INCEPTION Roleplay [small group]


Junior Member
Hey everyone,

I'm interested in doing a roleplay based off the movie Inception. If you haven't seen the movie it's probably best to do so, but I'll try to explain it to you the best I can if you're really into this idea.

We will run a small extraction team. In my worldview there are other teams out there, too, but for the most part would stay out of each other's ways. Some teams specialize in intel-gathering for the highest bidder (like Leo Dicaprio’s team in the movie) but others focus on different things. Some extractors provide perfect dreams for trusted customers (think Total Recall; pay the right amount and they will make whatever dream you want for a certain number of nights). Some do dream therapy for people, digging up repressed memories and helping the dreamer deal with them. Some are sort of dream "call-girls" and offer dreams of an X-rated nature to those willing to pay. (These are just some examples off the top of my head. As always things remain PG-13 in the RP itself.)

Your character can come from any sort of background you like... they can be new to the extraction business, switching career paths, etc. Bottom line is that 4-8 people have now teamed up to start a "mix bag" sort of extraction team. If the job seems feasible, profitable and interesting, they'll take it.

I have an idea for an eventual over-arching plot/conspiracy, but I'm totally open for ideas, too. I'm fine playing the NPC roles (sort of GMing for this group) but if anyone else wants to have a crack at doing that at some point, let me know and I'd be more than happy to plan that out with you. For now though, I'll assume that business associates, marks/dream targets, and random real world NPCs of importance to the plot will be under my control.

Roles in the team:

Extractor(s): Extractors are sort of the "door-kickers" of the team. They usually interact directly with the dreamer, and are the best at actually getting the information they want from said person. Often times they are the in-dream leaders and decide when to end the dream or determine what to do if things go south.

Point Men/Women and Chemist(s): Point Men are the organized ones, making sure everything is in its right place at the right time. They sometimes stay "up top" during the dreams, making sure the mark doesn't wake up mid-way, administering the proper sedatives at the right times, and ensuring their work is not interrupted by an outside person. If they accompany the team into the dream, they work with the Extractor and coordinate the “kicks” to wake everyone up at the right time. In my version they are also majorly involved in the detective work, research, planning, and brainstorming of when and how to capture their mark for the extraction. I lumped Chemists in here too since otherwise the Chemist job description is too limited.

Architect(s): What it says on the tin. Architects plan out the dream world using information given to them from the Point Men and are responsible for sustaining the dream world while everyone sleeps. As a result most architects don't do a whole lot of "heavy lifting" in the dream itself when it comes to interacting with the dreamer, leaving that for the Extractors and Forgers. Some Architects feel it's easier to host the dreams in their own minds, giving them better control over their surroundings, but it is possible for an Architect to build the needed dreamscape even if someone else is hosting.

Forger(s): Forgers work closely with the Point Men, often doing their own independent research on people who are close to the mark/dreamer in real life. Imitating the people in question requires intense concentration and the ability to play any role. Forgers work exclusively on changing their own appearance (and, if they're talented, projecting certain other "characters" into the dreamscape with them) to interact with the mark/dreamer and gain their trust.

I am completely fine with having more than one person per role. So, if you see that someone has taken the Architect position, don't despair. You two can work as a team or switch off who takes what mission.

I'm also fine with job overlap, to a degree. If the Forger is a great sweet-talker, maybe they'll be the ones to deal with the business associates (versus the Extractor). If the Architect needs more research on what dreamscape the dreamer will respond best to, they can take more responsibilities similar to the Point Man, keeping tabs on the dreamer and learning as much about him/her as they can.

For now submit one primary character, and if you want, a secondary one you'd like to play if there's room.




Desired role in the team

Short description
(physical and/or personality) just to get a gist. I don't need the full shebang for now--we can let that come out in RP.

Background: if you feel something should be shared that is relevant to the team (prior experience in dream-sharing/extraction, etc) feel free to put it here. But don't feel obligated. I'm totally happy to have characters who knew one another from before teaming up. We can also all be strangers, too :P
Bumping this in the hopes that someone is interested. At this point I'll take just one person who is willing to double-up on characters with me and we can turn this into a 1x1. I'm really craving this RP and I'm totally willing to be a plot-pusher and GM of sorts, so it should be pretty fun, straight-forward, and without any struggling to keep it moving/interesting. Just to clarify, I don't plan to have this include characters from the actual movie; we'd be making up OCs. I'll post characters in this post if I get any nibbles from anyone.
Bump :P Though I think if anyone was interested in this they'd have spoken up by now... but, we'll see!

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