[The Realms] Heracleidaen Empire and Imperium of Draconia vs Troy


Everypony wants to rule the world
With the Trojans and their Thracian Halfling neighbors blocking the only access to the Black Sea, the Heracleidaen and Draconian Empires have decided to put an end to the Trojan's grip on this chokehold, and have deployed their respective militaries from two directions, with the intent on overruning and destroying the Trojans and taking the strait for themselves.

The Thracian Halflings are believed to be in the area, but since they are experts at being stealthy, their locations are unknown.

The Spartan and Draconian militaries will arrive on the next turn, and should make their orders clear now. The Spartans are incoming from the southwest, and the Draconians are coming from the northeast.

Day 1

Spartan Forces

1st Corps, 8 days of Supplies

48% Buff (+10 Cavalry Charge)

On Boats

500 Spartiate: :rank0:

300 Archers :rank0:

100 Light Calvary:rank0:

40 Healers :rank0:

390 Adepts:rank0:
2nd Corps, 8 days of Supplies

47% Buff (+10 Cavalry Charge)

On Boats

500 Spartiate: :rank0:

300 Archers :rank0:

100 Light Calvary:rank0:

30 Healers :rank0:

390 Adepts:rank0:
3rd Corps, 8 days of Supplies

47% Buff (+10 Cavalry Charge)

On Boats

500 Spartiate: :rank0:

300 Archers :rank0:

100 Light Calvary:rank0:

30 Healers :rank0:

390 Adepts:rank0:
1st Coven, 8 Days of Supplies

100% Buff

On Boats

100 Mages :rank0:
2nd Coven, 8 Days of Supplies

100% Buff

On Boats

100 Mages :rank0:
3rd Coven, 8 Days of Supplies

100% Buff

On Boats

100 Mages :rank0:
10 Seaboats :rank0:

20 war rafts:rank0:

600 canoes :rank0:

Imperium of Draconia

350 Canoes :rank0:

15 War Rafts :rank0:

05 Seaboats :rank0:

First Corps, 8 Days of Supplies

34% Buff (+5 Cavalry Charge)

On Boats

1000 Warriors :rank0:

375 Adepts :rank0:

100 Horsemen :rank0:
Second Corps, 8 Days of Supplies

34% Buff (+5 Cavalry Charge)

On Boats

1000 Warriors :rank0:

375 Adepts :rank0:

100 Horsemen :rank0:
Third Corps, 8 days of Supplies

21% Buff (+5 Cavalry Charge)

On Boats

1500 Warriors:rank0:

350 Adepts:rank0:

100 Horsemen:rank0:
Trojan Armed Forces

Trojan Army

33% Buff (+2 Cavalry Charge)

50 km, 21.6 men/km

780 Warriors

270 Adepts

30 Horsemen
Izmiran Army

33% Buff (+2 Cavalry Charge)

50 km, 21.6 men/km

780 Warriors

270 Adepts

30 Horsemen
Odemic Army

33% Buff (+2 Cavalry Charge)

50 km, 21.6 men/km

780 Warriors

270 Adepts

30 Horsemen
Yalovan Army

33% Buff (+2 Cavalry Charge)

50 km, 21.6 men/km

780 Warriors

270 Adepts

30 Horsemen
Silean Army

33% Buff (+2 Cavalry Charge)

50 km, 21.6 men/km

780 Warriors

270 Adepts

30 Horsemen
Eskic Army

33% Buff (+2 Cavalry Charge)

50 km, 21.6 men/km

780 Warriors

270 Adepts

30 Horsemen
Zonguldakan Army

33% Buff (+2 Cavalry Charge)

50 km, 21.6 men/km

780 Warriors

270 Adepts

30 Horsemen
Kuran Army

33% Buff (+2 Cavalry Charge)

50 km, 21.6 men/km

780 Warriors

270 Adepts

30 Horsemen
Ankaran Army

33% Buff (+2 Cavalry Charge)

50 km, 21.6 men/km

780 Warriors

270 Adepts

30 Horsemen
Konyic Army

33% Buff (+2 Cavalry Charge)

50 km, 21.6 men/km

780 Warriors

270 Adepts

30 Horsemen
Trojan North Navy

350 Canoes

15 War Rafts

5 Seaboats

Trojan South Navy

350 Canoes

15 War Rafts

5 Seaboats

Halfling Armies

the 1st corps and 1st coven will drop on the southern coast near troy. They will travel around that little island trying to avoid the trojan naval forces if at all possible, Once landed they will begin setting up a beach head there, and fortifying their position and hold on the trojan lands, they will be authorised to raid and pillage the surounding lands for supplies and loot if need be.

the Second corps and the 2nd coven will be landing north of Izmir and creating a beach head there fortifying their position and prepairing an attack from there. They to are authorised to pillage and loot.

and the 3rd corps and 3rd coven will be landing between troy and izmir.
1st Corps will land and provide a beach head on the shore, just east of Kure, to be reinforced by 2nd corps, and then 3rd corps. Once 2nd Corps lands, they'll take over the defensive perimeter, while 1st corps begins to pillage the countryside, for food and plunder, while the horsemen of both corps will scout and screen, warning of any enemy armies. If the Kuran Army should advance on 1st Corps, than 1st Corps will counterattack, with the Cav being split, 50/50 on the flanks, and the ones in the back working as archers, while the ones in the front work as spearmen.
Avoiding the Trojan Fleet is essentially impossible. Trojan fishermen and associated vessels have likely already warned the Trojan military forces. If the Trojan fleets engage the Spartans, then losing troop-carrying vessels inevitable. Landing near troy is likely to be a pipe dream, and would likely prevent resources from being stabilized. While it certainly would be nice to take Troy and then their Empire, it’s probably not going to happen with the current strategic situation. The captains of the vessels recommend that the Spartans land near Izmir, rather than Troy, and sack that city, whilst the fleet dances with the Trojans.

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