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  1. Niharumari

    Avatar: The New Generation

    (Hey, Menna's got nothing against adorable little kids. :P )
  2. Niharumari

    Avatar: The New Generation

    Menna had been glaring daggers at Ish, who (as per typical) was too busy flirting to really notice. She was serously going to have to have a talk with him about this sort of thing... Whenshe vaguely heard her name mentioned, she glanced over at the newcomer, Rhea, and murmured a hello. She...
  3. Niharumari

    Avatar: The New Generation

    Menna prodded Ish with her foot. " need for that," she mumbled. "Sure, that place looks fine. Sound okay to you, Hikari?"
  4. Niharumari

    Avatar: The New Generation

    "Same difference," Menna said wryly. She eyed her brother. "Half...of Hikari's cost? Or half of the meal in general?" She sighed again and stuck a hand in her knapsack. "Forget it, I have enough for all of us. You and me can settle the details later," she added at the end, shooting Ish a look.
  5. Niharumari

    Avatar: The New Generation

    (Yup, haha sorry, I was confuzzled too. :3) Menna actually smiled. "That's fine. Charmboy over here says he'll pay for you." She jerked her thumb in his direction. (He's afk right now, doing some yardwork. It's okay, since we've already rolplayed four pages without everyone else anyway. :P )
  6. Niharumari

    Avatar: The New Generation

    (Yeah, you did, just before Ish called you back. I think I'd posted at the same time as him or you, so I didn't know you'd come back.) Menna cocked an eyebrow at the two of them, and finally shrugged. "Sure, that's fine. It'll be nice to have another girl around."
  7. Niharumari

    Avatar: The New Generation

    Menna watched Hikari walking away, then turned to Ish and sighed. "Yeah, I guess if you want something...well, there's probably somewhere decent to eat in the city. We may even run into your new friend, Hikari on the way."
  8. Niharumari

    Avatar: The New Generation

    Menna eyed Ish. "Then take the armor off," she said shortly, awkwardly, aware that the airbender was still standing in front of them. Addressing her, she said, "Look, if you want to brush up on yur technique, I know of several libraries stuffed full of bending scrolls, if you're interested in...
  9. Niharumari

    Avatar: The New Generation

    (Mmm... what he said. ^)
  10. Niharumari

    Avatar: The New Generation

    (The thing is that there's only one family of Airbenders left in the world: Tenzin's family. And none of the people who signed up to RP are Airbenders (or are they? I forget..) So you' hve to get trained in Airbending with Tenzin or something.)
  11. Niharumari

    Avatar: The New Generation

    Menna rubbed the back of her neck. "Yeah, this genius here is my brother, and it seems like we'll be no help to you, since he can't bend at all, and I'm an Earthbender." At the "we'll be no help to you" bit, she shot Ish a look that said, so don't make her like you, because when we leave...
  12. Niharumari

    Avatar: The New Generation

    Menna sighed at Ish. Idiot, she thought. Why was he always trying to get girls to fawn over him? She poked him in the side as he started flirting with the girl who was apparently an airbender. "Hey," she said, talking over Ish. "Do you need anything? You look pretty new here."
  13. Niharumari

    Avatar: The New Generation [SIGN UP SHEET] (WE NEED MALES)

    Lol yeah. I wouldn't have done that if I wasn't in real life; he asked me to roleplay as his sister.
  14. Niharumari

    Avatar: The New Generation [SIGN UP SHEET] (WE NEED MALES)

    Name: Menna Kinoko Age: 18 Gender: Female Element: Earth Personality: Pretty much the bipolar opposite of her annoying brother, Ishiran (whom she often calls "Ish" just to annoy him), she is serious and usully quiet. She worked hard at Earthbending, and it has paid off, because she has...
  15. Niharumari

    In the small town of Tannersville

    Rin nodded slowly. "You mean, graduated from high school, right? What are you majoring in here?" She looked at Jason and gave him a stare that attempted to reinitiate their previous discussion: Prince Fluffytail...just...really?
  16. Niharumari

    In the small town of Tannersville

    Rin eyed the newcomer. Kelvin. "No...not really. I've been coming here fo a few months now... how about you?"
  17. Niharumari

    In the small town of Tannersville

    Rin rolled her eyes. "That," she said, "is the single most annoying name for a cat I have ever heard of." If Jason was arguing, she had already zoned him out, her eyes caught by a girl who'd just burst in through the campus entrance. "Do you...know where our classes are?" she asked the girl...
  18. Niharumari

    In the small town of Tannersville

    Rin had just gotten out of bio,which was good, because that class was so, so awful. She was just wandering the halls, contemplating coffee, a bagel, and wondering why in blazes did she sign up for bio, when Jason appeared out of nowhere and scooped her into a hug. Spluttering, she hugged him...
  19. Niharumari

    In the small town of Tannersville

    8:13. Rin glanced over at her bedside clock, and when she saw the time, all sleep-stickiness drained from her eyes. What, 8 already? Aw shoot, I'm totally dead! Her first class was at nine, and it took a half hour to get to campus. She jumped up, showered, and dressed in record time (for...
  20. Niharumari

    In the small town of Tannersville

    (Like your siggy? ^ Ha, I like it. :P So......................when does the actual roleplaying start??)