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  1. Adeptus

    [The Realms] Heracleidaen Empire and Imperium of Draconia vs Troy

    1st Corps will land and provide a beach head on the shore, just east of Kure, to be reinforced by 2nd corps, and then 3rd corps. Once 2nd Corps lands, they'll take over the defensive perimeter, while 1st corps begins to pillage the countryside, for food and plunder, while the horsemen of both...
  2. Adeptus

    [The Realms] Imperium of Draconia

    Research: Destructive Magic School: 4 weeks
  3. Adeptus

    [The Wayward Inn: Keys of Destruction] Toric Westgate

  4. Adeptus

    [The Realms] Discussion Thread

    Where Kalevalans' torso's are, soon skewers will appear.
  5. Adeptus

    [The Realms] Discussion Thread

    Where pigs are, there be orcs. (Warcraft 2, pigfarms)
  6. Adeptus

    [The Realms] Discussion Thread

    "Belial! You're supposed to let me Skewer Him first!" Point's to the spear in his hand. "Then we toss some charcoal down in the pit, and we cook him! Ro-tis-sir-ree style!"
  7. Adeptus

    Aetus Bellum

    The Precursors were the final turn off for me though. Felt like "Dead Men Walking" (40K Novel) I prefer Exin's idea. Also, If you want, there is a book that is D&D3.5 compatible by AEG, called Empires. It has some of that resource stuff, just letting you know, in case you want to have any more...
  8. Adeptus

    [The Wayward Inn: Keys of Destruction] Toric Westgate

    Aren't you supposed to be asleep?
  9. Adeptus

    Aetus Bellum

    I meant Feudalism. I always called it Realms. This was back about 9 months ago, before Uziel Threw Aliens at us in Mirror-Mirror, and the game fell apart.
  10. Adeptus

    Aetus Bellum

    Here is the link, don't know if you can get there or not, it's in the archives. I'll pm you the rest, because multiple posts piss certain powers that be *cough*Uziel*cough*, pisses them off.
  11. Adeptus

    Aetus Bellum

    Possible, Belial was my assistant in the game. I'll have to look it up. Maybe I have it somewhere.
  12. Adeptus

    Aetus Bellum

    All kinds of math in that one. how many pop. performing the various tasks and such. I'm planning on building a game slightly less involved as that, but I'll adding other factors in as well. It was on Colo. It lasted from about when you went silent there on your game, to when I got really busy...
  13. Adeptus

    Aetus Bellum

    I like the cost thing. Just look at my Rise of Nations
  14. Adeptus

    Aetus Bellum

    You were that guy who was doing the Realms on Colo, right? where a sword costs 1sp, a shield another 2sp, and such?
  15. Adeptus

    Aetus Bellum

    Or, I could have them as my unique unit! You can get away with all kinds of stuff with unique units!
  16. Adeptus

    [The Realms] Discussion Thread

    I'm glad you didn't continue that with ...Highlander. Had a buddy who did that. Drove me nuts. "There can be only one highlander." As if they were all called highlanders! Hmmm.... Mudoken Legs, on the side of snow elf-loaf! Ok, So now that i have read the ENTIRE discussion thread, and...
  17. Adeptus

    [The Realms] Discussion Thread

    Mukodens? No, I want to erase their existence from the earth, making sure they never appear in history. I mean, I want to bake them a cake? My post was the counter to Crocman, who is busy trying to subjugate my fellow DragonKin's under his evil Oligarchial heel. Unless I'm really turned around...
  18. Adeptus

    [The Realms] Draconia Primus

    "The Mage has stolen the Orc Chief's body! Proof of his guilt! Kill Him!" The Wyrm Bellowed, as his warrior's prepared their bows and loosing arrows at the Orc skin wearing magi, the Dracolyte stepped into melee range, using his fearsome naginata, a polearm that appears to be a quarterstaff...
  19. Adeptus

    Aetus Bellum

    A shotgun, with tungsten sabot rounds would be nice.
  20. Adeptus

    [The Realms] Discussion Thread

    If we even ever meet, I will conquer you! ;)