[The Wayward Inn: Keys of Destruction] Toric Westgate


Shhh! The machine is speaking!
Name: Toric Westgate

Race: Dwarf

Class: RangerInfiltrator7

Height: 4'2"

Weight: 185lbs.

Age: 96 years

Hair: Black hair, long enough and pulled back into a pony tail, with a forked beard, woven into it, several pouches, acting as pockets for his cartridges.

Eyes: His eyes are muted brown.

Physical Appearance: All in all, he's a dwarf. However, he is dressed in the uniform of the 34th Regiment of Irregulars of the Westgate Clan. On his arms are the chevrons of the rank of Sergeant, the rank that he was holding, before he went MIA. The uniform of the 34th is as follows:

Midnight Blue tunic, White tight trousers that end at the knee, with white socks, the ends of the knee high socks tied to the Knicker's by a midnight blue leather thong. The Highly polished Brown Leather boots and gloves are accented with metal shinsplints and armguards, The sergeant's being made of Adamantine, a gift from his colonel whom he had saved earlier in the campaign. On his head he wears an Adamantine cap, covered with a Shako, styled in blue and white. He also has a brown leather bag and backpack, where his equipment is held, as is in the code. he carry's both his dwarven musket, and also a Dwarven Waraxe, with a brace of pistols and a dagger completing his arsenal.


A Member of the Westgate Clan, in the Prestonic Mountain Range, holders of the Western most gate to the surface from the Prestonic Empire. The Prestonic Empire, as much of the World elsewhere, has become under attack from otherworldly creatures, abominations of horror, tentacles and eyes and mouths. And so the Prestonic Empire has been at war with the Aberrations of Nightmare, for the past 75 years.

Toric was drafted into the irregulars at the age of 45, and has spent the last 2 score and 11 years fighting the Aberrations, as they try to come up from their hellgates, deep in the underworld. His regiment, the 34th irregulars, was sent to squash a cult of druegar, who were supposedly working for the master of the Abberations. In the process of stamping out the cult, the regiment loss many soldiers, their numbers before the operation, being 867, the end seeing only 319 veterans, left. During the operation, the Colonel in charge of the 34th, was seperated and hardpressed by the cultists, when they had sprung an ambush to cut the head off the 34th. Toric, one of the scouts sent out, had arrived just after the ambush started, and, with two other dwarven scouts, shot and cut their way to the colonel, who was being pressed badly. Toric and his squad managed to rescue the Colonel, and manage a fighting withdraw, to the rest of the regiment, who then pressed the battle back turned the crushing defeat into a close Victory. It was this act of bravery and leadership, as well as other's, that the Colonel promoted him to Sergeant. The 34th, now understrength, was sent back to Westgate, for some R,R,&R. Rest, Relaxation, and Recruitment.

They would see another 5 years of combat, and then Toric was listed among the MIA. Toric had come across another cult, though much smaller than the one 5 years ago, and had sent his battalion against them, slaying all who served the enemy. It was here, that he found a key. A key that opened a locked door there in the cultist's coven.
Cool. Do you have an actual Char sheet for us to pm you? or are you just taking a very "role"playing style to this?
Adeptus said:
Cool. Do you have an actual Char sheet for us to pm you? or are you just taking a very "role"playing style to this?
The game is done on a virtual tabletop program which has character sheets and once you get in you will be able to put your stats there.
Adeptus said:
Aren't you supposed to be asleep?
I ended up staying up for stuff that came up :( .....So I decided to do some final posting before going to bed.

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