[The Realms] Imperium of Draconia


Shhh! The machine is speaking!
Nation Name

Empire of Draconia



Emperior Aurelius Tyrannus



Wisdom of the Wyrms: The natural, instinctive knowledge of the universe flows through their veins. Magic research and development times are significantly lowered.

Draconic BloodLine: The Magic in their blood comes naturally, causing all Dragonkin to count as Adepts.

Dragonkin have thick scales that make them hardier in physical combat.



Economic System

Free Market

Economic Tier

3rd: Lack of progress or demand has caused the Dragonkin's economy to stagnate.


Drakes. A Drake is a one pound coin of 18k Gold. The Weight and purity of the coin is due to it being used by the Draconian Empire, where Magic is very common, and the need for high standard of currency is needed.

There are Half Drakes, which are .5 pounds, in a trangular shape, with a hole in the center.

Stags. Stags are a more common silver coin, weighing .25 pounds. 1 Drake equals to about 200 Stags.

Peons. Peons are .1 pound pure copper coins. approx. 1000 Peons equal 1 Stag.

Nation Bonus

Construction projects take less time to complete


In the beginning, there was IO, the Father of all Dragons. Of all His children, Nine Dragon's, came to live with a tribe of humans. The humans would produce food and treasure for the Nine, and the Nine in return, would provide protection, both magical, and martial, from all enemies. Now the humans gathered into Nine sub-tribes, each centered around, and named after, their respective Dragon Lord. As time passed, the Humans began to shed their own animism belief's, and joined in the worship of IO. As generations went by, the Nine started to mate with the Humans, and their children were at first Half-Dragon's, powerful creatures who aided the Nine. It was at this time, that the eldest of the Half-Dragons, Excelsior, brought forth the idea that they should create a city, a capital for the Draconic Tribes, for the benefit of the people. This City became known as Draconia Primus. Generations passed, and the intermingling of the bloodlines continued, until there were no pure humans left, just a new race, weaker than the Half-Dragons, but more powerful than the Humans they were bred from. These are the Dragonkin. Eventually, approx. 1 thousand years ago, the last of the nine dragons died, the cause unknown, for none of the Nine, now known as the Dragon Ancestors, stayed to die here, in the nation they created. Legends say that there is a Dragon Graveyard, somewhere. Another Legend claims that True Dragons do not die of old age, but rather that they fly off, towards the moon, where there is a Magical Gate to IO. What is known, is that the Dragon Ancestors took most of their treasure with them, when they left. And over the course of the thousand years since they departed, those treasures that remained have been spent or traded away, or put into the Imperial Vaults, where the Descendant of Excelsior, the Emperor Aurelius Tyrannus sits on his Draconic Throne in the palace at the center of Draconia Primus.

There are many mysteries surrounding the DragonKin, and how they came to be, but two things are certain: First, is the fact that no offspring can be made between a dragonKin, and someone who is of a different race. Theories abound in how the Dragon Ancestors created their prestigious race, from IO stepping in and blessing their creation, to the magic in the DragonKin's blood being to watered down. And Second, No DragonKin have ever given birth to Half-Dragons.

Until recently, The Imperium's borders have been safe. But now, with rumors of border conflicts, of wars distant, and new cultures and civilizations rising, and the population of the Imperium reaching new levels, the Emperor has been increasingly interested in the Outside world. No Longer, can the people of Draconia stay sheltered from the world. Wars will have to waged, Borders expanded, Alliances and Trade routes made, for the Imperium to thrive, and lead this world into a new age of glory.


The Official Language is Draconic, the ancient Language of the Dragon Ancestors. The images of the Dragon Ancestors can be found, nearly everwhere. In the architecture, in the art, in the coins. All who can afford it, try to wear the finest cloths, and fancy jewelry, for the Draconic People still have the lust of their Dragon Ancestors. They exonerate the Ancestors, through their prayers to IO, the Father of all dragons, asking Him to grant his children with the powers of the Ancestors, and to allow them to join them in the afterlife. The nine Ancestors, are also remmebered, by the naming of the nine cities after them. While chasing after their dreams of unlocking the secrets in their bloodlines, The draconic people have become as arrogant as, and some would say even more so than, the High Elves. They tend to look down upon other races, as the younger siblings, who need the DragonKin's guidance through life. Afterall, no other race is as close in relation to the mightiest and wisest of all creation, as the DragonKin.

Major Cities

01) Draconia Primus

02) Aasterinian

03) Falazur

04) Garyx

05) Hlal

06) Lendys

07) Tamara

08) Astilabor

09) Sunscorch

10) Glimmerstone

Important Officials

List as few or as many as you want. Have them be available for play or keep it private, that's up to you.

Nation Goals

To know thyself, is to know the Arcane. To Know the Arcane, is to know Draconia. To know Draconian Blood, is to know the Dragon Ancestors. To know the Dragon Ancestors, is to know the secrets of this Plane.


420,000 Dragonkin

Infrastructure: Stamped Earth Road built between 2 cities (Draconia Primus, and Glimmerstone) 16DEC2011


First Corps:

2000 Warriors:rank0:

375 Adepts:rank0:

100 Horsemen:rank0:

Second Corps:

1500 Warriors:rank0:

375 Adepts:rank0:

100 Horsemen:rank0:

Third Corps:

1500 Warriors:rank0:

350 Adepts:rank0:

100 Horsemen:rank0:

In Training Camps:

6,000 Warriors:rank0:

2,000 Adepts:rank0:

Black Sea Fleet

350 Canoes:rank0:

15 War Rafts:rank0:

05 Seaboats:rank0:

Caspian Sea Fleet

350 Canoes:rank0:

15 War Rafts:rank0:

05 Seaboats:rank0:

Unique Unit


These Armoured Magi are skilled in use of both martial weapons, and deadly magicks.


Trade route to the Heracleidaen Empire,

Defense Pact of the Strait between the Aegean and Black Seas, to keep the trade route open.


Keep up to date!
Done, your Dracolytes are trained from Mages, Soldiers, or Polearmsmen, and is a Tier 3 unit.
1500 New Warriors:1 week

6,000 Warriors->2nd Tier: 3 weeks 30DEC2011

-2,000 Soldiers

-2000 Polearmsman.

-2000 Archers

2,000 Adepts->2nd Tier: 3 weeks 30DEC2011

-1000 Mages.

-1000 Healers.

Infrastructure: 1 week between 2 cities (Draconia Primus, and Glimmerstone) 16DEC2011

Research: Irrigation: 3 weeks to research 30DEC2011
Contruction: Imperial Arcane Research Spire. The Wyrm will be heading up the research and overseeing the construction project. The Spire will be built in the city of Hlal. -3 weeks: 31DEC2011
Written Language: 3 weeks 02JAN12

16 War Rafts: 4 Weeks 09JAN12

6 Sea Boats: 4 Weeks 09JAN12

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