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    Hiatus (will pm rp partners individually)

    I'm not sure if this forum also serves as a breaks/departures forum, and if not, sorry. My situation has gotten worse and I will be gone longer than I had hoped. I won't be actively stepping down from any of my roleplays, but if my character needs to be written out of a story to simplify...
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    Unintended [closed RP]

    Ethan groaned at the sight of the little vial. That thing was the subject of his worst nightmares and the bane of his existence now. Greg's line of questioning, oddly, did not annoy Ethan today, though by all means he should be completely on edge and unreasonable. He certainly was in a terrible...
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    Damage Control [closed]

    ((Bargh. I've got some real life issues popping up at the moment, but I'll try to keep posting regularly. The next few days are going to be sort of a mess though, so I'm not sure how often I'll have time to devote to writing :\))
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    Some Small Still Hope May Still Be [Open]

    Sebastian heaved a melodramatic sigh at the idea of going to get Roarke, but nodded. "Yeah, alright. But I warn you, he's super boring." With that Sebastian took off through the crowd, weaving between people as he went. Shouts and grumbles followed his path. Roarke heard his brother's approach...
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    Unintended [closed RP]

    Ethan gave his mother the bare-bones rundown about what had happened to him, and when they got home and he could not explain how the purplish-pink stain had disappeared from his shirt, she became much more concerned. Ethan felt strangely better the farther away from the park they got, but he was...
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    Making the Best [closed]

    Chester just stared at the screen for a few seconds after the video stopped, head spinning. He wasn't sure what to think, but after a second he became painfully aware that he had to say something. He swallowed hard and turned to Amelia, his hazel eyes alive with worry. "Christ... Melia, I had...
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    Some Small Still Hope May Still Be [Open]

    Sebastian grinned ear-to-ear. "Sounds like fun! Thank goodness, I was starting to forget what that word even meant." He turned to Robin and her pile of wood. "Silly or no, you know you wanna join the hunt! Plus maybe you can put that swordsmanship to some use and fight off the other people...
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    Be the Change [closed]

    Daniel shoved the door in and almost immediately found himself on the receiving end of a face full of fire. He flailed backwards and fell on the ground, narrowly avoiding a serious burn, then rolled to the side. The smoke alarm went off at once, the shrill sound flooding the entire floor. It...
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    Unintended [closed RP]

    Glad beyond words that his mother had come to interrupt this awkward moment, Ethan did as he was told and stood up to beeline to the car. He hesitated though, turning back to face Greg one more time. Though the last thing in the world he wanted to do was look at Greg after such a creeper moment...
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    Some Small Still Hope May Still Be [Open]

    “Escaping my brother,” Sebastian said immediately. “I’m so bored. Like, dangerously bored. So bored I might die.” He nodded gravely as if this was a legitimate medical condition. “So you any good with that sword then?” he asked, zeroing back in on the weapon. “You been in any fights yet?” He...
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    Some Small Still Hope May Still Be [Open]

    Sebastian continued to grin at the strange girl. “Hey, you’ve got a sword. My brother has one too,” he said, totally ignoring her attempt to leave. “You a knight or something?” He rolled forward onto the balls of his feet and rolled back, eying the bush she’d come out of. He thought it was funny...
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    Some Small Still Hope May Still Be [Open]

    Something strange was going on around town today, and Roarke was determined to ignore it. His brother, on the other hand, was not. "Did you see the owl?" Sebastian asked, standing on his tiptoes and peering out the window of the attic room they were renting above an inn. "It's flying all over...
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    Making the Best [closed]

    Chester frowned at Amelia, shaking his head slightly. "I have no idea what's going on here. So you are in some kind of trouble with..." he lowered his voice to a non-existent mouthing of the word, "feds?" He slung his backpack onto a nearby chair and sat in it backwards, his brows knitted with...
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    Be the Change [closed]

    Daniel nodded to Nelly. "Good point," he said, frowning and puzzling over this while Sanders examined her phone. "That's what I'm wondering, too," Sanders muttered. "About the tracking device. I'll keep you folks posted. Keep safe." He blew some shaggy blond hair out of his face and Daniel...
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    INCEPTION Roleplay [small group]

    Bump :P Though I think if anyone was interested in this they'd have spoken up by now... but, we'll see!
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    Your Guardian Angel [closed]

    (( Just checking if this post is showing up okay for you... is it? ))
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    Unintended [closed RP]

    Ethan did not comprehend a single word Greg said as he leaned closer to him. All he was aware of in that moment was a searing, almost painful heat coursing through his body and a prickly, uncomfortable sensation erupting to life all across his skin. Without thinking he grabbed Greg by the...
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    Some Small Hope May Still Be [Accepting]

    Quick question: if there aren't any bites for all of the roles (say people join up as elves/knights, but not dwarves) are you going to wait until more join, or would you be willing to start this RP off with only some of the roles filled? Just curious since I know it's hard sometimes to fill all...
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    Be the Change [closed]

    Daniel's eyes widened slightly at Nelly's theory. "God, you think?" he asked, frowning and gnawing absently on his thumb. "It… could be. We've made a lot of enemies in the penal system over the years…" "Could be, could be," Sanders muttered. "Are you sure you didn't recognize anyone?" "No,"...
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    Making the Best [closed]

    Okay, Chester wrote back, waiting on tenterhooks for the end of his first period. He could see Xavier watching him, unblinking, and somehow sensed his cousin would want him to stay back to talk after class. Nowhere near interested in that, Chester shot out of his seat when the bell rang and...