Some Small Hope May Still Be [Accepting]


New Member
Some Small Hope May Still Be [Accepting]

So I'm a beginner when it comes to starting group roleplays. And I have come to understand that everyone has certain needs and wants for their characters in order for them to run more efficiently. I have also come to an understand that roles may be filled in due time, and therefore I am not assigning roles that are needed for this story line. Just keep in mind that this is story is set in a world darker and colder than that of the Chronicles of Narnia series. I have decided to revise my rules a little so I think it is fair for everyone who wishes to join in on the fun.

Please feel free to check the OCC Some Small Hope May Still Be [Accepting] Thread for any changes there might be to these rules.

Characters sheets are also posted in this thread and approved from me before they can begin.

Rpnation site rules apply.

Limit 3 characters per person.

Limit 3 powers per characters.

Limited romance please, and must be pre-approved by me.

Please keep it PG-13 mode, mild language and violence please.

With that being said, if anyone has any questions please feel free to message me with any concerns, and just have fun.

The story line is this:

  • The land is set in ice and snow. Its treacherous to travel at night, especially when the creatures of the dark emerge.

  • An evil wizard has captured the land's only princess. She is bright, beautiful and determined to keep the peace.
  • She had tried to escape. On several occasions. When the evil wizard had heard of this, he killed her prince.
  • She was distraught for years as the wizard continued his ruthless torment over her. The land had fallen with her loss.
  • Her only hope is the party of companions she had been traveling with as the wizard had taken her captive that fateful night.
  • But beware, snow and ice are not the only obstacles in the way. The wizard has set many traps for the company.

  • Overcome the traps, save the princess, and restore the land. This was the goal set by the determined company.

  • Even if it meant uncertain death or at a chance at a new life and love.

Character Sheets:







The following roles are closed:

The lost Princess

The Evil Wizard

The Knights

Any other races and clans are still welcome to join.
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Roarke Alabaster




Human (knight)

Personality: Roarke is all-business and quite serious, often shutting down the attempts others make at befriending him or striking up conversation. He trains daily and keeps in top physical condition, and as a result has little time for anything else. He does his best to protect his small town, always ravaged by the cold and frequently besieged by wandering vagrants. He and his younger brother, Sebastian, heard about a call to arms to rescue the princess and figure this is a better long-term solution to their problems.

Likes: Simple, nutrient-packed food, water, combat training, the occasional meditation

Dislikes: Slackers, alcohol, anything that distracts him

Powers: None, unless you count excellent weapon proficiency with a sword

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Sebastian Alabaster




Human (Wizard)

Personality: Though Sebastian is very young, he should not be underestimated. He is a Wizard prodigy and learned quickly and adeptly from his mentor, an aging man in the town where he and his older brother, Roarke, live. Sebastian learned that he had a grasp over magical powers when he was an infant, and as Roarke and he were orphaned when they were young, Roarke stopped at nothing to get his brother the best education and magical training he could. Roarke did this by tirelessly working off their debt around town, and as a result Sebastian is fiercely loyal and grateful to his older brother. Sebastian may be very gifted when it comes to magical arts, but he IS still a twelve-year old boy, and as a result is prone to bouts of moodiness and practical jokes. He can keep his head on straight when he needs to, though, as he was forced to grow up quite young.

Likes: Chocolate, animals, messing with people

Dislikes: Too much studying (he had way more than enough of that growing up), being punished, getting caught when pulling pranks

Powers: Command over some elements, minor healing abilities and various other day-to-day spells he has learned over time. He carries his book with him, but only uses it for reference for spells he hasn't memorized.

((OOC note: Roarke and Sebastian mostly work as a unit, and since one is young and one has no powers, hopefully I can keep them both. If I'm only allowed one character, though, I'll select one for this RP only.))
(can i add in a winter fairy? or an evil winter fairy? i think that would be a cool addition if not then ill choose a different character)
(Okay Great!)


Technalia Marcus Chandler (Nickname: Tecna) /17 /Female /Strait /Winter Fairy

personality: Tecna is hard working and persistant. she doesnt take failure lightly, she is an extreme perfectionist and does not take lightly to critisizm(sp) if you are her friend then you are lucky because she will destroy any and all of her enemies. when she was a young child she was kidnapped by the evil wizard. she has been under his control for 15 years and has been corupted by his evil, she thinks she likes to be evil but that is the Wizard's spell on her mind

likes: causing pain, flying, and singing

dislikes: Do-gooders, un-perfection, disobeying

powers: dominion over elements(earth water fire air), is a mind fairy(mind reading, mind manipulation), teleporation
Quick question: if there aren't any bites for all of the roles (say people join up as elves/knights, but not dwarves) are you going to wait until more join, or would you be willing to start this RP off with only some of the roles filled? Just curious since I know it's hard sometimes to fill all the roles desired for an RP. One I posted here hasn't even gotten one nibble yet :P
Name: Annasatis Rebecca Elizabeth Crosby ((Anna))

Age: Seventeen

Sex: Female

Orientation: Strait

Species: Human {Witch}

Power: Her Powers are

• Telekinese

• Control over Elements

• Magic

Personality: Sweet, Kind, Helpful, Insucure. Anna is a generaloy nice person, she tries to go out of her way for other's. But, she also has a trust issue. She rarely can trust people.

Likes: Magic and Sleep

Dislikes: Evil and Guns


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name/age/sex/orientation/species: Robin Wood / 13, turning 14 soon. / Female / Bisexual / Elf (Knight)

personality: Robin's not one to be social. She'd rather be out hunting than be stuck in a room, forced to talk to someone for a while. She's very hot-headed, and she gets embarrased easily. Most people look down on her and pity her because "Girls can't be knights." or "You're too young to fight." She doesn't believe in that stuff though. She follows her heart's content and she'll do whatever she pleases. As long as she doesn't break the law. She doesn't trust people easily and she's still unsure about the group, but she'll protect them no matter what they do. She can also hide her feelings pretty well, since she saw her parents murdered when she was a little kid. She won't take "No" for an answer, either.

likes: Sword fighing, Training, Fighting (At times), Night, Rain.

dislikes: People who pitty / Look down on her, Sexist people, Loud-Mouths, Evil.

powers: She can change the size of her body (Whole) or each individual(sp) limb. She can also double the speed and strengh of any weapon she's holding for a cerian amount of time.

Of course, and I expect we can begin rp soon. We have a few more roles filled. And as long as they fill in their character profile sheet on this thread and not in the RP then I don't mind at all. And, I'm sure once we get the rp going we'll catch the interest of more people. ^^

Welcome Aboard!
[QUOTE="a.rodesh8]Some Small Hope May Still Be [Accepting]
So I'm a beginner when it comes to starting group roleplays. And I have come to understand that everyone has certain needs and wants for their characters in order for them to run more efficiently. I have also come to an understand that roles may be filled in due time, and therefore I am not assigning roles that are needed for this story line. Just keep in mind that this is story is set in a world darker and colder than that of the Chronicles of Narnia series. I have decided to revise my rules a little so I think it is fair for everyone who wishes to join in on the fun.

Please feel free to check the OCC Some Small Hope May Still Be [Accepting] Thread for any changes there might be to these rules.

Characters sheets are also posted in this thread and approved from me before they can begin.

Rpnation site rules apply.

Limit 3 characters per person.

Limit 3 powers per characters.

Limited romance please, and must be pre-approved by me.

Please keep it PG-13 mode, mild language and violence please.

With that being said, if anyone has any questions please feel free to message me with any concerns, and just have fun.

The story line is this:

  • The land is set in ice and snow. Its treacherous to travel at night, especially when the creatures of the dark emerge.

  • An evil wizard has captured the land's only princess. She is bright, beautiful and determined to keep the peace.
  • She had tried to escape. On several occasions. When the evil wizard had heard of this, he killed her prince.
  • She was distraught for years as the wizard continued his ruthless torment over her. The land had fallen with her loss.
  • Her only hope is the party of companions she had been traveling with as the wizard had taken her captive that fateful night.
  • But beware, snow and ice are not the only obstacles in the way. The wizard has set many traps for the company.

  • Overcome the traps, save the princess, and restore the land. This was the goal set by the determined company.

  • Even if it meant uncertain death or at a chance at a new life and love.

Character Sheets:







The following roles are closed:

The lost Princess

The Evil Wizard

The Knights

Any other races and clans are still welcome to join.


Princess Rebecca Toole: 24/Human/Straight

Personality: Kind, caring, dependable, loyal, strong.

Likes: long walks in the park, warm meals, freedom

dislikes: Disturbance of the peace, torture, death

powers: scrying



Amelia Rodesh/17/human/bi-sexual

personality: fearful, stubborn, anxtious

somewhat pleasant, ambitious, carring.

Likes: Hot meals, warmth, reading, sketching

dislikes: long travels, blood, war

powers: telekenisis



Alexander Whithall/N/A/Wizard/bi-sexual

personality: feroscious, unkind, slimy,

scheming. Foul. Just don't get in his way.

Likes: He loves torment, and making deals

to get things done his way. Causing trouble

Dislikes: troublemakers. Disobediance. Acts of mercy

Powers: Black Magic, [including necromancy]
Name: Ariyah Deine Mcrae [Ari]

Age: Twenty

Sex: Female

Orientation: N/A

Species: Human {Scottish and Belarussian}

Power: Her Powers are

• Hacking

• Advanced gun and hand to hand combat training

• Runic Magic

Personality: is not quick to trust due to experiences best left untold, she is a very family oriented person constantly talking about her father and how great a man he was, she has the tendencies to see the worst in people before seeing the best, particularly in the male sex, but once you get past all that she is a very strong disciplined girl who cares about all her friends and could not let them be in harms way even if she wanted. She makes herself an outcast because of fear this fear is not of death but of what her past represents.

Likes: Magic, Venison, Vodka, and Whiskey, a good fight, her MP7 Deine,

Dislikes: Men,

Size: 5'10


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Aetherius/27/Dark Elf (Assassin)/Straight

personality: Aetherius is a cold, twisted, and sick being. He gets pleasure from other people's pain.

likes: Darkness, and cold weather. He loves to kill, he loves to harm. He also loves to gamble and bet.

dislikes: Children, snitches, and people who intend to stop him.

powers: Advanced strategic abilities, pinpoint accuracy, and brief invisibility (1-2 hours at maximum).
I was flying fast over the trees trying to clear my head. i look down and see a column of smoke comming up just ahead of me, i think nothing of it and fly straight through. the smoke fills my lungs and it is also filled with some sort of dust. i slowly lose conciousness(sp) and fall into the trees. my head hitting a few branches and my hair being covered with leaves. i hit the ground with a thud and completely black out. The Rp is here-]

[QUOTE="Kiara Munsdeane]I was flying fast over the trees trying to clear my head. i look down and see a column of smoke comming up just ahead of me, i think nothing of it and fly straight through. the smoke fills my lungs and it is also filled with some sort of dust. i slowly lose conciousness(sp) and fall into the trees. my head hitting a few branches and my hair being covered with leaves. i hit the ground with a thud and completely black out.


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