Prism University ~ A Pokemon Academy RP [Inactive]

After the boat had docked and everyone disembarked, a tall, slender figure shambled out of the cabins with a suitcase in tow. Shambling out after him was a Combusken. "Back ready for another awesome year, Combo?" "COMBUSKEN!!" "Thats right!" He smiled at his pokemon and they both started up towards the campus. As he walked throught the familiar gate, he breathed in the fresh air. There was a hint of excitement in the air. He felt right at home. After taking in the sight of all the students, he made his way back to his dorm and opened the door. The room was void of all life. "Hmm...maybe my roommate hasnt arrived yet" He shrugged and laid his stuff out on his bed. Once he opened his suitcase, he took out two more pokeballs and a great ball, opening them all. Now in front of him stood Combo and Pikachu, while Beldum and Pidgey hovered in the air. Pikachu dashed around the room, making himself comforable. "Shall we take a walk and check out the competition?" "BUSKEN! COOOOMMBUSKEN!!" They all laughed and started out to the commons.
Abby thought a moment as the two started heading towards their dorm. "I hope its other sophomores or freshmen. upper class men are just hard to deal with..." she thought a loud. "Though most end up getting their own apartments just off campus." she pointed out. "Either way I"m sure we'll be just fine!" She chimed. She noticed the huge crowd going in and out of the Dorm building and sighed. "Well... this isn't going to be any easier than last year that's for sure..."

Once he reached the commons, Hal looked around. There was an unusual number of students there, most likely due to it being the first day. Hal and his pokemon walked over the the center of the plaza and sat down, simply watching people. They did not mind that they were looking strange, just staring at people . In fact, this was a technique that he had his pokemon use to study people and learn behaviors. This was also a way for him to meet new people, seeing as all his best friends had graduated the previous year, so he sat and waited. All his pokemon were able to sit still except for Combo, who would fidget occasionally.
Taking the elevator up to her room, Cross rolled her suitcase to the room and as she was pulling out her keys, all her Pokemon were getting exceedingly excited, Cherry was literally bouncing off the walls while Luna was stomping her four feet and waving her head around, and Zero was doing some weird dance on her shoulder. And then there was Absol. Sitting. on the floor. Like nothing was even going on, not in the least excited. "...You are such a buzzkill sometimes." She said with a laugh to her friend, and when she finally opened the door, the three EXCITED Pokemon rushed in, in a stampede of squeals and cries of happiness as they immediately started to scope out the room.
Mari sighed digging through her bag again pulling out aipoms pokeball. "Come on aipom, you gotta go back just for a few seconds. Don't want you getting lost in the crowd" the purple glow surrounded him as he retreated back into the ball "there we go all safe and sound. I suggest you do the same thing with hex" she nodded considering the large crown, any pokemon would get lost.
Abby nodded pulling her pokeball out of her bag. "Good point. Hex time to come back!" She called. The wandering ghastly tried to zip off but was returned to its pokeball before it could try to escape. "Always the trouble maker." She chuckled softly before tucking the pokeball safely into her bag and grabbing her suitcase once more. "Alright, time to fight the crow!" Abby cheered linking arms with Mari before attempting to weave and push her way through the students who were moving in and out of the building. "Stairs might be safer." She called back to Mari.

Mari nodded trying to keep up and keeping her bags close to her "definitly the elevator is going to be hectic, it's only four floors" she pulled Abby in the other direction towards the stairs she opened the door and squeezed past some more people into the quiet of the stair case. She sat down taking a little breather "I don't remember it being this crowded last year"
Abby panted softly "Prism is getting more popular... more and more of the top trainers, breeders and researchers come out of here the more other want in." Abby muttered. She looked up seeing some people in the hallways but it definitely wasn't as crowded as the lobby. She started climbing the stairs squeezing past a few students who moving their belonging like T.V.s and mini refrigerators. "Mmmm as great as that stuff is I don't think I could have moved it in. such a hassle..." she muttered while climbing the stairs.

Mack was hugging his pillow very hard, he was embracing the fact that this bed, religiously speaking, is a gift sent by Arceus. Marek stood up, and walked over the second bed, which had a window with a perfect view of the Fluorite Academics and the Library and Research complex's, not to mention a small view of the right end of Field B and a small building behind it.

Walking in the room was Marek, he directed himself toward's Mack and jumped on his lap. "Hey buddy." Mack said whilst rubbing his head. Then, he heard like a small, kinda rumbling sound, it was Marek's belly. "Oh now what's that? You hungry? No problem buddy, i'm sure there are some treats outside and such. Just give me a small moment and we will go and grab some food." He slowly pushed Marek of his lap and onto the bed. Mack stood up and walked to the bathroom, he turned on the light and located the sink. He proceeded to wash his face. He turned on the sink and splashed water over his face.

He looked himself in the mirror, and saw Marek at the edge of the door, curiously entering the bathroom. Mack looked back and closed the bathroom door on him. When he went back to the mirror he heard Marek rubbing himself on the door, he exclaimed: "I know your hungry just give me a small while." Marek kept on rubbing the door. Mack sighted and begun to ignore it.

After a small while of looking at the mirror, he noted, a particular bad smell, he closed the sink which had been open all this time and started sniffing. He started noticing the stench apparently came from himself. "Do I smell like crap?" He asked himself... while sniffing his body... nothing. "Where is that stench coming from?" This time when he spoke, the stench became stronger. He spoke again to see if it became stronger. "Hiiiiiiii." The stench became stronger and could now be distinguished as a sort of combo of all kind's of sea meal. "Ahhh disgusting... must be from like the 9 or 1o times I vomited on the trip here... plus those fish and crabs.... ew. I gotta wash my mouth."

He looked for a toothbrush, nothing so far, so he went ahead and opened the compartment below the sink and found all kind's of soap, mouth wash, shampoos you name it, and in the left side was a bunch of packages of toothbrushes. He took one, along with toothpaste and mouthwash and placed it on the sink, opened the toothbrush, then the toothpaste, poured toothpaste on the toothbrush, then he washed his mouth. Upon finishing he took the mouthwash and used it. Once he had moved the mouthwash in his mouth enough he spitted it. "There clean as a whistle."

He placed the mouthwash and toothpaste back in the compartment and closed it. He opened the door, pushing Marek, he quickly ran outside, grabbed the pokeball from his backpack that was still laying on the floor next to the floor and then ran to his room waiting for his companion to come, and once Marek came along he quickly retracted him into the pokeball. "All right..." He went back to where his backpack, stashed the pokeball and the toothbrush he used in it, closed it, putted it on and opened the door to the hallway, which was surprisingly rather empty now, considering it has only been 9 or 10 minutes.

He walked to the exit leading to the staircase and was on his way to look for any treats, lunch areas or anything that involved food for his hungry beloved companion.
"Ahhh.. a bed..." Cross sprawled in the bed that she claimed as hers, watching her Eevee and Pikachu run around the room, under the beds, the desks, the chairs, over the mentioned things, and just in general making a mess. "Cherry, Zero, behave yourselves for God's sake!" Cross flipped so her legs were hanging off the bed, and sighed, watching them as they sped around and around. Meanwhile, Graceon sat perfectly behaved on Cross's bunk, laid down neatly. "Well, you're a good influence at least. And Luna, partially." The poor slow Bayleef was trying to play with the two, but was simply too big to fit under the bed.
As he and his pokemon continued to observe the surrounding crowd, Hal noticed a boy walking out of the dorms. He could tell that this kid was a freshman. For some reason, he felt obligated to wave to this boy, so he did. Instictively, his combusken waved as well.

Mari looked back at the appliances and nodded "I think I get my parents to send me something, it'll be easier to move them when we have the lobby clear, and the elevator unoccupied" she nodded walking down the hall of the fourth floor to their rooms, she heard the sounds of a few pokemon before putting her keys through the door "hmm I wonder if one of our roommates are already in here, I wonder how she got through the crowd so fast"

"She probably came here straight from the boat" Abby chuckled before opening the door and seeing a large room with only a couch and some chairs. "Huh.. this must be the common area." she moved further into the room setting her suit case down. "It is much bigger than it was last year." she remarked before hearing the sound of a pikachu and a bayleaf "must be another sophomore" Abby went over to the room door and knocked on it curious as to who their room mate was.

@JJennibee @explosiveKitten
"Because I already know my way around, so I got here faster." Cross looked out of the doorway, with a half smile on her face. "Hi. You my new roommates? Ignore the sounds of struggle behind me, my Eevee and Pikachu are excitable, come on innn. Freshmen, or sophmore?" She blurted out as an afterthought. The Bayleef and Absol could be seen restraining Eevee and Pikachu, Pikachu safely wrapped up with vines and Eevee hanging gracefully from Absol's jaws by her tail, forelegs crossed over her flank.
Mack noticed a tall man and, also, a red pokemon waving at him. Mack was in a hurry, but it would make him seem very arrogant or so if he continued walking, so it was, he walked over the tall man. "Hello sir. Is there something you need?" Mack asked this particular question since he thought it was not so normal for a man to wave at one particular young boy out of the few that where still in the hallway, and closer to him than Mack.

@Falling In Hate
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Mari peaked around at the jumbled mess of pokemon and laughed a bit "were both sophomores, my room is over there. I'll unpack and then I think I might have some off to keep your eevee occupied" she nodded and walked over to her room finding it empty. She through her stuff on her bed and grabbed her pokemon balls letting the. All out "come guys go meet your roommates" she smiled as Espeon, torchic and aipom came out peaking through the door across the common room. Torchic chirped in protest flying up to the bed making himself comfortable. She sighed and got out some poke food walking out into the common room "anyone want a snack" she shook the box to grab the pokemons attention.
Hal simply blinked and tilted his head. "No, nothing in particular. You just seemed lost or confused. I felt obligated to greet you." He now felt slightly awkward, realizing that he had no business taking this guy away from what he was doing. By this time, Hal's Beldur, Pidgey, and Pikachu were also staring at him. "Were you in the middle of something?" "Pika?"
Abby nodded. "Yep this is my second year here. your pokemon are adorable!" Abby set her stuff down on the free bed on the other side of the room from her new room mate. "I'm Abigail, Topaz Academy." She held out her hand to shake.

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"Not really, is just Marek, my uh my Whismur, he was very hungry so yeah I was on my way to get food for him, and me of course." Mack said. "But I got time sir. May I ask what room did you get assigned to, just curious you know, you don't really have to tell me I mean... uh..." Mack said extremely nervous.

@Falling In Hate
Hal chuckles a little when he sees how nervous this freshman. "Sir? Come now, there no need for this 'sir' business. The names Hal, room 192." He stands up and returns his pokemon to their pokeballs except for combusken. "If you were going to get food, I'll come with you, Im rather hungry myseld" He says with a smile
"Oh room 192? Really? Oh that's my room, I assume your on your way to it correct?" Said Mack with a exited look on his face. He obviously thought it was cool to have the tall man with the amazing Combusken as a partner.

@Falling In Hate
The sudden expression of eagerness reminded Hal of himself. He smiled but shook his head. "You got me in the mood for food, bud. How about we get some food to go and eat in our room! We can get more acquainted there. Sound good?" A low grumble can be heard and at first Hal thought is was him, then looked over at Combo who was holding his stomach and blushing. "HA! You hungry Combo?" "B-busken..." "Alright Ill get you some food too. Might as well feed the whole bunch while I'm at it. guys are gonna eat me out of house and home....anyway...*he faces Mack* Shall we? uh...I never got your name"

All around the the campus the speakers chimed signalling an announcement about to be made. A cheery voice came over the speakers. "Welcome students new and returning to Prism University. Those of you who have settled in Please gather by the plaza for the Welcome assembly for the new year. See you all soon. And please remember, there is no battling allowed on school ground unless they are in a designated arena area." There was another chime before the P.A. was turned off.

By the plaza a metal stage folded out over the large fountain before rising to become a stage where all the head professors and main administrative staff started to gather in order to welcome the students.

@King of Imagination @Ethreal Oatmeal
@Falling In Hate @KeyHolder

"Mackauley, you can call me Mack" Mack's face turns from happy to shocked upon hearing the voice of someone apparently speaking from a microphone. "A ceremony? Oh... we are late man come on let's go!" Said Mack as he ran off.

@Falling In Hate
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Stone stood off to the left on the stage, his glare passing over students as they settled in their places. He had prepared his speech quite some time ago. It was rather simple and concise, but got his point across rather nicely. If you wanted to get through his course and graduate, you had to put 110% into everything. Otherwise you were going to fail. And failure was not an option at Topaz. Failing meant immediate termination of your enrollment.

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