[The Realms] Draconia Primus


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Draconia Primus.

Where the Draconian Emperor rules from his Mountain top palace. The City is daunting for all who behold it. The Draconian Architecture has a Noble beauty to it, though foreigners may find it's style almost alien, and fear inducing with it's Draconic images everywhere, entering into the foreigner's minds as they sleep. The City itself is siting upon a slope, making it nearly impregnable, the only exception are the two roads that enter it, the road's going back and forth, to allow the defenders the ability to fire down upon the highly observed attackers.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2011_12/mountain_city-960x800.jpg.38f215966f86d451ca6346d4df548963.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="23323" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2011_12/mountain_city-960x800.jpg.38f215966f86d451ca6346d4df548963.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Rumors are flying around the Merchants of a familiar mage that is rumored to resemble the man that assassinated the previous Emperor. Some among the Merchant class are wondering what the government's response will be, and it has your neighboring Tribes ill at ease as a result, who are your main trading partners right now. Some of the Nobles are trying to keep the rumors contained, which has also caused a bit of a backlash against the ruling class by the merchants. Since trade, both internal and external, is being affected by this, the Emperor's advisers are saying that something ought to be done to prevent the rift from getting out of hand.
As Aurelius listened to the reports, his concern began to show in his eyes. Surely he wouldn't have the audacity to show up here again? The Emperor thought.

"All right. I have heard enough." The Emperor replied, his deep voice resonating through the hall, silencing all in attendance, his word being law, and thus important to listen to, and the edge in his voice belied the anger he was trying to control. Turning to the Captain of the Imperial Guard, "Arrest this Mage, peacefully if you can, and bring him here. I shall question him myself. And send for The Wyrm! I will want his attendance in this matter."

As the Captain of the Imperial saluted with his fist pound upon his breast and simultaneous bow to the Emperor, and then left, Aurelius sighed. This situation will be very stressful. Very stressful indeed.
Authorities did what they could to piece together where the Mage might be located, and sent a team to apprehend him. Working on rumors was not an easy task, but they were confident, at first, that it would prove fruitful. While they believe they cornered him in one of the towns by the border, as evidenced by the Destruction spell that was unleashed as they pursued a subject, he ended up slipping away and crossing the border to the north. A team of 5 warriors has been dispatched to pursue the Mage, but their commander is unsure about sending them out with no support or proper guidance.

The Wyrm arrived, and bowed respectfully to the Emperor, "How may I serve?"
"Friend, Master of the Arcane. I have need of your services to this Empire. I understand I have you overseeing the construction of the New Spire in Hlal, but I am sure you have faithful attendants who can do you justice in your absence. I have a quest for you. Time is of the Essence in this one."

"That I do, though I will need to write a message of some length to allow a better aide them with some more oversight. But I can have that written and sent by this evening, Your Majesty. I can leave on this Quest at first light."

"That will have to do. The Mage responsible for the death of my Father, has been sighted in the Empire, but has eluded our grasp. I want you to assemble a team, and track down this evil Mage, and bring him to Justice. arrest him, and bring him here, if you can, or ill him where you find him, if you can't. I will rest better, knowing you are at the reigns of this, Enoch."

"By the Nine, I will not fail you, your Greatness." The Wyrm bowed, stepping back three steps, and returned upright, then twirled on his heel, and walked out of the Hall, heading straight to his room, which was reserved for him when he was attending at the Palace. He told a guard he passed, to go have Captain come see him at his earliest availability, and that it was related to His Eminence and the Quest. When he got to his chambers, he picked up a quill, and started writing on the parchment, orders for his construction engineers.
With the very prompt arrival of the Captain, Arcanos provided a list of names and items and equipment he would require to be assembled in the courtyard no later than first light, for the quest.

On it:

2 Dracolytes, wielders of the martial and the arcane.

4 Warriors, armed with spear, sword, and bow and quivers

1 Priest or priestess of IO, so that their faith may stay strong, and also their minds and bodies.

10 Drakes, 100 Stags, and 50 Peons, to pay for anything they may need.

A writ to obtain what they need in Aasterinian, so they might travel as quickly as possible.

A carriage to expedite their trip to Aasterinian, where they'll take up horses with pack saddles, to carry their equipment.

In Aasterinian, they will be picking up enough food for one month for the group, and 3 extra quivers of arrows for each of the warriors. If any members of the party know how to ride, then they are to be issued with 3 horses for the journey to Aasterinian, and there trade those in for a fresh one.

They will also need bedrolls for all, and food and camp equipment on the carriage to get them to Aasterinian.
Having assembled his team, they set north, to the Orcs' territory. The last word they had received from the 5 warriors was that they had arrived in the Orc's village, still tracking the Mage best they could, but with little success. They have remained in the village until told to return. The Orcs have been patient with their presence, but even after Enoch's negotiation that made his career, relations with the Orcs can get testy at times, especially when it comes to the nomadic herders that do not live in the Orc's village. It is possible that the Orcs would know something about the Mage that they would only tell to Enoch.
Upon arriving to the Orc Village, Enoch dismisses the 5 to return to Draconia at their leisure, the party not having the supplies to handle the joining of 5 more warriors. He then turns to the Chieftain, to greet him in Orcish, "Greetings, O' Great Chief! I have been sent after an evil Mage who has caused much fear, dismay, and disruption amongst my people! My Emperor has personally asked me to oversee the capture of this person, of whom it is rumored to have killed our last Emperor, and so I seek your aid, O' Friend of Draconia! I also come bearing a gift, may this Drake cover any expenses that our warriors incurred on our behalf. And I give you this!" He pulled out of his sash, the Jeweled Knife, that has been with him for decades. Though of no magical value, it's craftsmanship is of a very high quality, and has been nicknamed, the little Wyrm, for it has been associated to always be in the sash of the Hero, The Wyrm. "May it serve you as well as it has served me!"
The Chieftain listened intently, happy to see his old friend again.

"The Mage," he nodded, "I recall his last passing through our village. We refused to give him refuge after he slew your Emperor, and he did much damage to us. It was your people's kindness and business that helped rebuild it."

He nodded, "We have a grudge against this mage, as well, for that reason. My son, Korshem. He is the youngest of my sons, but he is the best tracker. I would send him with you."

"But father!" Korshem objected, but the Chieftain held up his hand.

"I know you seek to find a wife, Korshem, but this is too important. When you return, you will be a hero, and you will have no problem finding a wife."

He hands Korshem the dagger.

"Enoch entrusted me with this as a gift, a symbol of our unity and friendship. Hold it for our tribe on this quest, and it will always be a subject of discussion between you and he. Trust in his judgment and his wisdom, Korshem, as I have."

Korshem took the dagger with a little hesitation.

"Very well," he nodded, "I will prepare my things."
The party, meanwhile, settled down to take a rest, much needed after the several day journey, at quickest speed they could muster. Enoch looked at the Chieftain, "Thank you for the assistance. I'll be sure to keep your son from being too Courageous!" Then on a different note, "I noticed the land is doing much better." He said, waving his arms around, gesturing towards the much improved terrain. What had once been wasteland, was once again teeming with both flora and fauna. "I'm glad my work here those years ago are still at work. It brings me joy. How is the rest of your family? And I don't see the Shaman around at all, I trust he is doing good?"
"That is my hope," the Chieftain smiled, "Korshem is a wily one, he allows his rage to overtake him too much. Rage is our tool, not our master."

He nodded, "Yes, the land is doing much better. It has taken time, but we have healed it through hard work. Not all of the tribes appreciate what we have accomplished, and still adhere to the old, destructive ways."

The chieftain shook his head, "I'm afraid not. His daughter has taken his place, however, you recall her? I remember when she was still running around, chanting healing words like a nursery rhyme."

Korshem arrived with his things, but let Enoch and his father reminisce as they desired. He was approached by an Orc woman. Enoch couldn't help but overhear her tell Korshem to be careful, and to return unharmed at the conclusion of their journey, and return soon. Ah, youth, to have the world before you and no wisdom to see it.
"Ah yes! She was an excellent Apprentice, from my memory! By IO, if you hadn't such need of her, I'd have asked to take her on as an apprentice to myself! I could of made use of her gifts. But she wouldn't have enjoyed the Dragon Cities, I think. And she is needed here."

Overhearing the conversation of Korshem, and the Orc woman, he paused, and with a slight nod of his head, he lowered his voice, "Looks like he's already done his looking, and is now looking to make a wife. But I could be wrong. I'll also have him train when we can with those two," Pointing to the pair of Dracolyte's, "He may not be able to do the magic part, but they are both veterans, know alot of the Draconian style of spear. But we need to be on our way."

Turning his head to the Party, now Nine with Korshem the Tracker, he ordered, "Alright everyone, let's get going. We need to catch us a badman!"

"Thanks again for the hospitality, My Friend! I'll return to you your son as soon as possible!"
"Very much so, she has done her father justice, and done our tribe proud. Already a mother, as well, of twin boys," he said with pride, as if she were his own daughter. He looked to Korshem speaking with the orc-woman, and smiled.

"Like I told him. When he returns, he will have no problems finding a wife. Those two have been inseparable since she hit him with a rock down by the riverbed when they were children. Now, don't fill his head with too much of your people's regimental fighting style. We Orcs fight from the heart!"he pounded his chest. That much was true; Orcs didn't really learn how to fight through training. They preferred to learn the basics and learn from experience.

"May the Mother guide you truly!" the Chieftain called to them as they left.

Korshem immediately took to the trail, following the last lead that the five soldiers had before they left. From what they had said, he was still headed north.

"There is a trail," Korshem said. He pointed north, and nortwest.

"I believe he is headed to one of the towns. One is on the coast with the sea, the other deeper north. Either one would be a valid guess, and if we are wrong, we will still be able to catch him at the farthest town before he leads us to the Great Swamp, if we are quick of foot and the Mother is with us."
"We should set off for the one on the coast, then, lest he should take a ship and slip away! Lead the way, Korshem, and may IO and the Mother bless our steps." And so they sped on their way, heading for the town on the coast, hoping they may catch the Mage, of whom the tales keep getting worst, the longer he is loose. IO! Let us be on our way! Guide us on this journey, Aasterinian, Ancestor who watches the Northern pass, grant us good weather, and cause him reason to slow down! "How far to the town on the Coast, Korshem? How long will it take us, at our current rate?"
"Only a couple of days, and we are less than a half day behind him, I think. I believe he dallied, perhaps to gather supplies if he needs them. Perhaps, if we are fast, we will catch up to him even before then. I am good for it, but I am not sure you are."

He bit his lip.

"Not that I think you are infirm, elder Enouch, just that my Orc lineage allows me an advantage you do not have."

Korshem led the way, keeping a large lead as he tracked the mage. Sometimes the mage's trail was obvious even to them; other times, Korshem seemed to be following the winds. Either way, they knew that they were on the right trail; the Mage had gone this way.

The Western village was obviously a fishing village. The Orcs here were rather generous about their lands. It was their waters, however, that they were notorious warriors for defending. On occasion, Draconian fishermen have had to back off because the Orcs brought armed warriors on canoes and war rafts to escort their fishing boats, even a handful of water skirmishes. Still, that was the extent of conflict with these Orcs.

"He is here, somewhere. We need to be sure he doesn't leave," Korshem said.
"See Korshem, I can keep up, I'm not that old! Alright. People, You, You, and, You." Pointing to two of the warriors, and a dracolyte. "Go around and cover the northern road, make sure he doesn't escape. You and you and you," Pointing to one of the warriors, the healer, and the remaining dracolyte, "cover the the docks. And all of you, keep out of sight. We three will go and speak with the elders of this village. Or if there is an inn here, we'll check there first. If we don't see him, maybe it'll smoke him out, and our nets will catch him. Someone has to know where he is, Korshem, take point."
"True enough," Korshem conceded with a smile. The Dragonkin took to their tasks, but it quickly became apparent to the locals that there were Dragonkin around. It wasn't that common, but not unheard of. In fact, there were Dragonkin merchants in the town at this moment; it was just unusual to see anything but merchants this far north.

To say there was an 'Inn' would be a bit of a stretch, but in the sense that there was a place for people to rent room and board, that was true enough. There were, essentially, guest-houses that were rented out by the owners, but beyond a pair of Dragonkin merchants and some Gnomes, there was no mention of any Mages having arrived. However, when they arrived at the Elder's home, it might not have seemed relevant, but it was certainly more exciting, since the Orcs pointed bows and spears in their faces.

"I swear, I didn't steal anything this time! I was ten!" Korshem insisted.

"Stealing a line of fish is the least of your worried, Korshem," an Orc not much older than Korshem, but dressed in the Elder's robes, approached, "This time you and your friends are the main suspects in a murder. Of my father."
"Really? You are going to accuse us who have just arrived in your village, of murder, when we have been heading north on official business from the Emperor of Draconia, Himself, Himself? You are going to accuse Enoch Arcanos, The Wyrm, the remover of the Curse of the Blight from this region, with Murder!?" The Mage Exclaimed, his red scales beginning to glow with the fury of being accused of murder. He took a moment to calm himself down, and in a quieter voice, with the authority of one who has knowledge in such matters, asked, "Tell me, when was your father murdered?"
"I don't care for your titles, lizard, my father has just been murdered. By a mage. Quite a powerful one, too, not an hour ago, and you've had people here for days now," this Orc is not impressed by Enoch, "Now, I've never really believed all those stories about the removal of the Blight, because I've always wondered if your people weren't somehow responsible for it.

"But I was raised to not jump to conclusions, so while I am suspicious of you, I am not going to simply assume that you are guilty. However, you are the prime suspects right now, so I cannot allow you or your people to move around. If you can prove that you are on business by the Emperor, then I will not hold you. Your soldiers, the merchants and Korshem, yes. But not you. I won't risk a war over this, not until I know who it was. But if it was one of you, rest assured that the other Orc tribes will rally for vengeance."

"Pantcher, please, you know me, you've known me for years, I would never-"

"I know you wouldn't. Not intentionally, Korshem. But we're talking about Magic, and I don't know what kind of Magic these Drakes are capable of. My father was killed by a Destruction spell in his quarters, after seeing a man in a blue robe."

That matches the description of the Mage's clothes.
"That man in the Blue robes is the Mage that killed our previous emperor. To apprehend, and bring to justice that mage, is my mission. This is a Writ, with the Emperor's seal on it, saying that I may make use of any Draconian assets that I come across, while in pursuit of this Mage." Enoch replies, pulling out a scroll case, and pulls out of it the writ for supplies, the message of course, written in Draconian, for the reading of the Draconian people, but the Seal of the Emperor is upon the bottom of the parchment.

"Where did you last see that Mage? Aid us, and you can bring forth your justice upon him."
(You have not developed a written language yet; that 'writ' would be in pictures. I'll let it slide this time.)

Pantcher looked at Enoch's presentation, and thought, for a moment, chattering his teeth. He looked to the oldest of the warriors there, who nodded.

"All right, lower your weapons. We are searching for this mage, then. But blue robes don't do much for a description."

"I heard that the Mage was a human," Korshem said, "From my father. He is certainly smaller and lighter than a Drake or an Orc, of that I am sure."

"We have Gnomes in the village, but no humans. Inform the warriors, Captain.

One of the scout teams, the one by the coast, has spotted someone lurking around, wearing a blue cloak over his shoulders, but he seems too tall and big to be the mage. Still, there's something odd about this man's stride.
"Thank you, Pantcher. I have a squad at the northern post heading out of the village, and also a squad at the docks. Would you care to reinforce them?" Enoch asks the Orc.

The Dracolyte in charge of the trio at the docks, watches the cloaked individual. "Healer, go, run and get The Wyrm. He'll want to know this. Tell him that I am Tracking him, alone, and that the Private here, will be continuing to watch the docks, in case this is a diversion."

With that, the Healer left, staying low and out of sight until getting to the village proper, and then running to where Enoch was. He got to him, and, though winded, says to him, "We have spotted a blue cloaked man, walking strangely, making their way along the shore. The Dracolyte is following, alone, with the Private staying at the docks, in case it's a diversion."

"Good work. Catch your breath. Well, Pantcher? What say you about this? Are you willing to send reinforcements to the northern road squad, and to my warrior at the dock, and you can join us as we catch up to this Blue cloaked man?"
"Yes, I know. You're not as subtle as you think," Pantcher smiled. He nodded to the captain, who started barking orders at his warriors, and they darted off. The Healer arrived, and Pantcher listened intently, and to Enoch's question.

"The Captain is already sending assistance."

Pantcher picked what Enoch thought was a ceremonial spear, and held it in his hands as if it meant to be there. This was the Chief's spear; with the death of his father, Pantcher was Chief well before he should have been. Determined, he led the charge to the coast, with Korshem at his heels.

Sure enough, more warriors had arrived at the docks, and had cornered the beast. When they arrived, they saw that it was not a man, but an Orc, with the Mage's robes worn more like a cape. One Orc had already been killed by the beast's magic, and the local warriors had bows aimed at the creature. The beast was standing over a canoe, obviously ready to take it into the sea to try and make its escape. Pantcher took one look at the beast and muttered,

"The Mage has stolen the Orc Chief's body! Proof of his guilt! Kill Him!" The Wyrm Bellowed, as his warrior's prepared their bows and loosing arrows at the Orc skin wearing magi, the Dracolyte stepped into melee range, using his fearsome naginata, a polearm that appears to be a quarterstaff, with a curved short sword on one end, and deadly magick to try and destroy the abomination, and the Healer began to buff the party. The Wyrm, Enoch Arcanos, began to create a powerful binding spell, to hold and silence the beast, hoping that would hold long enough for the enemy Mage to be slain.
(You have not developed the Nagita, nor have you done enough magic research to create Binding spells. That's all stuff you have to research. Remember, you have started with bare necessities. You're barely out of the Copper age, and you understand next to nothing of magic.)

The Orc-monster raised its hand, pointed it at the Dracolyte, and fired off a powerful blast of energy. Whatever magic that was, Enoch did not recognize it. The Dracolyte screams and grabbed at his face. He looked at the Orcs and Drakes, and smiled.

"Your ignorance is your doom, whelps."

He pointed his hand at the dead Orc, and the corpse twitched, twisted, and rose to its feet, moaning and shuffling towards the nearest Orc. The Bowmen let fly with their arrows, but the beast held out his hands, and the arrows bounced harmlessly off a field.

"You pretend to your relevance and cling to the idea that you are actually worth something to the universe. But all being are bacteria to another being."

They could clearly see the quality of the beast's body deteriorating after those three spells. He had a weakness, despite his power. He back up towards the ocean, ignoring the canoe he was going to grab before.

"Events have already been set in motion. You are all going to crumble and die."

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