Your Guardian Angel [closed]


Junior Member
Richard Romer watched the clock, waiting for the last half hour of his work day to run down. It was decent money but this desk job was slowly murdering him. Like clockwork, the kindly old secretary waddled over to hid desk with her bowl of hard candy and offered him one. Richard smiled, accepted one, thanked her, and pocketed it. These things tasted like cough syrup and were probably older than the woman herself, but it made her happy to give people things.

Richard surreptitiously yanked out his cell phone while the latest grant proposal was printing behind him. Their ancient printer wheezed, coughed, and spewed toner at times, and Richard wondered what the state of their lungs would be like in a few years. He'd probably just take his work home with him after it was done printing... it might take the full 30 minutes left in his shift just to get it to print out.

What you up to? he wrote to his sister, desperate for some kind of distraction from the mundane ins and outs of the human world.
Silence was interrupted by the small humming from the brunette. She couldn't help it, the silence was bugging her. The ringing in her ears as the silence remained had driven her to the point where she had to hum herself. She knew most wouldn't mind, there were barely any inside of the library and closing time was nearing. Somehow, she wished she could've found a better job. She loved silence as much of the next guy, but too much of it for long periods of time were irritable.

She closed the book, wondering what to do next. She could probably browse the internet, do some book organizing... That's when the vibrate of her phone went off, catching the young girl off guard and scrambling for her phone. She snatched it from out of her bag, clicking to dismiss the ring. She looked at the message, a smile gracing her face as she read the sender.

Oh, just the usual sitting around while others read thing. y'know? It's pretty boring over here. How's work for you? She looked over the characters, wondering if this was fit to reply. She hit send, relaxing back in her chair and awaiting for further notice.
Richard smirked at the response and typed back, TGIF. I'll be by to pick you up a little early... can't stand staying here until closing.

The printer wheezed out the last page and Richard sighed in relief. His boss lifted an eyebrow at him as he shoved the proposal into his briefcase and began to pack up and shut down his machine, but said nothing. Richard was one of the best employees there and he knew she wouldn't begrudge him an early Friday. He muttered a quick "thank you," to her as he passed by and practically jogged to his car. It was as if the boring office building was a living thing intent on snatching him back into its clutches if he didn't book it out of there fast enough.

The ride to the library was second nature to him now, something he might be able to do in his sleep at this point. He pulled up outside, blue eyes scanning the heavens and earth for any threats or anything amiss. This was second nature, too. Satisfied that nothing seemed out of sorts here, he parked, locked the doors, and slipped into the quiet building to loiter around the front desk. He liked to make faces at his sister to try to get her to crack up and laugh if he arrived before her shift ended.
(Sorry, guys! No, this isn't the thread for "Is Heaven Really Safe"... and totally my fault, I forgot to mark this as a closed RP. I'm thinking it might also be in the wrong section as a result. Again, sorry for the confusion!)
Alright! I'll see to you soon! :B Lillian couldn't help but smile at the text, redirecting her attention to the one who approached the counter.

"Oh, may I help you..?" she asked,turning in her chair to face the client. She spoke to the younger girl, explaining of the library cards uses and helping her set up one. Even if the job was a bit tedious, Lillian couldn't help but like helping people with what they needed. She stamped the book's card, making sure the date was right before sliding it over to the girl.

"There just return it when your done, and you can take in another!" She smiled, soon waving off to her with a friendly smile. She sat back in her chair, fidgeting with the hem of her cardigan. 'When will Richard get here...?' Her thoughts seemed to waver off, trying not to get too in depth of that certain topic. Her brother could have been doing something. 'There's no need to be so impatient, Lillian!'
Richard stepped out from behind the bookcase he'd been leaning behind and gave his sister a grin. Then he held up a copy of Twilight and pretended to be scandalized by something on the page. This earned him a few curious and irritated glares from a few girls who were seated at a table nearby, and not wanting to incite their wrath, he put the book down. Scanning the room for any of her coworkers and finding none, he sauntered up to the table and leaned on it.

"Almost free," he muttered quietly, eyes lingering on her face perhaps a bit longer than was necessary before he looked down at the book event fliers under the glass case he was leaning on. It always felt good to see her, whole, happy and alive. Leaving her side felt unnatural to him, no matter how many times he had done it in his life, and it always stressed him out a bit until he was back in her presence.
((Yes, yes. Sorry, I just seem to have the worst organization with my time.))

Lillian was ready shout at her brother, reminding herself she was in a library. She covered her mouth to stifle a giggle. Richard knew that Twilight was always a hilarious topic for her, he just loved to make her smile. She smiled up at him, "Almost...What do you think we should do after this? Head home, grab a bite to eat?" She asked, not noticing the way he looked at her. It was a common mistake of hers, she never was good with any body language nor signals.

She sat on the edge of her chair, elbows on the glass counter and hands keeping her head up. "I've been wondering what we should do this weekend. The week has been quite stressful, so something casual or relaxing would be nice for a change." She said, whispering quietly as she kept an eye out for any other people. Her voice was soft, yet still audible for the male.

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