Be the Change [closed]

She sighed in relief as she heard her friend coming. As soon as he arrived at her side, she jumped off the man and sat on the ground, watching him do his job. The wolf watched him taking the man's weapon in amazement. She had a thing for pistols, but never used them. Nah, she didn't want to steal a life. So she'd rather use her shapeshifting abilities. Her eyes gazed up as Daniel yanked the man to his feet.

It was really a good thing Daniel was able to do that. Imagine how useful would be to transfer your own pain to other people! Well... sometimes she wished she had the opposite ability, to take people's pain to herself, so she could ease someone's suffering. Well, since she studied medicine for a long time, she knew a lot of tricks to ease someone's pain, and also spots that she could use on a criminal to immobilze them with pain without damaging them too much, ones pretty obvious, and others that no many people knew about.

She looked at her friend and nodded. "I'm fine. This is just a scratch." The wolf said calmly, wagging her tail. "What about you?"

((Oh, that's alright! It's a pretty cool ability, I love the idea! :D ))
Daniel sighed, still furious beyond words with the criminal they had apprehended, but glad that the wound wasn't too bad. It was hard to tell with blood, sometimes. Once Nelly had received a cut to her head, and, as was the case with all head cuts, it bled profusely to the the network of tiny capillary veins humans had up there. Daniel had been sure she was about to die, but once they checked it out closer it turned out to be minor. He'd thought his heart was going to stop.

"Let's call this guy in," Daniel said, pulling out a length of simple nylon rope and tying the guy's hands behind his back. He then did the same with his feet and headed over to the spot they'd staked out to watch to ensure the cops got there in a timely fashion to arrest the guy.

((I have an idea for an over-arching plot... how do you feel about this criminal, and some others Nelly and Daniel have put away, feeding info about the guy who doesn't die and the girl who turns into different creatures to a larger organization that will try to hunt the two of them down once learning about their powers?))
The female went back to her human form, sighing in frustration that her shirt had been damaged. Oh well, it wasn't that big of a cut, she surely could sew that up later. Her wound ached a bit, but she didn't think it was anything serious. Just some bandage and cleaning medicine would take care of that. It was cute how Daniel cared about her, she really apreciated that. It was the same way around too, she deeply cared about him, even if he had an amazing healing ability, she knew the pain would still remain for a while.

"Un." She nodded and watched her friend tying the guy up. She followed him and looked around, expecting the police to come at any moment.

((Oh, that'd be great! Criminals seeking revenge.. awesome!))
The call was placed from Daniel's encrypted cell phone, a favor he'd won from the only other supernatural person he knew in the city, a contact who preferred to stay out of touch with him unless they needed help from each other. The pair of them watched as the cops arrived, the four men muttering to themselves about the "fifth criminal apprehended like this in the past month" and complaining about the reporters who would flood the station later, wanting details about their crime-fighting vigilantes. Daniel exchanged a grin with Nelly as their work wrapped up for the night.

"Now, let's get that taken care of," he said, gesturing to her shoulder.

((We can fast forward a few days once they're back in the apartment, and I'll introduce the next baddies then :) ))
Nelly grinned back to her friend and crossed her arms. "And once again, Daniel and Nelly save the day."

She enjoyed being a hero, she liked to save people. What if the person who got attacked by that man was actually a helpless girl? What if the person wasn't prepared at all, and struggled, the man would've hurt them even more. She was glad to have been the one who got attacked.

"Oh.." she looked at her shoulder and smiled slightly, her hand reaching for the wound. "Alright. It's no big deal though," she laughed, "It's only a scratch~"

((Alright!! :D ))
Daniel smiled at Nelly as the two of them made their way back to their apartment. It was something he'd always admired about her, and always would. Daniel had known a few girls in his time (heck, he'd dated a few in his time) who were the kind to become the victims of that assailant they'd just taken down. These girls were stopped in their tracks when something happened to them, easily hurt, easily scared, easily discouraged, and nowhere near fit to share the life of someone like Daniel who preferred hardier companions. It wasn't as if he begrudged the other women he'd known for being more delicate and breakable; they couldn't help it. They were human, sheltered, hadn't seen much of life and were not cursed with the abilities Daniel an Nelly had made the best of. He counted himself lucky to have one person in the world to count on, support and be supported by, and confide in.

Back at the apartment Daniel would hear nothing of it and insisted on cleaning and dressing the wound. He could be a mother hen when he wanted to be, and once her cut was bandaged to his satisfaction he put a hand to the back of Nelly's head and briefly rested their foreheads together in an expression of undiluted, simple affection. "You're the greatest," he said simply, pulling back and smiling at her before he stood up into a stretch. "Let's see what the day brings for us tomorrow..."

((My next post will be a fast-forward quick recap of what Daniel will be doing over the next few days, and then I'll introduce our new plotline :D ))
Nelly followed him to the apartment, relieved that this time the one who got the worst wound was herself. Sure, Daniel had an amazing healing power. But the pain would still remain in his body! She didn't like seeing her best friend in pain, no way. Whenever she woke up and found him stretching to make the pain go away.. she didn't like it. She felt the need to do something, to.. protect him, maybe. Even if that sounded silly, since he was amazing in battle. Oh well.. she was just glad this time's battle didn't get him too injured.

She smiled at his "motherliness" towards her as he cleaned and bandaged the wound. It sure was nice to have someone that cared about her, and she found it cute how much he cared about her. Nelly looked at the bandaged wound and grinned, he had done a good job with it. She looked at him with a calm smile. "No, you are the best." she said with a smile, then nodded at him. "Alright~!"

((Okay! I'm looking forward to it~))
Soon Daniel had collapsed on his bed and, as always, his body sent him straight off to sleep. Daniel never had to worry about losing rest at night, though after some of the things he'd seen and close calls they'd had, he knew he should suffer some kind of insomnia. He figured it went hand-in-hand with his power, though. His body was very, very good at keeping itself healthy, so he supposed it would be counter-intuitive for him to suffer from lack of sleep.

The next few days passed uneventfully for Daniel. He liked having some downtime between their missions, but that didn't mean he stopped looking. Printed articles still appeared on the table, and Daniel liked to find the ones about their jobs and share them with Nelly. He got a kick out of the stupid nicknames the press came up with for them.

Daniel woke up on that Thursday morning feeling that it would be any morning. He said goodbye to Nelly as she headed out to run some errands and got to work on his day trading.

Though he had at once been much more paranoid about their work, over time Daniel had grown much more complacent. It didn't even occur to him that their apartment was being staked out from the building across the way.

A pair of binoculars slid down from the darkened window across the way, and a man in the gloom clicked "send" silently on two text messages. They were identical, and one went to Nelly's phone while the other went to Daniel's.

We have your friend. If you want to see each other again, come to the field where you apprehended your last criminal one week ago. Be here in half an hour.

((I'm gonna say their phones are being tampered with in such a way that they can't get through to each other... though if you come up with a way around that, by all means do so :) I never mind curve-balls when it comes to writing.))
In that Thursday, Nelly decided to stay home and organize some things. It was kind of her thing, sometimes she just had to clean up stuff to make it look at least presentable. She'd also try to sew some minor holes on both her and Daniel's clothing. That sure was troublesome, but she did what she could.

She couldn't even imagine that she was being watched. Being busy with that cleaning and sewing job, she didn't even pay attention to the world outside. Nelly heard her telephone beep. "A message..?" she wondered out loud and walked over to her cellphone. It was a simple phone, had a medium-small design, and was white with light blue details. When she looked at the message, she felt her heart stop for a moment. Daniel had been kidnapped..?? B-but that wasn't possible!! That was Daniel they were talking about, he sure knew how to defend himself. But.. the sender, whoever that was, knew something about the last criminal they aprehended, so it probably wasn't any kidnapper. And she didn't want to test their patience.

Without even thinking twice, she put on the first convenient clothes and rushed outside, going as fast as she could to the "meeting place".

((Alright! Maybe the criminals did something with the phone line that messed up their connection..?))
Daniel thought he would snap the buttons off his phone dialing Nelly over and over and over again to no avail. His insides felt like glacial expanses of ocean water and with each "We're sorry. The number you have dialed is not in service," he felt another notch of panic tighten around his throat. He made double-time to the meeting spot, dreading what he would find.

What he was not expecting to find was Nelly, just arriving from the other direction. For a second he froze, not sure if this was a trap, but then he threw caution to the wind and sprinted toward her, wanting to at least be by her side if they were about to encounter something dangerous. She certainly didn't look as if she'd been kidnapped, and with a sinking feeling in his gut, Daniel wondered if they'd been trapped.

"Are you okay?" he asked, his eyes raking the skies and the buildings in the not-too-far distance for any watchers.
Without hesitation, Nelly flew on Daniel and pulled him into a tight hug. She was so relieved he was okay she didn't even think about traps or set-ups. "Oh, thank goodness you're alright, Danny!" she said in a relieved tone. "I-I was at home, and received a message saying something like 'if you want to see your friend again, come to this place'. I was so worried!" She tightened her hug, "I thought... I thought they might've hurt you!"

Nelly was usually calm, cheerful, collected.. but this time, she was too worried to mantain her usual self. She was glad to find that her friend was okay. Then that feeling came. "Do you think.. d-do you think this is a trap..?"
Daniel opened his mouth to reply, but just as he did so there was a rush of air, a cracking sound, and suddenly there were four men in black masks standing around them in a circle. Brief shock was all Daniel was able to register before the men leapt forward at them, each holding some sort of bludgeoning weapon and either handcuffs or a length of rope.

Daniel dodged under a swing that missed his head only narrowly and shouted an utterly unnecessary warning to Nelly. The next hit he allowed to strike his arm, hard, and he grunted in pain at the hard smack of wood against flesh. The pain wouldn't be his for long though, for in the next moment he reached out and landed a palm-strike to the attacker's shoulder, sending the man flying back with his own redirected force.
Nelly jumped with a start and clenched her fists. It was really a trap..! She turned into her wolf form and barely avoided the attacks, lucky that her wolf form was faster than her human form. She jumped at one of the men, not wanting to kill him, just immobilizing him.

She grimaced when she heard Daniel's grunt, she never liked when he felt pain, even if it was intentional. Her focus went back to the battle with the men, and she had her guard prepared.
Daniel heard Nelly's wolf form fighting beside him and dodged another blow. He landed a good old fashioned non-souped-up punch to one of his assailants and took a few hasty steps back to get some room.

"Who are you?" he half-shouted as he dove aside to avoid a lunge. "What do you want?"

He half expected some kind of come with us and no one gets hurt line, but apparently these thugs were under orders to capture and subdue without speaking. Glaring at them, Daniel dove back into the scuffle.

After an ungainly fight, neither side gaining much ground with the other, the men stepped back as one unit and vanished. In their wake, blinking in confusion and breathing hard, Daniel looked over at Nelly.

"What was..." he asked, flabbergasted, but the sound of Nelly's phone ringing nearby stopped him.
Nelly was sure that wouldn't be an easy fight, and there was an ominous feeling in the air. They weren't just a bunch of burglars. And they also knew about their powers, apparently..

When they stopped fighting, the white wolf stopped and panted, frowning in confusion. She turned back to her human form and turned to Daniel to see if he was ok, and jumped with the sound of her cellphone.

"Wh-what..?" she picked up the phone and didn't even bother seeing the number. "Hello..?"
"Nelly? Good, glad at least your phone is working. Tell Daniel he's a stooge for letting his battery run down. Listen, you guys might be in some pretty serious danger, I don't want to talk about it over the phone. Meet me at the Starbucks on 5th and Jacksonville in half an hour."

The voice belonged to Sanders, the contact of Daniel's who had given him his cell phone. He didn't let Nelly get a single word in edgewise during his long ramble, but finally took a breath and paused at the end of his speech. Daniel meanwhile was panting still, glancing over at Nelly with wary worry.
Nelly blinked and nodded slowly. "O..kay..?" she looked over at Daniel and tilted her head a bit. "We'll be there. See ya soon." she hung up the phone and walked over to Daniel.

"It was Sanders. He said we were in some danger and will tell us about it at Starbucks. In half an hour." she paused a bit, then crossed her arms, "He also said that you are a stooge for letting your battery out." Nelly smiled slightly, even if they were in a dangerous situation.
Daniel smiled weakly at that, and glanced down at his phone, which was still on but was probably still recovering from whatever had stopped him and Nelly from being able to call each other. "Well, at least if we see Sanders he can help me fix my phone," he said, figuring that the encryption software Sanders had added to it was probably doing more harm than good now. Nelly's phone was more likely to bounce back quicker.

"Let's go," Daniel said, not trusting that the night's adventures were over.

Sanders was waiting for them outside the Starbucks, and when he saw them his eyes glazed over slightly. Daniel knew he was casting an illusion around them to protect this conversation. Perhaps even now the three of them were little old ladies counting change together.

"Dan, Nels," Sanders said. Seeing their ruffled state, he paused. "Whoa. What happened to you?"
Nelly nodded at him, "Yeah, let's go."

She followed him closely, not wanting to risk getting separated from him when they were in such danger. What if they were killed, or worse, tortured..? She wouldn't bear seeing Daniel in pain like that..

The sight of Sanders calmed her. She would at last find out what that was all about, and they could get out of that danger.

"Hey Sanders." she said calmly, then frowned at gis question. "We kind of got attacked by a few men. That happened."
Sander's eyebrows lifted high into his bangs as he shot a look between Nelly and Daniel. "Say what?!" he asked and Daniel sighed.

"Yeah, we're aware we're in danger... seeing as what happened right before you called. Before I forget," he added, scooping his phone out of his pocket. "This is acting up. I'm guessing the same guys who assaulted us were messing with our phones, because Nelly and I got the same text at the same time and then couldn't call one another."

"Whoa whoa," Sanders said, shaking his head. "Slow down, let me see the text." He snagged Daniel's phone and started messing with it. Daniel sighed and rubbed his temples. Then he addressed Nelly and Sanders from behind his hands.

"I don't understand how they got our numbers in the first place. Or what they want with us."

Sanders sighed. "I warned ya, Dan, about you two keeping a low profile. But all this vigilantism is catching up to you, from the looks of it. Shifter girl and the boy who doesn't die have got someone's attention, at any rate."
Nelly sighed. "That sure is a problem." it really was bad having people on their backs, those criminals... Maybe they were some criminals that were caught by them that wanted rev-- "Hey, that's it!!" she said out of a sudden, "They're probably people seeking revenge! We've caught many criminals, and not everyone knows about our powers, our identity or our phone numbers, for that matter!" she put an index finger on her lips in a thoughtful way, "Though... Who would it be..? It's not like anyone that we arrested could just go outside and do something like that freely. There must be something... Someone behind all this that has the contact with the prisoners. But who..?"
Daniel's eyes widened slightly at Nelly's theory. "God, you think?" he asked, frowning and gnawing absently on his thumb. "It… could be. We've made a lot of enemies in the penal system over the years…"

"Could be, could be," Sanders muttered. "Are you sure you didn't recognize anyone?"

"No," Daniel said. "They were wearing black masks. Your classic thugs."

"Right," Sanders said, handing his phone back. "Well, lay low you two. Keep in touch. Nelly, can I see your cell? I'll encrypt it and call you on Dan's when it's ready for pickup."
"Yeah.. We gotta be careful. It's amazing what the feeling of anger makes to the humans." she crossed her arms and frowned. "And maybe they're not even the actual people we got. Remember how they retreated? There's someone controlling them. And we gotta find out who."

Nelly looked at Sanders and nodded, handing him her phone. "Here it is. Maybe there's a tracking device on it..? I'm curious to know how they found our cellphone numbers."
Daniel nodded to Nelly. "Good point," he said, frowning and puzzling over this while Sanders examined her phone.

"That's what I'm wondering, too," Sanders muttered. "About the tracking device. I'll keep you folks posted. Keep safe." He blew some shaggy blond hair out of his face and Daniel knew he was in techno-land and would not be very helpful in a conversation from there on out.

"Come on," he said to Nelly as they headed back to the apartment. The walk was a rather silent one, occasionally punctuated with theories or questions, but for the most part Daniel figured they were both tired.

That feeling fled quickly at the sight of their kicked-in door. Daniel froze and exchanged a glance with Nelly. "On three," he mouthed, preparing to fling the door open so they could see what awaited them inside.

((Up to you if there are people to fight in there or not :) ))
Nelly nodded back at Sanders. "Thanks, Sanders." She said calmly, but tiredly. All that was getting her nervous, also making her tired. She wanted to get it over with, without any battles or wounds... but a harmless way out of that seemed impossible.

She followed Daniel quietly, too tired to speak cheerfully as she usually did.

When they arrived, she stiffened and looked at Daniel. Someone was in there... but why? Was it another trap..? She nodded at him and looked at the door. "One.. two..." She waited for the three so they could jump in.

((I think it'd be better if there was someone in there, it's more exciting xD ))

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