Aetus Bellum

Possible, Belial was my assistant in the game. I'll have to look it up. Maybe I have it somewhere.
Adeptus said:
You were that guy who was doing the Realms on Colo, right? where a sword costs 1sp, a shield another 2sp, and such?
The Realms was done by Uziel who is also doing it here on the Inn.

Also merged some of your posts together.
I meant Feudalism. I always called it Realms. This was back about 9 months ago, before Uziel Threw Aliens at us in Mirror-Mirror, and the game fell apart.
So me and Exin are having a bit of an issue deciding on a back story hear and well its starting to become destructive. So we decided to let you guys vote on witch one you feel is best. So give us info and feed back on what you think.

My current idea, originally based off of Age of Divinity. In witch the setting was essentially a Victoriana Steam punk esque rp, its currently evolved after large amounts of coersing but Hear is what I am trying to settle on.

Essentially the world is pretty mutch turned up side down, asia is instead heavily European influence, the Americas are all heavily Oriental, parts of russia become slightly off limits, blocking travel into Europe witch is inhabited by tribal natives. Africa and the middle east become are now the holly lands, and black holes of society, swallowing most any one who comes in, those who make it out are often transformed into insane lunatics, no one has been able to navigate their way past it, however stories of treasure and glory often return for those brave enough to seek it.


This map shows a relative positioning of influences, what territories technically fall under witch particular culture.. Mold..

The empire is essentially a late period romans/ venetian style culture, The medieval is obviously as it sounds, medieval, germany, france, great britan, however the player so chooses to develope his particular territory. the russian influence is essentially that, russian, their people are hardy, but use to oppression and starvation and a constant state of being broke. The Indian/ middle eastern is well india and the middle east in russia, they utilise their architecture and culture, just in the freezing cold. Tribal natives are all basically native Americans, the most advanced of them being at basically aztech level.

The americas is basically one giant melting pot of oriental culture, basically pre Europeans and american involvement in Asia.

There are certain places in every region of influence that essentially posses some level of more advanced technology, their primary purpose isnt actually meant to lord over the players, but provide a realistic excuse for why people are developing technology, as well giving players a chance to show off their skills and steal this technology, or at the very least learn from them. think of it as a kick in the ass in the right direction. Players may try and conquer these points gaining a sever tech bonus, but it will be difficult and hard fought.

africa and the middle east act as the holy lands, and essential the equivilent to a waistlands thread. players may choose to come hear and role play as well as try to find knew goodies and neat things, as well as piecing a better part of the story to gether.

Or we can just go back to normal Age of divinity set up.

Any ways I plan to introduce a simple resource point system that basically simplifys the normal resources counting system most people seam to be trying to swtich to. Instead of counting all your different resources it simply just combines them all into points that can be spent on projects, and depending on project they can renew or be permenantly spent. You can gain more points by improving infrastructure or exploiting resources.
Alright. The point me and Belial are arguing about is the setting. Everything else is fine by me. The map above he posted is his opinion of the setting. I wish for the start of the game, the players to have access only to Asia, and maybe Europe. Africa and the Americans, even Europe if you guys want, to be colonial lands for you to colonize and take over.

The other point we are arguing is the culture zone. As you see Belial has limited parts of Earth to certain cultures. I don't want that, I want the game to be free. Let you guys have the cultures you want in the game area. If you want a combination of Greek and Japanese, go for it. If you want to bring Acheron or Atlantis, Mu, Avalon to the game, go for it, if you want a Final Fantasy type, Warhammer type, Warcarft type of culture, not race, we're all humans here, go for it.

I don't like the limitations, and I would like the game to be let you guys write the story. I want the setting to be more vague, you have an origin of the world, which Belial has outlined and I agree, from there on I want to let you guy write the history with your nations. With your creations. If you want to be simply Greek, yeah, if you want to be Greek with Indian and Aztec, sure. All of it in a Victorian Steampunk lovely fantasy setting.
Belial your idea is restrictive and makes no sense. It will stifle creativity and ambition in the game, I don't like it.

That said I don't like the idea of restricting where people can play on the map, either. People should be able to play where they want.

And the Precursors had nothing to do with MM falling apart. It fell apart because I stopped updating, it was going good until I left. You dropped out long before the Precursors got involved anyway, Adeptus.
Adeptus said:
I meant Feudalism. I always called it Realms. This was back about 9 months ago, before Uziel Threw Aliens at us in Mirror-Mirror, and the game fell apart.
Hay I liked M/M and really the Precursors didn't do much to slow down the pace of the action. Then again you were not its center point -_-

As the idea of restricting borders, i think its a better idea to say the least. Ya cut everyone off form Europe and America , it be interesting to have all nations start in a concentrated area,(It be interesting to say the least)
The Precursors were the final turn off for me though. Felt like "Dead Men Walking" (40K Novel)

I prefer Exin's idea. Also, If you want, there is a book that is D&D3.5 compatible by AEG, called Empires. It has some of that resource stuff, just letting you know, in case you want to have any more influences. I'm going to have to think of what I want to do in this one. Steampunk. So is there Magic, or just the Tech side of the Steampunk? Doesn't matter, You said humans only, so it got me wondering.
Well it was origonally meant to be little more then a retelling of earth and rexplaning certain event in history with something other then god. But with the shear amount of bitching crying going on over the subject Im half tempted to say fuck it all. I got one person saying fuck all story i just want game mechanics, other people complaining like retards over creativity, its just starting to get rediculous.

I just wanted to set it on normal earth with the minor change of its going to be a steampunk game, and their is a crazed maniac some where with knew technology you should probably steal,

And just allow players make their nations like they normally do in that most often they build a nation based off the area of the world they are in, and they do that on their own, and even when we get a curve ball I generally dont give a fuck, my only real problem would have been some one over in america trying to build bunch of vikings in the middle of a bunch native american. Then some one though it was a good idea to turn everything upside down and make it weird, so i try to reform the world to that, and every one else starts bitching and moaning.

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