Prism University ~ A Pokemon Academy RP [Inactive]

After what seemed like forever, duo made it to the front of the line. He gave a sigh of relief, and took out his companion's ball. "Alright Cyrus, get in here, just for a little while." The pokeball released a red beam, and the fire pokemon got into the ball with no problems. The man in charge of the ID picture taking called the next person up, and asked Luxian to fill out a form asking for his Name, Age, Date of Birth, Year, and Academy. He smiled after finishing up, and sat on the stool. He would have given a really serious face for the picture, but his mother told him to smile. With a sigh, he got his face loose, and smiled brightly. The flash of the camera was bright, and Luxian didn't know whether he blinked or not. The photographer pointed him to the right, where he could retrieve his ID card. However, the blonde noticed something he should have noticed before. A tall, and intimidating looking man-child was standing in the spot where he was just at, suggesting that he was behind him in line. His eyes widened, hoping that the man-child wasn't his age, but older. He also noticed that he had a Hitmonchan next to him, something he would have to put into his Pokedex.

Luxian rushed back, and scanned the Pokemon with his Pokedex. As the Pokedex gave him information on the Hitmonchan, he looked up at its owner. "I'm sure we'll meet in the near future. Sorry for bothering you!" Luxian shook the Hitmonchan owner's hand, and went to get his photo ID. "Luxian Irxsos!" The staff worker in charge of handing out ID cards called his name, and set the card down to his right, toward the exit. Luxian thanked the man, and admired his new ID card. As he looked at his map, he tried to find out where he could eat. He sighed, wondering where he could go, and took Cyrus out of his ball. "Cmon Cyrus, lets go.." The two walked toward the food stalls with less energy, knowing they'd have to wait for another long time in line.

@Ethreal Oatmeal

Hibiki comes a little late this morning so he missed the opening ceremony, he sighed and felt a little disappointed on his way to the university as he could not meet with the freshman. but as soon as he entered the plaza there was a lot of new students who gathered and so many types of pokemon that he could see, this make Hibiki a bit excited as he love to do a pokemon battle, but first he must drop his luggage at his room. Walking to the dorm he can see people is interacting with their pokemon, some of the student asking people to do a battle, and trading their berry too, it was a pleasant view. As soon he arrive at the dorm he search his room "310.. 311... 312... 313... ah there is it! room 314 finally i can drop my luggage". Hibiki use his I.D card to open the door and enter the room, he look around and see if the other student is allready here but for now he just alone, he sit at the nearest bed unpacking his stuff and equiping his Poketch.


Hibiki steped outside his room and throw his pokeball, Picky comes from the inside but he seems quite hungry, "are you okay there Picky? want to grab some food at the plaza?", Picky jumped and feel happy, he dragged his master sleeve toward the plaza.

Cross, done with her guitar, put it away, and slid the case under the bed with her suitcase. "Alright, now that we've got that out of he way, how's about food guys?" The Pokemon all cheered, and she pulled out her bag of Berries, dumping the berries in the floor. The Pokemon all crowded the pile, digging in heartily. Cross, meanwhile, pulled out a bag of potato chips from her backpack, and chowing on that. "I always pack a ton of food..."

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"I have plenty of poke food back at the dorm if you want to give them that" Mari nodded looked back as she saw Espeon and torchic catch up to her. "Although I am a little pecking myself, I went to bed early on the boat instead of going to dinner, I wanted to see the sun rise in the morning " she laughed letting aipom climb up to her head "what was the whole ensemble about this year?"
"Looks like all I need to do now is set up in my room" henry walked out of the library and to the near dorms mostly getting distracted by the big buildings and the students everywhere. Some had pokemon he has never even seen before he had ran to his room where a student was already setting up there stuff. Misdreavus could not wait any longer she dragged him twords the plaza hopping to get her eat on.

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Abby chuckled softly watching the Aipom play. She wanted to let her own pokemon our but knew it was better to do it in the dorm. "Ah you know, New year, new challenges far harder than ever before. Other than that they let in way more students than normal this year... which explains all the crowds. uh... what else..." abbey thought to her self "Oh! Professor Amethyst got some of the other professors from the other region to come speak during the year"

Mari almost had a look of shock "you must be joking, everyone in fluorite is going to be freaking out " she laughed and proceeded forward with the line "my parents are going to freak when they hear" she out a strand of hair behind her ear "what about gym leaders, or the elite four, do you think the school could to them to visit?"
Abby shrugged slightly "I don't know... but given how challenging this year is going to be I wouldn't put it past them to surprise the Academy's with well known or famous trainers and coordinators. Stone did mention the current champion in Kalos was a graduate of his. Maybe she could stop by for all we know."

Hibiki arrived at the plaza but is very crowded here, every shop is crowded with people and their pokemon at this rate he will not be able to buy food for Picky, "sorry dude, i guess you don't have breakfast this morning" Picky disappointed and start giving a sad face to his trainer, "i know you hungry but i dont want to stand all the day just to buy some food", but Picky doesn't want to listen he just getting more crancky and might cause a trouble to the other, no other choice Hibiki decide to ask some of the student to spare their pokemon food or berry.
Henry noticed the hungry pokemon and trainer then walked up to them "I have a lot of extra food from the trip over I wouldn't mind giving you any" he then gave a big smile. The misdreavus flew around in agreement then sat floating near its trainer.


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Hibiki was happy someone willing to help him, "thank you, you hear that Picky? you gonna get some food say thanks to him, by the way are you a new student ? i've never seen your face before". Picky the Timbbur is watching the misdreavus flying around, and he show some interest to her.

"Yup I'm here as a new student but I missed the opening ceremony so I kinda have to figure my stuff out as they go." He gave the pokemon some of his homemade pokefood the followed with giving a berry and honey sandwich to the trainer "I never caught your name"

I walk into the plaza and scope out all my classmates, rivals etc. there was a lot of strong pokemon here. I had Pidgey on my shoulder and Eevee in her pokeball. Pidgey let out a loud sqwuack and flew into the sky. I laughed and contiued walking. "This is gonna be a great year." I said calmly to myself.
"My name is Hibiki Kuze, im the Topaz academy sophomore at this university and my dream is beat the elite four, how bout you? who is your name?"he said as he eat the tasty sandwich given from the boy. Picky got his food and he is happy now, at least he will not make any trouble.

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I could hear another student talking, he was in topaz academy to and he was a sophomore like me. I wanted to go over and talk to him but I could never work up the courage to do that. Pidgey landed on my shoulder and nudged against my head.
Davis was walking through the forest. It was a beautiful thing, this forest. He had one at home, his father had bought it for davis. cyindaquil was hanging out of his backpack. That was its favorite place to chill. "Hey cynida, do you remember when I told you about home, 'bout my forest at home..." Cyndaquil didn't really reply, it was busy sleeping. " Sleeping again." Cyndaquil was alway sleeping, she was cute. But she slept enough for the both of them. "Well anyway my little cyndaquil, this forest is so much like mine." He kept walking through the forest. He had made it back to the campus. "Man this place is nice"
Gold found his way to a bench and let Eevee out of her pokeball. She smiled and curled up in a ball to bathe in the sun. Pidgey also relaxed in the sun. Gold took this time to read upon my books and draw other pokemon he saw.
Once they got their food, Hal and Mack walked back up to room 192. With a turn of the key, the door opened and they walked in. The first thing Hal does is place his food down and flop down on the couch. As soon as he does, he feels a tugging at his sleeve. "Combusken..." He looks down to see Combo tugging at his sleeve, pointing to all the food he just bought. "Oh....right. Sorry Combo." He stands up and starts to unpackage the pokemon food. Combo immediately starts to eat from the dish before he even sets it down. "Oi!!! Thats not all for you!!" He snatches it away and Combo lets out a long sigh. Hal walks over to the cupboard and gets out three other dishes, shoveling some food onto each. He brings the plates over to the table and sets them down a couple feet apart. "Ok guys, time to eat" He walks over to his bag and gets two pokeballs and a great ball, releasing his pokemon from them. In addition to the previous occupants of the room, there was now a Pikachu, a Pidgey, and a Beldum. "Dig in guys!" "Pidgey!!!" His Pidgey and Beldum were the first to start eating, and Pikachu scurried over soon after. Finally he could eat now that he fed his pokemon. He sat down next to Combo and Beldum and started to eat. "So, Mack. Now that you know my team, I feel that Im at a disadvantage. I dont know your pokemon!" He smiled as he ate

"I'm not much of a battler, only if I have too" Mari looked up at the line "hmm you know I might have some snacks in my other bag, I don't think this line is going to move any time soon" she smirked and put the other two pokemon with her back in their balls "did they say anything about an underclass men social? I remember them spitting that around a bit"
Victoria stood from her seat, watching the island draw closer, and closer. "This is it," she thought, "I'm almost there. prism university. where I'll learn to be a coordinator, and not a failure anymore." she clutched Clay, her baltoy, close to her chest. how could the baltoy be so calm, while she was shaking like mad? " all ashore for Tekite island!" a man called out. Victoria clamored off of the boat, trying to be ready for a new adventure.

"excuse me? can anyone help me? I missed orientation and I don't know where to go or what to do!" she sat on a bench and sighed, then spotted a girl with an aipom. she ran to the aipom girl. "maybe she would be kind enough to help..." Victoria thought.

she was busy, though. so victoria sat down and thought. "maybe I should go practice with clay..."
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Mack sat down at the couch like chair at the opposite side of the front door. He took of his backpack and placed it next to the chair, then took off his jacket and placed it on top of the small corner table on his right. He was sweaty surprisingly, after all, it wasn't much of a hot day. His undershirt was all wet, and his pant's where dirty. He looked at himself and contemplated: "Not so fancy..." After a while of thinking about clothe's, he thought to himself: "Hmm, I wonder if I was supposed to ask for a uniform or something like that..." He thought of it for a moment, and he actually got a bit worried, but he decided to just focused on eating.

He picked up his backpack and opened it which still contained all his normal items, except this time, it had 2 brown bags. Firstly Mack took out the pokeball and put it on top of the corner table on his right. Then took out both the brown bags and placed them, yet again, next to the pokeball, on top of the corner table, on Mack's right. He closed the backpack and placed it next to him.

At this point, Hal already had already set down the dishes with the food for his pokemon. And was sitting next to his Combusken and Beldum and was eating, he asked Mack what was his team.

Mack looked at Hal with a bit of a nervous face and replied: "Well, before I show you, keep in mind I am obviously a newb' here, and i'm really not the fighting type of trainer." When he finished this sentence, he went over and grabbed his pokeball. "I hope your pokemon's don't go crazy or something." He added. He pressed the button on his pokeball, and within seconds it unleashed a small Whismur. The Whismur was quickly frightened from Hal's pokemon, and quickly ran to under the corner table.

"His name is Marek. As you can see he is a native Whismur from Hoenn. He was given to my by Fester, a friend of dad, when I was... hmm... I think 5 or 4. Yeah I think when I was 5. Anyway he might not look like much, but i've heard and researched that if it's properly trained, it can become quite powerful. Also not to mention, that Marek is actually shiny, and when taken to my preferred pokemon doctor one time when he was sick, the doctor said that there where marks and structural behavior that hinted he might have his hidden ability. So that combined makes him special and general, and well special to me cause, he's Marek my bud. Also forgot to mention that he was caught in Desert Underpass in Route 114 near Fallarbor Town in Hoenn like, seriously, 7 day's before I got it. I know this because Fester told me back then when he gave it to me, and Fester caught him himself as well." Mack said all this with a smile on his face. He was obviously reminded of when he first got it...

August 21th, a 5 year old Mack and his father, Quent, have just arrived to Canalave City, just finishing moving in. Mack was running around their new house, while his father finished configuring the furniture in the living room. Once Quent finished, he looked at his watch on his right hand. It read, 5:53. Quent then stopped looking at his watch and looked around the living room for signs of Mack. He quickly gave up looking and gave a very sharp shout...

"MAACK!!! WHERE ARE YOU?!" The five year old quickly appeared out of nowhere. A bit frightened because he wasn't used to his dad screaming like that. He did because Quent has never liked moving, and had spent the previous 6 hours just, hauling furniture into the house, he was obviously very tired and was not gonna bother to look for Mack.

"Come with me." His dad said. "Were are we gowin papa?" The five year old asked curiously. "Too see an old friend." His father responded, this time with a friendly tone of voice.

They walked outside, then to the left of their new house, and then behind the house was a Pokemon Center, and to the right of it was a bridge to the other side of town. Now, they walked behind the Pokemon Center and behind it was another house. They walked in front of it and then Quent knocked on the front door 4 times. A man responded quickly and opened the door. "Well, well, reconsidered my offer you cheapskate?" The man asked Quent. "Well I thought it would benefit you since your so lazy." After Quent said that, a silince of about 10 seconds passed, both of the gentlemen seriously staring at each other. Quickly the man at the door smiled and so did Quent. They both proceeded to hug each other. "Aahh is good to see you Quentin." The man said, as they finished hugging. "You too Fester." Reponded Quent. "Well come on in dang it! I could use some company!" They went inside the house and closed the door.

"Damn man! How long has it been? 5, 6 years? I forgot about you for a moment, but when DiMartino told me you lost your job at the Sunnyshore Market and your wife had a kid, I... I really had to hit you up. I could use any people I can get, SPECIALLY and old friend like you." Fester said to Quent very quickly. "Anyway, we start in the end of August. Tell me if you ever need anything." Fester added. "All right thanks Fester I appreciate it." Quent responded. "Oh almost forgot, I got some pokemon's I got in my trip to Hoenn, I was giving them away and ran out, however, I got one left, and you can have it... or your son if you don't want it." Before Quent could even start off his sentence in reply, Fester ran off to his room, and came back with a pokeball. "All right here take it, it's a shiny Whismur I caught in the Desert Underpass at Route 114 near Fallarbor City like 6 or 7 day's ago.Now I don't mean to kick you out but I need some privacy now, I need to prepare myself since i'm going somewhere. Now shoo! Out!" Said Fester as he handed the pokeball to Quent.

When Quent and Mack go outside, Quent looks back to Fester, and say's to him: "I really appreciate this Feast. Really man." "Yeah just remember that when we start working. Hehehe. See you later, and sorry I had to brush you guys off." Said Fester as he closed the door. He was really in a hurry.

"Let's see..." Quent pressed the pokeball button, and it released, a small, cute, shiny Whismur as Fester described. When it was released it was shaking terribly and did not bother on walking around, it just stood there... Fester must have caught it a few days after it was born. Quent smiled. "Mack... this is officially your first pokemon. You can have it." ..........

Mack grabbed one of the brown bag's and opened it. It contained Marek's food, wallnuts, lettuce and his favorite, Nomel Berry's. Mack started feeding his companion, who was still under the corner table. Mack just threw everything down there. "Meh, too lazy." Mack exclaimed. He later, grabbed the other brown bag and opened it containing Mack's food. It had candy, a soda pop and other kind's of sweet. "Normally I have a diet, but for today, I shall eat candy. Hehehe."
Stone was taking his usual stroll of the campus. While he preferred to strike fear into his students, there were those rare students who were late, and they needed guidance on what to do, where to go, etc. He usually found them at or around the front gate, or any of the large parks. He spotted a girl with a Claydol, and was ready to help her, but she ran over to a girl with an Aipom. He continued his walk, looking for any lost students.
"I'm Henry just Henry I don't usually go by my full name I'm going to be a student of Zircon" he then turned to his misdeavus "and this is Pandora she is my trusty partner, were going to be great pokemon coordinator team just like my parents" his eyes twinkled with excitement "so which dorm room are you staying in I'll drop some more sandwiches off there" he wasn't going to waste any of his mothers sandwiches and he hope it would make at least someone comfortable.


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"excuse me!" Victoria called out to a professor.

"the professor may be able to help me..." she thought.

"professor? I'm new and I'm lost, could you help me find out what to do?" she called again.

she hugged clay, the baltoy, tighter to her body and broke into a sprint towards the fierce looking man.

@King of Imagination
When Mack sent out his Whismur ,none of Hal's pokemon really seemed to notice, except Beldum, who had a timid nature. He stared at Whismur for a bit before recognizing him as not threat, and kept eating. "Wow, a shiny Whismur, huh? Do you plan on evolving him to become a Loudred?" He stands up from his meal and walks over to the Whismur, extending his hand. "Hey, buddy! Why dont you come out of there and meet my team! Theyre friends I promise!" He smiles at the Whismur as his pokemon continue to eat

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