Prism University ~ A Pokemon Academy RP [Inactive]

Stone turned around, nodding to the girl.

"My name is Proffesor Stone, and yes, I assume you were late and missed orientation?" He knew she was, otherwise she would not be asking.

"You are a freshman, based upon the patch you carry. A Zircon." He pulled a map out of his pocket, handing it to the girl. "Go to the main office," he pointed to the main building, "to recieve your room number and your class assignment, then go to the library," he pointed to it, "to get your ID picture taken. From there, go to your assigned dorm," he pointed to the dorms respectively, "and unpack. Classes begin tomorrow."

@soul of steel
Abby sighed getting irritated with the line, until she saw there were only a few people ahead of her. "Ah possibly, they mentioned one being held possibly at the end of the week to kind of celebrate surviving our first week here."

Listening to Stone's introductory speech, Revic wondered if he was the only person there that didn't want to be there.

When Professor Birch had broke the news to him that he was going to be transferred to an official battling school, he had shouted and ran out of the lab. Sitting under the light canopy of Route 101, he had recounted his life so far, a life that could continue along inconsequentially without learning how to fight. Violence was a terrible thing, and only caused more trouble...

A suited man stands over him, huge fist raised. "Pokemon are tools, not friends!" He roars. The fist rushes towards his face like a plane heading for a crash landing. Blackout.

A simple wood house upon a grassy hill, burning viciously. Angry people of all shapes and sizes surround it, cursing and chanting. Revic feels himself scream. Blackout.

Birch has found him later, of course, and had consoled him, the scientist's bear-like arm wrapped around his should, with sweeping statements. "You have real potential as a trainer, potential I'd hate to see go to waste." But Revic hadn't cared about wasting potential, nor about the scientist's excessive comments. He just wanted to live his own way.

Some say that people's fates are written at birth; a successful child becomes a successful adult. And thus with that principle, Revic's childhood of tragedy would give birth only onto new tragedy.


There came a gentle knock on the door of Hal and Mack's dorm. Revi stood outside, Sneasel at his side, waiting for an answer. This is it. Time to meet my roommates!

@MackSpunkmeyer @Falling In Hate
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"thank you so much, professor stone." he was walking in the other direction as Victoria began to walk to the main office.

the muscles in Victoria's arms began to burn. "hey, Clay, I think its time for you to float. my arms are tired from carrying you, a backpack, and 2 suitcases..." Victoria set clay down gently as she could, as he lifted right back up to her waist height. for ten minutes they walked.

"oh look, Clay, we're here." Victoria held clay tight again and went into the brick building.

Victoria did the mundane talking with the admins on how she was late because she missed the boat, and got her paperwork sorted out.

"you're in building B-2, fourth floor , room 12. now you have to go to the library to get your ID." the woman smiled. the young lady was nicer than the head admin at Victoria's old school.

"and may I offer advice? don't be late to classes, that will get you kicked out."

"good to know." Victoria smiled pleasantly.

Tori managed her way to the library, got her terrible id photo taken, and got to her dorm, all with relative success.

besides clay being dropped a few times.

"OK, Clay, time to rest." she laid him on a bedside table and wrapped him in the quilt her mom made for her.

"bal..." he yawned.

she unpacked, put her stuff into a closet, tucked Clay into the nightstand drawer, and went to bed.
Hal had already placed his hands around the Whismur when he stood up to face the door. "Hm,who could that be?" He walks over to the door and opens it to see a boy and his Sneasel standing there. "Can I help you, bud?" He blinks and tilts his head

Hal stared blankly as Revic walked past him into the dorm. Hal's Pidgey flies right up to him and observes as Combo and Pikachu finish their meals. Beldum hovers up in the air and stares at Revic. A voice is heard right behind him as the door shuts. "Im Hal, and thats Mack. I guess you're our other roommate, huh?"
"Well, those are my pokemon. This shiny Whismur here is Mack's." He sets down Whismur and watches as it scurries back to Mack. "Mack, this is Revic. He is our new roommate. So, Revic. I assume you've got pokemon of your own?"
"A shiny Whismur, cool." Revic glanced over at the timid creature before standing up. He then indicated to the rather obvious Sneasel stood beside him. "This is Sneasel, my friend." he announced. Sneasel bowed politely, rushing over to the Whismur and waving in a friendly manner.

@MackSpunkmeyer @Falling In Hate
Mack stands up from his chair and heads over to Revic. "Ok, i'm gonna say this straight up. I don't like Sneasel's, they are Dark pokemon, i've had MANY bad expiriences with dark pokemon! SO has my uncle! So you get that thing away from him!" Mack screamed this. He had gone from friendly to raging mad over Sneasel... and it is true, terrible things happened to Mack and his Uncle Wally over Dark and Ghost pokemon.

"Please just get it away!"

Sneasel ran back to Revic, who cradled it in his arms. His head turned down solemnly, but when he looked back up his eyes were burning like tiny suns. "Sneasel didn't do anything to you. You had no right to scream." And with that he went into one of the two bedrooms and locked himself in.

@MackSpunkmeyer @Falling In Hate
Hal stands there with a small grin on his face. "This is going to be one fun year I can already tell." Pidgey had flown off Revic's finger and perched on Hal's shoulder. As Hal ruffled Pidgey's feathers a bit, he contemplated saying something to Revic, which he ultimately did. "Im gonna go talk to him. Play nice, Mack..." With that, he walked over to Revic's room, all his pokemon in tow, and he knocks on the door.

@SkyGinge @MackSpunkmeyer
Mack sat down again. "Sneasel's... dark pokemon... uuuh, Darkrai... Darkrai." Mack stood up again. He started walking around nerviously, breathing a bit heavily. "Great! GREAT! Just, bingo you know? What I least needed. A dang Sneasel in my room." Mack looked at himself, he was soaked in sweat. He looked back at Hal and said: "Leave him alone, what's done is done." Mack, in some ways, finally had shown his arrogant side, though it wasn't completely over simple arrogance. Dark and Ghost type pokemon has always been a terror to him and his uncle when they lived in Hoenn.

"Ok I am going to take a shower." He head into the bathroom, he looked in the shower to check if there was soap and shampoo already set there, but there wasn't, so he went to the compartment below the sink, opened and grabbed a soap and a bottle of shampoo. But something caught his attention... the bottle of mouthwash he opened and the toothpaste that, also, he opened and used, where not there. That's when it struck him. When these kind of things happen to Mack, he thinks quickly, a lot of posibility's come and go quickly in his mind. This time between them was the posibility of having entered the wrong room since Mack and Hal where both really focused on their small talk on the way here... and that the new guy, Revic, entered the room, that is, if he did get assigned to room 192, but Mack wanted to check. He stepped out of the bathroom and looked at Hal.

"Hal, come here, outside, come outside for a second."

@Falling In Hate
Hal follows Mack outside the room while his pokemon settle in around the room. Pidgey and Pikachu began playing with eachother as Pidgey would fly real low and Pikachu would jump up and try to catch him. "Hm? Whats up, Mack?"
Mack did not bother on asking Hal's question's. He just looked at the hallway, examining it. "What the...." It seemed to Mack that he was in the wrong side of the hallway... so he looked to his left which had the nearest corner, and walked there, then he looked down to the other side, he walked a few steps after reaching a door, that he thought it was the first one he entered. He knock's on the door 4 times, no response, so he opens it. "Excuse me anyone in here?" No response. He walks in the bathroom and first thing he does is open the sink cabinet... and to his surprise the toothpaste and mouthwash he used where there. "Oh ho ho ho. You kidding me?" He exclaimed. He stepped out of the bathroom and then outside to the hallway once again and looked at the top of the door frame, the numbers read 162. He must have thought the 6 was a 9 since they look alike. Hal did not follow Mack, obviously the pokemon's could not be left alone. He went back to Hal's door step, he looks up to the numbers, it reads 192: The first room Mack entered, surprisingly, Mack got it wrong.

Mack look's at Hal and makes up one of the most dumbest excuses: "Nothing just uhhhh, looking at the colors, the um, the color of the toothpaste matches the one out here funny isn't it? Hehehe..." He walks inside, while mouthing but not saying, "WHAT WAS THAT?"

@Falling In Hate
Hal simply stands there while Mack goes through his motions of checking rooms. After he went back inside, Hal followed him. "Dude, are you on the drugs? What the hell was that? Y'know what...nevermind. Im sure you have your reasons..." Hal goes back to his own room and starts unpacking his things while his pokemon help him
Gold looked up from his book "wow it really has gotten crowded in here, maybebi should take this up to my dorm." He said and started to get up. As gold was standing up he hit another student in campus and blushed, embarresed. "Oh sorry, sorry, sorry! I really didn't mean to do that please forgive me I didn't mean any harm!" He just quickly walked up to his dorm after that and got ready for bed.
Phalas and Scales talked to the staff member bin blue to get their map. both of them proceeded to find their dorm. "OK Scales lets go find our dorms OK!" said Phalas. Scales agreed with him and they both headed to find their dorm. They both found their dorm all right and went to bed for the night. 
Phalas wakes up to the noise of the speakers going off. "I wonder what that is all about, lets go find out" said Phalas between yawns. Well from what it just said on the speakers Phalas and Scales headed to the Plaza. "Mud" "Kip" "Mudkip" said Scales cheerfully as they got dressed and headed out of the dorm. 
"Ah crap Scales I didn't get my I.D. yet" shouted Phalas. "Lets head to the Library near Fluorites Academic building and get it taken. Then we can maybe get a few books on berries to read before class"
"i stay at the East dorm room 314, you may come if you want" Picky come closer to his trainer and poke his leg. "oh and this is my pokemon Picky, he is a Timburr" Hibiki then throw two more of pokeball, A golett and mienfoo came out from inside it. "this the other two, the golett one is Tiny but i don't give a nickname for the mienfoo" the three of them gathered and start playing each other.


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