Making the Best [closed]


Junior Member
Chester dashed all the way to school, struggling to chomp down a pop-tart and not choke to death in the process. His phone buzzed in his back pocket but he didn't have time to check the message until he slid into his first period chemistry class, out of breath and almost late.

I'm assuming you're running to school like a madman right about now, per usual. If you would simply accept my family's offer of an early graduation gift you would be riding to class in style now. Just stating facts.

Chester snorted at the message, well-meaning but ever so slightly pompous, just like his cousin. Perhaps he would use this scrutiny of his rideless situation to his advantage and bum a ride off Xavier later. Though they were close in age and therefore in the same grade level, Xavier didn't often share classes with Chester. He usually finagled his way into upper-division lessons whether he deserved to be there or not.

Shaking his head and blowing some messy rust-colored hair out of his face, he turned to Amelia, his only friend in the class, and grinned sheepishly at her.

"Hi," he said, breathing heavily and trying to catch his breath. "Did you know campus is 1.1 miles from my house? And I left my front door with my socks barely on about nine minutes ago? Apparently I can totally run the eight-minute mile. You should bow down to my awesomeness." He grinned at her, still slightly red under his freckles.

((I actually might have Xavier wind up being a TA for their class at some point to increase interaction even more.))

I handed Chester a water bottle. "Here. You're late, as usual." I smiled at him, even though he was my only friend, there were so many secrets he didn't even know about me. It was best that way. Dark and dirty secrets were better kept that way. A secret. I always had a bottle of water for him when he was late. He'd been running to school quite a lot lately. But I didn't ask questions.

"C'mon, we have a project to finish remember?" I took the chemical in my hand and added it to the solution carefully. A mixture of pretty pinks and purples wafted in the air. I stared at it, dazzled by its beauty. I jotted the reaction down on a piece of paper as I marked what step we were in.

I had worked far too hard to get into this fancy school. I wasn't going to risk my mid-term on a failed project. One wrong move could mean an explosion, and I couldn't risk that. "its your turn." I said as I handed him the next chemical.
((No problem whatsoever!))

Chester grinned at Amelia and accepted the water gratefully. "You're the best," he said as his phone buzzed once more. Ignoring it, he took the chemicals from her and, as carefully as possible, added a small amount of a new blue substance to it. The stuff foamed and fizzed and almost overflowed, but blowing on it saved the concoction from spilling out over the edge of the flask. He smiled a little sheepishly at Amelia.

"Close call."

The teacher called for attention from the front of the room and Chester settled the beaker back down to give her attention.

"Alright, class. We're going to be having a TA on occasion this semester, whenever he can be spared from his other TA duties." Feeling a sense of premonition, Chester surreptitiously yanked out his phone and opened the text he had received. "I'd like you to all welcome our helper for the day, Xavier Crawford."

Chester had just finished reading the message (I have a surprise for you) when the person he had not seen standing just outside the door strode in. Xavier, a head taller than Chester but still sharing his rust-colored hair and freckles, walked to the front of the room and nodded to the students. He looked, as always, all-business and vaguely bored to be in the presence of other people. Chester grinned at him and waved, didn't get a wave back, and sighed. As much as he loved his cousin, he could be a real pain, and he wasn't looking forward to his strict scrutiny in a class he already struggled in.

"Whoop-de-doo," he muttered to Amelia, hoping Xavier would not be joining their table today. He was already scatter-brained and out of sorts and didn't need to blow himself up in the presence of his judgmental older cousin.
I glanced at Xavier. He was certainly tall. I wondered why the teachers where allowed TA's. I mean, these classes were small and private. Completely capable of one teacher taking care of all the students. I knew Xavier and Chester weren't exactly the best of friends. I did wonder why, but didn't ask. I yanked off my used gloves and set them aside on the table while we waited for the teacher to stop talking about how grand and amazing Xavier was to help the class.

I gasped for breath, what if it was him! When I was 15 years old, I had a baby girl named Ashlyn. (also one of my many secrets) The father's name was also Xavier, and he looks exactly like him. He had left early morning with out a single word, and when I had found him again, he told me he wanted nothing to do with me, ever. That the baby would ruin his potential reputation and chances to get rich and famous. I reeled back. God please don't let it be him. I thought to myself.

"Um... I gotta go." I told Chester. Just the very thought of it being the same Xavier... was sickening. Maybe I was just hallucinating... yeah.. that would be a good idea. No matter the case, I was not going to be in the same room with a guy the same name as Xavier. It was just that personal. I packed my book in my bag post haste and looked at Chester.

"I suddenly came down with the flu? Got it?" I said as calmly as I could. But I could have swore Xavier's gaze never left our table. I shuddered. I hadn't left yet but I was determined to get out of there. Project finished or not.
Chester did a double-take as Amelia stood up and exited, his brow furrowing in concern. "O-okay," he said, half wanting to follow her but needing to stay back to explain what happened to the teacher. Speaking of which, the woman was heading to their table now, looking concerned and vaguely annoyed.

"Mr. Crawford, would you care to explain to me why your partner up and left?"

"Amelia... was starting to feel really queasy, so she ran off to the health aide. Better than throwing up in class," he reasoned, cooking up a believable-sounding ailment so she would be less likely to get in trouble for her sudden departure. "Actually, miss, I'm starting to feel kind of gross myself..." he tried, wondering if he could get out of class and escape from Xavier, as well as go check on Amelia.

"Nice try," the woman said, lifting an eyebrow at her. "Well, if you see her, tell her to get me a slip from the nurse so I know what happened with her."

"Right," Chester said, bummed out that his attempt at escape had failed. He sent off a message to Amelia:

Prison warden wants a note from the nurse saying that you were actually down there. Are you okay, for real?
It's more complicated then that. I quickly texted him, just as I saw two men in suits walk down the hall. One of which I could have swore was my brother, John. He was a federal agent, and detailed in his work.I was terrified. Why the hell would my brother come all the way from DC? I slid into the girls bathroom and locked myself in the stall. I was ill, I admit as I heaved over the toilet. I had gotten so far, risked too much to have it all come back now.

I'm going home. Meet me later? I sent another text as I wiped my mouth with a toilet paper and grabbed my bag and headed out to the back gate.

~ In the meantime two men in black suits walked into the classroom. They were quiet, and walked up to the teacher. "No um, she left about five minutes ago. Though I do believe you can ask Mr. Crawford where she would be." The teacher said.

The two men approached Chester's desk. The older male leaned forward and smiled. "I'm looking for Amelia Rodesh, perhaps you can tell me where she is? Its quite urgent." he flashed his badge quickly and tucked it away before anyone could see.
Chester frowned at the man before his desk and looked around as if for hidden cameras or someone hiding out to give him a clue as to what had just happened. "She's, uh. Sick, so... maybe check with the health aide. Could you tell me what this is about?" He asked, brows furrowing. Xavier was watching their table with an unblinking stare and Chester could feel sweat start to prickle at the back of his neck. "She's not in trouble, is she?"
the two feds nodded and left the room shortly after Chester's answer and ignored his question. the classroom went into hushed whispers before the teacher diverted their attention back to work.

I however, was busy at home packing my things. I didn't care if it meant having to start over again. One false move and it was all over. I gritted my teeth, damn John, why did he always have to ruin my life? stupid dirty cop that followed father's every whim and need. No matter what I had to get out of here. Maybe I could find my brothers, or my sister, maybe they had a spare room i could use. I pulled the money from the bank account, the loan I had used under my old name and burned the card so the feds wouldn't be able to track where I went, and pulled my fake id from my lockbox. If there was anything I was good at it was running. I was half tempted to keep the cell phone, to keep ahold of

my cell phone, for Chester... I didn't want to leave him behind. I didn't want him getting hurt.... but I couldn't risk him getting hurt when he found out.... I stared at my cell phone.... wondering if I should send him a goodbye text.... so i sent him this, hoping that if I stayed there might be some small chance that it might turn out okay in the long run.

to Chester: Should I stay or run?
What? Chester tapped back frantically on his phone, grateful that their teacher still seemed to be busy staring after the men who had left the room. What do you mean? There were these guys looking for you earlier, are you in trouble? Where would you even go? He wanted to write a novel of other questions, but cut it off there, let out a deep breath, and hit send.

"Something wrong with your lab partner?" Xavier's voice asked from just over Chester's shoulder. Chester almost jumped out of his skin.

"Jesus, Xav! A little privacy?" he asked, incensed. He refused to answer the question.

"She sure got out of here in a hurry. That must be the Amelia you talk about so often."

"What of it?" Chester asked, defensive and not in any mood to deal with his nosy cousin.

"Any idea why there are men in suits looking for her?"

This, at least, Chester could answer, and maybe his ignorance would get Xavier to leave him the hell alone. "No. I have no idea, so you have no reason to keep talking to me."

Apparently Xavier agreed. He headed back to the front of the room to confer with the teacher and Chester sighed, staring intently at his phone.
God the truth was going to hurt...I gritted my teeth.... it was too late, the feds already had plans to involve Chester.. i sensed concern in his text.... I looked out the least the feds hadn't found my home yet. I slung my bag over my shoulder and snuck out the back door.

I sent him a text quickly as i ran. This is when I wish I was as fast as Chester. Don't trust the feds. There's a dirty cop with them.

I ran to the library in panic and snuck towards the back. I'd assume they'd be at my house right about now. It wasn't safe to go back. I gasped for breath and took a drink from my water bottle.

I'm at the library, meet me after class. I went to the computers, towards the back so I could keep an eye on the front door and slunk down in the seat, I began my search for the next flights out of town.
Okay, Chester wrote back, waiting on tenterhooks for the end of his first period. He could see Xavier watching him, unblinking, and somehow sensed his cousin would want him to stay back to talk after class. Nowhere near interested in that, Chester shot out of his seat when the bell rang and skittered out of the class, dodging his schoolmates.

"Chester!" Xavier called, but Chester dodged around a few Sophomores and ducked down a random hallway, intent on losing his cousin. He could hear him calling and pursuing for a while, but then lost him. Yessss.

Chester ducked around the corner to the library, slipping inside and letting out a deep breath. His eyes scanned the area, searching for Amelia.
I had the duffle bag between my feet. So I could just book it after I found what ever flight I wanted to take. I had enough to at least get my feet planted in one spot for awhile. I looked at Chester as he had dashed into the library and poked my head out from behind the computer, motioning for him to approach. I sighed with relief as he came closer.

"I'm staying long enough to finish the project." I said once he was in earshot. "Then I gotta go."
Chester frowned at Amelia, shaking his head slightly. "I have no idea what's going on here. So you are in some kind of trouble with..." he lowered his voice to a non-existent mouthing of the word, "feds?" He slung his backpack onto a nearby chair and sat in it backwards, his brows knitted with concern. "Are you alright? Seriously, you know you can tell me anything, right? Some stupid lab project is the last thing on my mind right now."
I bit my lip, I had to tell him, to keep him safe he had to know the truth. My hands shook. What was the best way to spill the truth? I pulled up the latest news report and handed him the extra headset. "Just...... don't freak out on me please...." I turned on the video, and hoped he'd understand.

8 years ago Marco Cornelius Rodesh was sentenced to life with option of parole after the 2nd degree murder of Rachel Maria Rodesh. The man was certainly a legend with his vast amount of wealth and had even given generous donations to many local businesses. The dying town considered him their saving grace. Two days ago Marco has escaped from the Virginia State Penitentiary, right before his hearing for parole. The camera shot a picture of the state pen, and next to the news reporter, there was a picture of her father, with his prison id number... I shuddered, and felt queasy. It is said that Marco is armed, and dangerous. Do not approach this man, but please call local authorities if spotted. The state has offered a reward for his capture...

I turned off the news feed and unplugged the ear bud from my ear. I turned to Chester, I don't think I'd ever felt so weak.
Chester just stared at the screen for a few seconds after the video stopped, head spinning. He wasn't sure what to think, but after a second he became painfully aware that he had to say something. He swallowed hard and turned to Amelia, his hazel eyes alive with worry.

"Christ... Melia, I had no idea... this is serious. Where are you even going to go? You can't just go off on your own," he insisted, moving closer and going to pull her into a hug. They weren't the most touchy-feely friends; he'd always felt a sort of distance between them. Now he knew why, and wasn't willing to perhaps part with her forever without having at least offered her the comfort she so clearly needed right now. "And of course I won't freak out on you. This isn't your fault, you're just... caught up in it."
go on Amelia... tell him everything so he know's what he's getting wrapped up into... I gritted my teeth, hands clenched into tight fists. I hugged him, and felt his warmth comfort me somewhat. "I have an aunt in Colorodo I could possibly stay with. If she isn't dead as well, and I know I shouldn't leave on my own, but my father is a very dangerous man, someone who should not be messed with." I spoke quietly, so quietly I assumed no one could hear me.

"my father ran an illegal child slavery and prostitution ring." I shuddered... my thoughts traced back to those long and dark summer nights. "He....." I whispered.... my entire body shook... it was like digging up old wounds and watching them bleed with out being able to stop it. "he made my brother and nasty.. awful things to each other and then made profit off of it."

I took another shaken breath. "I finally managed to tell my sister Laura, who freaked and told my brother Simon... my brother told my mom... and my mom... well... she tried to stop Marco. One night, Mom came running up to me, frantic. She scooped me up into her arms and carried me to the door. Car keys in her hand... I was terrified... because that night...I saw daddy hold a gun in his hand...

We were... running to the truck... and I heard the shot fired... a few... Marco was... past drunk. Mom fell, right ontop of me there was so much blood there was nothing...." My body trembled. "Nothing I could do...I was helpless under my mom's weight and Marco quickening his steps to try and kill me as well... I had gotten out... I don't think I'd ever been so scared... so covered in blood...

I ran. I didn't look back but I had a feeling Marco wouldn't dare follow me. I went and I hid in the stables... I was there for about three days before my brothers John and Simon found me... they took me to the hospital where I was treated for PTSD, rape and other.... miscellaneous injuries. Marco was arrested about a week later, and I was sent to live with my brother John, one of the federal agents you met earlier. "

I was still leaving bits and pieces of the story out, but I wanted to wait for his reaction on most of it. I couldn't read him, he seemed.... at a loss with himself. "I'm staying for the science project." I sighed and nestled my head on his shoulder. "You've been such a good friend to me, and I wouldn't be able to bear it if you failed your midterm on my behalf. I'm not going to let you get in this mess, but I'm certainly not about to let some one as good as you fail."

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