuse me, I was wondering if you'd let me look at your map so I can get familiarized with the island." He asked to the young boy @Kiothaeus
Mari leaned on the rails outside on the balcony of her room. This was a moment se wouldn't miss, the morning sunrise shining down on the island. She had woken early just to see it, something she missed last year and swore never to miss again.

Aipom jumped up and perched himself on the railing of the balcony holding a small bag in his tail filled with little trinkets from home that he liked to bring with him. Things like shells or rocks from the beach, or game pieces he found lying on the floor or under couches that supposedly went missing.

She gave him a quick scratch on his head before walking back inside and grabbing her luggage and bags. "Another school year an this time you will have friends" she tapped the side of her main bag which contained two more pokeballs. She exited the ship and decided to walk this time and stretch her legs from the long journey on the boat.
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Abigail was practically bouncing in place as she watched the island draw closer. As nice as the long summer break was she was excited to start the new year and learn more about contest battling. She'd spent all summer practicing with her pokemon and even starting to train the newest member of her team little Pix. "This year is going to be so awesome!" She cheered. moving towards the side of the ship where the exit was with the rest of the students once she ship was docked.

Abby looked around at the port spying some familiar faces from the year before along with a lot of new students.
"Wow... the school just keep getting bigger." she smiled "I can't wait to see how everyone summer was." she dug into her messenger bag retrieving one of her pokeballs she smiled. She didn't want to let her pokemon out because of how crowded the ship had been plus she new two of her pokemon weren't good with crowds. But she new Hex was dieing to get out of his pokeball. "Alright Hex come on out!" She called tossing the ball up into the air. With a flash of light a purple ghasly appeared above her letting out a happy cry as he wized around his trainer excitedly. Abby chuckled "Alright, alright yes I know I'm excited to. so how about we make our way to the school!" "Gastly!" Hex agreed before speeding forward with Abby right behind.

Abby spotted a familiar Aipom sitting a top a girls shoulder with long black hair and smiled.
"Mari!" She called while waving her arm.

The blonde could see the university in the distance, and he was relieved. It seemed that he could stop running now, and take sort of a victory walk. As soon as he slowed down, the blonde heard a voice from behind him. He turned, to see a boy around his age, with a Pokemon from a different region. Immediately he pulled out his pokedex, and scanned it. It gave him a brief explanation on what it was, causing him to smile. He looked up at the boy again. "Oh, sorry, I've just never seen that type of Pokemon before so I thought that I should get data on it.." He scratched the back of his head, and gave a nervous laugh and smiled gently.

Cyrus noticed the pink pokemon as well, and crept closer to it. The Cyndaquil smiled, and stuck his hand out to greet the Whismur. "My map? Sure thing!" The boy smiled, and handed him the map as they walked closer to the school. He noticed that the boy wasn't really prepared for Pokemon Training, which would mean that he wasn't a battle trainer. "So what school do you plan to attend- ?" Mid sentence, the blonde realized he didn't introduce himself. He felt pretty embarrassed, and then laughed again. "Before that, I should introduce myself... My name is Luxian. You can call me Lux. My partner over there is Cyrus. Nice to meet you!" The boy had a lot of enthusiasm while talking, showing the excitement he had. He stuck his hand out for a shake, hoping for a greeting back.

Mari sharply turned behind her, aipom almost losing his balance on her shoulder. It took her a while to process who was calling her name, aipom realized it before her and launched himself off of her Shoulder scampering toward Abby. "AIPOM AIPOM!" He said excitedly bouncing onto her shoulder and climbing on her arms and head. Running over herself Mari smiled "Abby" she screamed waving her arm as she ran toward the familiar face. "I almost completely forgot you came here" she laughed pulling aipom off of her and holding him in her arms.

Mack was looking at the map, he was so focused on it he didn't see boys hand waiting for a handshake until the last minute. Mack extended the hand as well and gave a firm grasp and shake to the young blonde. "Very nice to meet a fellow trainer Luxian. My name is Mackauley Fredward van Spunkmeyer. You can call me Mack." Mack said while shaking his hand, until of course he let go, gave another and last look at the map, then rolled it closed, and gave it back to the boy.

"I believe you where gonna ask me what school I plan to attend. I registered myself for the Fluorite academy in the Research department."
Mack said to the young man. Mack looked at the pokedex the boy had... he laughed and then he looked at the boy and said: "Hehehe, quite ironic... I got into the research academy, though I don't even have a pokedex. Ahh irony... So, my friend. What academy did you roll in for?" Asked Mack...

Abby giggled as the Aipom climbed up to her. "Ah its wonderful to see you to, Aipom" she chuckled as the pokemon settled on her head pushing her hat down over her eyes. "Ah it was a long summer." Abby grinned fixing her hat when she was relived of the monkey pokemon. Hex came from behind Mari and circled around going to lick the girl before Abby stopped him. "Ah! No! We talked about this no licking!" She scolded earning a grumpy pout from the ghost. "Don't be like that." Abby smirked digging into her pocket and pulling out an organ berry which Hex happily ate up. Abby chuckled offering one to Aipom as well. "So how was your summer break?"

Aipom took it graciously and ate it happily in Mari's arms. She laughed a little at hers excitement and turned her focus to Abigail "it was amazing, as a welcome home gift my parents found me an eevee, and over the summer it evolved into an Espeon". She nodded "and then for my birthday I got a torchic, he's picky" Mari smirked and turned to start walking towards the admissions office for room assignments "how was yours?"

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"Luna! Use Quick Attack to close the distance, but before you tackle it use Dark Pulse!" Vic barked commands at his Umbreon and she obeyed them without any issues. The black colored fox sprinted across the forest floor, it's blue designs becoming luminescent from the low light through the trees. Before making contact with the green and gold Pokemon called Electrike, Victor's Umbreon lept back and released a pulsing wave of dark energy. It was a direct hit! "You're doing great, Luna! This is too easy for you huh?" A large smile spread across Victor's face in response to the superb performance. The Electrike recovered quickly from the ground though, releasing a hardy bark before charging back into the fight. It's elongated head began to cover with sparks of electricity. It looks like it's trying to use Spark. A pretty strong attack. "Dodge it, Luna! Hurry!" Victor's call was too late though and the Umbreon was shot off it's feet into a nearby tree. The damage from the combined effects were considerable.

A small burst of static raced across Luna's body. Damn. She's paralyzed. Her special ability might help them out here though. Luna struggled to her feet and the Electrike growled in response, still prepared to battle. The Umbreon's body markings began to glow a bright blue now, Synchronize taking effect. The Electrike was now paralyzed as well! Great! Tightening his fists, Vic barked a new command to his dark Eeveelution. "Now! Use Double Team! Keep doing that until I tell you to stop!" Luna nodded with a grunt and began the technique. She faded in and out of view, before appearing to multiply. The Electrike wasn't planning on waiting around and rushed in, trying a Tackle. It missed, running through a shadow copy of Vic's Umbreon. Afterwards, it became stunned as the paralysis took effect. Sure, Luna had been affected by the paralysis a couple times already as well, but you couldn't notice due to the sheer number of copies on the field now.

Vic figured this tactic had given him enough time to attack again, if Luna became paralyzed there would still be many copies before the Electrike got lucky and hit the right one. The green dog growled in frustration. "Alright! Time to finish it! Luna, use Psychic!" All of the copies' eyes lit up simultaneously. Each one glowing a bright purple as they focused on the electric Pokemon. Easily hitting it. The damage it received appeared to be too much as it lost balance and collapsed. Pulling a paralyze heal from his bag, he sprayed his Umbreon with it and placed a marker in the ground by the defeated Pokemon. The marker notified personnel on the island to collect the Pokemon for healing.

Sure, Victor could have came around the same time as all the others usually did. However, if he didn't have the dedication to arrive earlier and train, how could he become one of the greatest trainers of all time? The satisfaction of victory was apparent on his face. The Umbreon appeared to share the same appreciation for the battle. The trainer crouched and pet his Pokemon before activating her Pokeball. The red laser pulling her in. "Good fight, Luna...I always enjoy battling with you." The words were as sincere as he could make them sound.

Now. Time to meet the newbies; hopefully someone challenging is among them. Vic released Ali, his intimidating Hitmonchan and they both made their way out of the forest and to a PokeCenter closest to the docks in hopes of meeting new, or even old friends.

Victor handed over Luna's Pokeball at the counter and moved to stand and lean on a nearby wall in a "Cool Guy" pose. His arms crossed, one leg up, the bottom of his foot resting against the wall. Ali punched the air nearby, and made sure to pause every once and a while to glare at passing trainers. He was such a great Pokemon for intimidation. Vic couldn't help but smirk slightly at his Pokemon's performance.
Lux smiled and took his map back as it was handed to him. Although Mack said he was a researcher, he still didn't look quite prepared. Although there was the fact that he could just be an unprepared freshman, like Lux himself. Putting the thought aside, Lux looked back at Mack as he asked him where he was attending. "My dream is to become the best Battle Trainer there ever was, so..." Lux paused for a moment, as he saw that they were on the campus of the university. He smiled, and turned back to Mack. "I'll be attending the Topaz Academy, Home of the Battlers." He felt Cyrus crawling up his back, and then onto his shoulder.

Luxian pointed to the building in front of them, and explained what he had to do. "Well, I've got to stop here to figure out what I do next. See ya around, Mack." Luxian waved goodbye, and headed into the student services building, hoping to find out what the freshmen on the island should do next. Also, finding his dorm room was something a priority as well.

"Oh wow that's great! Congrats on growing your team! I got an Eevee over the summer as well, parents gave me an egg over the summer to take care of and it hatched half way though." Abby smiled. "Other than that my summer was pretty good. Spent most of it helping my parents with the farm and berry orchard. When I wasn't busy with that I was training Hex and Selene, my ralts. Oh She evolved over the summer! Just last week I'm so proud of her. She get nervous around crowds so I'm going to let her out much later when everything settled."

"Oh that's right you have that orchard, you need to show me some time" she nodded letting aipom perch on her shoulder. "Do you mind if we stop by the schools poke center? I want to see if I can help out there again like I did last year" she smiled and looked in its direction seeing victor, "hmmm he looks kinda familiar"
"Yeah good luck man." Mack replied as the blonde boy wandered off.

Mack had memorized the map, so he knew where to go. He looked at Marek, whilst walking toward the Student Services building.

"He looked like a nice guy. I bet everyone here is interested only in the Topaz Academy, just, beating up their pokemon's in battle... I don't think I have the will to put you to the test bro, hehehe, so don't sorry to much." He said to Marek. Quickly, he stops looking at Marek and places his vision on the Student Service's building entrance. "Let's just... find out where our dorm room is, I am extremely battered could use some sleep."

Marek entered the Student Services building, it was extremely corwded, then he walked over to a big counter with assistant's all over it. One of the assistant's asked him if he needed anything, Mack stepped over where she was. "Yes um, i'd like to know where my dormitory is ma'am." The assistant took out a envelope, which she opened and it contained all the names of the student's and their perspective dorm room's. "What's your surname?" She asked. "van Spunkmeyer ma'am." Mack replied.

The assistant quickly located him on the list.
"Mackauley Fredward?" She asked to confirm the identity. "Yes." Mack replied. "Ah yes, your dormitory room is located on the dorm complex to the right, it is Room 192, on the ninth floor Mr. van Spunkmeyer." The assistant replied. "All right thank you ma'am."

Mack quickly went outside, and then took a gander of the dorm complex on the right from bottom to top, as the assistant described. As he looks at the top he exclaims:
"Ninth floor... how bout' that Marek..." He walks toward's the entrance of the building, he looks at Marek as he pushes open the door and add's to his previous statement: "It's high up, and you know I like long height's."
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Stone looked out over the campus, a smile on his face. While most people seem more friendly when they smiled, his smile was chilling and sinister. He had already sent several students scurrying off with their tails between their legs. These students would be fun to mold. He wasn't intentionally scary, but he realized that when students were afraid of you, they were far easier to control. His smile slipped away, returning him to his somber look of indifference. He was less frightening this way. He wasn't doing this to scare students, he was preparing them. He was also waiting and watching for a student full of confidence. Over confident students weren't usually afraid of him, at least, not until they were picked for the first battle against him. Each student battled him at the beginning of the year, and the end of the year. The difference between how long they last the first time, and how long they last the final time, showed how much they'd improved. Against most of the Freshmen, he used 3 of his pokemon, usually Kangaskhan, Smeargle, and Gallade. The Sophomores got the full team, but no mega evolutions. Juniors got one mega evolution, usually his Kangaskhan. Seniors rarely lasted more than two minutes, because he tears into them. Only one student had ever beat him, and she went on to be champion of his home region.

He stood, watching the crowd, waiting for the ceremonies to begin. He was expected to give a speech. He had something special planned. These kids were going to be scared into submission.

As the students arrived on campus there were staff members dressed in either yellow, blue or purple polo and white hats who were handing out maps of the school along with assisting students find their way.

Students who went to the student service building found a loud crowed of students and staff. Students who lost their room assignments or needed to do something with registration or changing their information found them selves here waiting in lines to try and be helped, thankfully things were moving quickly due to all the upper-class men who volunteered.

The plaza behind student services was also crowded with students meeting up and catching up with one another. Music was playing and there was free food for anyone or pokemon who was hungry, as well as some free-bees like Frisbees, lanyards, pens etc.

Students trying to find their dorms found it with relative ease although moving could prove difficult with everyone trying to get in and out of the halls.


Two living areas, each have: two beds which adjust in height up to 5ft, two dressers, two closet areas and two small desks and a bathroom. There is a common area between the two living areas which lead out into the hall.

@King of Imagination @Ethreal Oatmeal @Falling In Hate @KeyHolder

Feel free to group up in dorms as you want, you can discus this in the OOC board, just remember this isn't Co-ed

"Sure thing. Maybe we'll see some other trainers from last year." Abby nodded before looking over in the direction Mari pointed. She spotted the older teen and tilted her head. "Oh yeah... that's Victor. He's in the Topaz Academy from what I remember. Really serious when it comes to training and battling."
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"Oh yea i remember him, during those battle workshops we all went too he was really intense." Mari went inside to talk to the lady at the desk, a few minutes later she walked back out with a uniform in her arms and a big smile on her face "ok now for rooms, I heard there was a new design this year, that they were a little bigger?" She looked at her friend.
Abby nodded slightly. "Yep, I looked it up online. they have a lot more space now." she rummaged through her bag pulling out an envelop or papers. "From what I remember my room is in the East Hall, Floor 4 room 429"
When Mack entered the main lounge of the complex, it was extremely crowded. He thought to himself, that the hallway's where probably gonna be crowded as well, so he decided to put Marek in his pokeball since he knew it would make it easier for him to navigate the hallways. Marek never liked being in a pokeball. So Mack waited until Marek was distracted... it happened, Marek was paying attention to another pokemon a student had, in that moment Mack wasted no time taking out his pokeball from his backpack, pressing the button on it, and retrieving Marek into it, without saying anything at all. When Marek was in the pokeball, Mack placed the pokeball in his backpack once again.

Mack looked arround, he thought obviously how crowded this place was, elevator's are not a good choice, but at the same time, a staircase to the ninth floor is a long way, but in the end he decided to take the stairs. He located them and quickly started running up, until he reached the ninth floor... and as soon as he set foot onto the hallway's of the ninth floor, he opened his eyes widely while seeing that the hallway's are extremely crowded. "Great." He exclaimed furiously. He quickly started looking for his room, he located room 180, then 181, and started following them until he reached his room: 192.

He quickly opened the door, ran in, and slammed as if someone where chasing him. He proceeded to sit on the floor, laying his back on the door.

"Place is so crowded I can barely breath..." He said while catching his breath. He looked arround and saw 4 doors, 2 on each side, a couch in the right side, a table in the corner of the right side, and a couch like seat at the other end. "The heck is this? Where in the name of Arceus is my bed?" He exclaimed furiously as he did not see any bed's nor was aware of the general room layout.

He remembered about Marek. He took off his backpack, opened it, took out the pokeball, and then proceeded to press the button releasing Marek. Marek quickly ran around for a while, then continued to run under the table in the corner. *chuckles* I'm sorry bro, place is just TOO crowded for ya'."

He stood up and then proceeded to open the right door that was next to him, revealing a bathroom. He closed it, did the same with the other door on the left side, yet revealing another bathroom. "I want my bed... too tired..." He exclaimed while directing himself to the upper left door, opening it and revealing 2 bed's. "Oh great! Good!" He did not even bother going back to grab his backpack which he left laying on the floor, he just ran and jumped on the first bed.

"Aaaaaahh..." He exclaimed while laying on the bed, hugging his pillow.
Mari fished out her room assignment out of her bag "how wonderful, I'm in the con joining room next to yours" she smiled and laughed a bit, heading towards the building "do you think we'll be rooming with some freshman? The juniors and seniors still make me a little nervous"
Cross, now with all her things, was walking to her dorm, "East Hall, floor 4, 429... I hope I'm not stuck with freshmen.... Right, Zero? We want a room ALLL to ourselves." The Pikachu nodded and exclaimed, "Pika!" as Cherry the Eevee joined him on the ride with Cross, only sitting on her other shoulder. "Hey, when did I become a taxi?" She exclaimed, laughing at the two as she started to lose her balance on her way into the dorm. "One of you get off before I fall over and take you two with me!" The two then proceeded to start shoving each other over her head.

"Hey! That's not what I meant!" In the end, Eevee was off and landed flat on her face, and Absol picked her up by the tail and carried her that way behind his trainer, looking sick of the two already..

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