Prism University ~ A Pokemon Academy RP [Inactive]

Abby jumped hearing the announcement "Oh! better hurry before we miss it. I missed it last year and I wont do it again!" She said before hurrying down stairs. Thankfully most of the students were all heading the same way so getting to the plaza was no issue this time around.
Hal rolls his eyes at the announcement. He really hated these types of school functions, and he had almost forgotten about it, until the cheery voice had so casually reminded him. "H-hey! Wait up!" He called after Mack as he followed him towards the stage. He noticed a stern looking man off to the left of the stage that he recognized as Professor Stone. He knew better than to wave, so he just stared for a moment and then directed his eyes back to Mack. "Hey, see that guy right there? Thats Professor Stone the head of the Topaz Academy. He has the strongest team of pokemon I've ever seen. His Tyranitaur is fearsome to say the least."
"Yeah I know buddy Professor Alexander Moon Stone from Kalos. Has been on this island for the past 13 years. His current team is composed of um, IF, I remember correctly, a Kangaskhan, Garchomp, Smeargle, Gallade and the Tyranitar you mentioned. Don't worry, I might not look prepared visually but I assure you I did studied, read and researched on the professor's and classes here... which is ironic cause' when I first stepped on the port, I wasn't familiar with the island itself nor had a map." Said Mack very quickly.

He looked at Hal and added to his previous statement: "Let's just hear the speech, once it's done, we will grab whatever food is left, go to out room and continue the conversation there how bout' that Hal?"
"Meet me in the cafe later!" She yelled, she didn't really not her going to this one this year, it was going to be the same as last year and she wanted to give time for her pokemon to get used to the room. She let them settle with their bowls of poke food "now you guys share with the others if they want some ok?" She nodded and went back into her room to unpack
Hal stares blankly at Mack after the encyclopedic outburst of knowledge. "You sure know a lot...well...anyway yeah that sounds like a plan." He becomes silent and turns to face the empty stage. He was becoming anxious to get this over with, and so was Combo. With all of a sudden, Combo jumps up and stands on Hal's shoulders, causing him to sway a bit. "Ooof! Hey yknow you're not a torchic anymore!" Combo rubs the back of his head sheepishly and looks around for other pokemon.

Principal sapphire came up in front of the stage once everyone had gathered with the Asst. Principal Amber who took to the mike first. The same cheery voice that made the announcement before again welcome the students. "Hello students and welcome again to Prism University. I hope you are all excited for the new year to come because we have a lot of big things planned!" She announced, then waited for the excited students to settle down before introducing the principal.

"I am happy to see a lot of familiar faces and a lot of new ones as well." Sapphires voice wasn't as cheery, it was more serious but held some warmth to it. "As a good number of you have already noticed there are more students on campus this year than before. You would be corrected, we enrolled over 100 more students than our usual allowance thanks to the renovation in the dorms and new classrooms that were built. Along with the addition to the school the curriculum has been updated meaning thing are going to be a lot harder this year. However this also mean you will all be better prepared for the competitive world once you finish your studies here." there was an applause before Mrs. Amber took the stage once more. "Well lets not prolong things any more I'm sure you are all eager to finish settling in. Next up Is Professor Stone, Head of Topaz Academy."

Stone walked up to the mic, cleared his throat, and glared at the crowd until it was dead quiet. He then took a breath in, and began.

"Welcome to Prism University. I hope you're all enjoying your first day, especially those enrolled in Topaz School. Because starting tomorrow until the end of the year, you are going to feel pain like you've never experience. You will eat, sleep, and breathe battle. Some of the greatest trainers in the world have come through my program. The current Kalos Champion, Diantha, was one of my students.

Now, some of you may believe yourselves to be good battlers. I'm going to prove you wrong. You are still so weak and inexperienced, like a Starly fresh out of the egg. And I am going to push you out of your nest with a hundred pound weight tied to your ankles. So get ready.
" He stepped away from the mic and nodded to Principal Sapphire.
Hal clapped as Professor Stone approached the mic and fell silent. As he went through his speech, Hal could feel a rock sinking in his stomach. "I will eat sleep, and breathe battle.." He repeated to himself, drivin the words into his head. "You ready for this? You might even evolve by the end of the year" He said to Combo, who was standing on his shoulders. "Busken"
Cross looked out her window at the presentation, afraid to leave Eevee alone for a second. She didn't mind not being, "present", the shpeal was the same every year she heard. So instead, she lay on her bed and spread out her bedspread- a set of green sheets with a comforter that had flower patterns to the likeness of the flowers on a Meganium.

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Mack heard Hal say those word's, he could tell that Hal, in some way's, was very fond of Professor's Stone hard personality... or just maybe a will guess of Mack.

@Falling In Hate
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Abigail sighed softly. She was not exactly too fond of Professor stone. He inspired most of his student to strive for greatness but she didn't agree with how harsh and unforgiving the man was even towards students. The man was down right frightening in person.
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Cross chuckled at the," Tough" professor stone. He wasn't so bad. Meanwhile, her Pikachu joined her at the window, looking down with his face against the glass. Soon Eevee and Bayleef joined in, looking down at the other students. She stared for a while before stretching and walking away from the window, and laying down on her bed, staring at the ceiling now...

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Once Professor stone stepped down The head of Zircon Academy, Professor Peirdot took the stand congradualting the new students of the Zircon academy for getting in and welcoming back returning students. She spoke of the challenges that awaited hers students and there is beauty in power. She warned her students that even thought she might be kind she is not lenient and wont accept anything and her students best.

The Professors of the Fluorite Academy were up next each congratulating and welcoming their students to the school. Professor Jade spoke of a new project on campus of starting the schools own berry garden around the Fluorite Buildings. Professor quarts was welcoming and warm as usual cautioning the students about over stressing them selves or their pokemon and how there were several clinic and heal centers around the school they could stop at.

Lastly was Professor amethyst, the slightly older woman with dark purple hair stood up took the stand informing that she was the head professor of the Fluorite research branch.

"This year is going to be more exciting than the last. There are numerous projects and field studies planned both on the island and off. More books and videos have been added to the library and several of the professors from other regions had been invited to come speak at the school over the coarse of the year. I encourage not only my students but all of the students here at the University to take advantage of the seminars and speakers visiting the university to expand your knowledge and be come the best trainers and students you can be."

Mrs. Amethyst nodded slightly to the crowed as they applauded once more before Mrs Amber took the stand once more. "That concludes the opening assembly. All freshmen who have yet to have your I.D. picture taken please visit the Library behind the Fluorite Academics building in order to have it done. Enjoy the festivities and settling in because Tomorrow start the real challenges."

The staff and professors all stepped down off the stage to mingle and get to know some of the students. The principal however had to go off to take care of some business along with the asst principal Amber.

"Very elaborate speech this year, Amethyst. Well done." Cross clapped slowly, still on her back. "Well done. I almost moved... Almost." It was at that moment, a large wooden instrument appeared on the side of the bed, with the help of some vines. "Oh, what? You want me to play my guitar? In the dorm?"

Four heads nodded. Even Graceon, from where he sat in the corner.

"I'm sure there are rules against this.... But hey. Nobody is here. One song can't hurt. But this is the only time today, okay?"

The room erupted in joyous Pokemon cries as Cross began to play, the dorm suddenly filled with guitar music and her own sweet singing.

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Abby dispersed with the rest of the students heading to the food stall inside the plaza to get some food for her and her Pokemon. She didn't doubt they were probably hungry by now and wanted out of their pokeballs. She waited in line patiently hopping the lines didn't take too long.
Phalas was weary to get off the ferry, he wanted to do this but his legs wouldn't move. He had never been anywhere besides Mossdeep City before. Something nudged him a little bit forward ; Phalas looked down to see his Mudkip Scales pushing him with his nose. " I want to get off Scales but I just don't know what will happen when I do." says Phalas, Scales simply nudged Phalas with his nose one more time. "OK OK Scales I will do it, for you." laughs Phalas; he steps off the ferry one foot at a time wondering what thins he will experience. "Well it says that everyone gets to meet their professors, I wonder who the Fluorite professor is." Phalas questions himself; Phalas and Scales head to meet them. "Why hello there, I am taking it you are new here"says a mysterious voice. Phalas turns and sees someone that appears really nice but he is not sure. " I am Professor Jade, what class did you come here for?" Jade questioned Phalas. " I-I am going for the Fluorite class, I want to be a Breeder like my father" stuttered Phalas. "Well I am one of Fluorite's Professors so I hope we get to see eachother" smiled Jade. "Me too Professor Jade" said Phalas quietly. Scales walked from behind Phalas to greet this person. "Oh how cute, Is that your Mudkip?" asked Professor Jade. "Yes this is my Mudkip Scales, he has been with me since I was ten" said Phalas. "Well I have to get back to the meeting, I hope you have a great year." said Professor Jade. "I will Professor and I hope that we will see each other again" Phalas said as they both walked away.
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Henry was usually late for things but this was no ordinary thing he had almost missed his ship and probably missed the opening cerimony. "I can't believed I'm late" he sighed as his misdeavus attempted to make him feel better "your right I shouldn't feel down it will just drown the excitement"

he ran a couple feet before tasting the dirt "this is just great"
As he walked into the student service area, Luxian was surprised. He knew that the university would have a lot of students, but this? It was a lot to swallow. "Well Cyrus, I guess we've gotta push to the front!" Getting there was no easy task, as there were a number of students standing around and talking. The amount of time it took to ask for a dorm number was more than expected. As he squeezed himself out of student services, he noticed a number of Pokemon he'd never seen before in the room, and had the urge to go back. However, the momentum of the crowd pushed him up and out of the center.

"Room 133 huh? What a relief. No climbing!" The Cyndaquil smiled, and let out a small squeal of excitement as they headed for their dorm room. A man in a yellow hat gave Luxian a detailed map of the university. He thanked the man, and headed for the room. After a short trip up the stairs, and going through a large crowd of people, the duo made it to the third floor, surprisingly unscathed. With haste, they rushed into their room, and immediately explored. "Alright, no one's here, and there's a big closet! No refrigerator though." The thought of not being able to store food bothered Luxian, but it didn't dampen the mood too much. Cyrus's stomach growled, signifying that he was ready to eat. "Sure, sure, let me get your poffins out." The word "Poffin" excited Cyrus every time he heard it, as if it revived him. Luckily for Luxian, he was able to make a great recipe for them after researching with his father for so long. It was not only healthy for his companion, but tasty too. As the Cyndaquil ate, there was an announcement. "THE CEREMONY!" The blonde picked up Cyrus as he ate, and ran to the Plaza to hear everything. Lucky for him again, they had just started when he arrived.

Nothing very interesting was said until Mr.Stone went to the stand. "You will, eat, sleep, and battle..." That was the most significant line in that whole speech to Luxian. Rather than promote fear into him, the speech raised his excitement up even more than when he'd first arrived. The rest of the speeches were for the rest of the students, who had their own ambitions and dreams to fulfill. Luxian respected each and every one of them, and looked around at the hundreds- maybe thousands of students gathered in the plaza. As the speeches finally ended, Luxian thought it best to go take his ID picture taken. With haste, the boy and his fire companion headed toward the Library.
As Henry walked into the plaza the croud of students was large they had walked into another direction for some strange reason if only he was here on time. Looks like he will just have to improvise "come on Pandora we can eat later let's go this way" motioning the direction most of the students were going. I'm shure I didn't miss too much he thought to himself if only he knew. The library was quite large but filled with the whole school a box would have been larger.

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"I can't believe they're making us move this year..." Victor said, he wasn't speaking to anyone in particular. After reaching Room 133, he found the common area to be noticeably larger this year. Victor let out a sigh of relief as he and Ali stretched. Vic did notice the crowds were thicker this year, but Ali was a large Pokemon. Victor found that it was not very easy to lose him. After hearing the opening ceremony from Professor Stone, Victor was emblazoned to start classes and battling more teams of Pokemon. The trainer pulled off the last three Pokeballs from his waist, two in one hand, and released his team. The Nidorino, Rex, and Umbreon, Luna, landed neatly on the ground and began exploring the spacious common room. The Spearow, Scout, just fluttered off to perch on a nearby wooden chair. Ali, still stood by Victor's side and gazed around the room nonchalantly.

Victor made his way to his specific bedroom and unpacked all of the things he brought for the year. He noticed his room looked a little barren; but he was okay with it. Too much clutter was never a good thing.

A thought crossed his mind. " I.D." Walking out of his bedroom, he beamed all of his Pokemon into their respective balls. Except Ali of course. Then hurried out of the dorms, brushing past upper and lower classmen alike. When we finally made it to the line, he found that he stood behind what seemed to be a freshman, considering he had a starter Pokemon from his own region. Cyndaquil. Ali stood quietly next to Victor, analyzing all the Pokemon in the line, seeing if he wanted to challenge any of them to a fight.

Mari grabbed one of her bags and headed out for the door "come on guys, they might have some snacks down at the plaza."she smiled as aipom jumped into her arms as excited as ever. Torchic was a little stubborn but flew up to Mari's shoulder anyway, beak in the air, and Espeon quietly followed beside her to the elevator. Walking towards the plaza she kept her eye out for Abby, she had to give her the Low down on the speeches. Aipom saw her first and once again started to dart towards her.

Abby had let her mind start to wander about what kind of challenges. All of the teaches spoke of this year being more difficult than the last which was already hard to begin with! "Maybe I'm over thinking thing's..." She muttered before hearing a familiar Pokemon. She looked around and spotted the Aipom as is ran up to her and climbed up her much like it did before. Abby giggled immediately snapped out of her pensive mood, "Well hello there Aipom, where's your trainer?" She chuckled reaching into her pocket to offer the Pokemon a pecha berry this time.

Mari ran towards Abby chasing after aipom, torchic unprepared for this sudden increase of speed fell off her shoulder and back down on the ground. He got back up and fixed some feathers before turning to espeon as his mode of transportation. "I need to get a better hold of him" she laughed holding aipom. In her arms "he realy missed you, how long have you been waiting in line for food?"
"hmmm about 15 minutes..." Abby replied leaning to see she still had half the line to go. "yeah still another 20 or so" she scratched the back of her head. "I just wanted to get some food for my pokemon and myself. It was a long trip over."


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