In the small town of Tannersville


Aki of Hearts ♡
Make a character first! ->

It's the beginning of winter in the small town of Tannersville. Everyone here is happy. They have lived here all their lives. What is going to happen that's so interesting? Why nothing. They'll be going about their business just like they have for years. Have a job, get a girlfriend/boyfriend and eventually, a family. Welcome to the small town of Tannersville.


Hello! Basically, your characters will be able to pick roles and socialize with everyone else in the town. A realistic roleplay. This is based off my own hometown ^^


Student (Infinite) (College - Northampton College)


Cook (Max 2) (Restaurant - Cozy Corner)

Waiter/Waitress (Max 3) (Restaurant - Cozy Corner)

Store Manager (Store - Mr. Z's)

Store Clerk (Max 4) (Store - Mr. Z's)

Police Chief

Police Officer


Librarian (Library - Tannersville Library)

Doctor (Max 3)(Hospital - Tannersville Medical Center)

Nurse (Infinite) (Hospital - Tannersville Medical Center)

Dentist (Max 1)


Have fun!

Appearances can be anime or real. Try to have the anime be a little realistic though.

Please do not make any crazy character, this is realistic so they won't be able to fly like Superman. xD

Please do not leave out anyone!

No fighting. NOTHING. 

Jason woke up early, 4:00AM to be exact. He took a quick shower and made himself some breakfast afterwards. By 5:00AM Jason was ready to head over to Northampton but he didn't have to go until 2 hours so he decided to relax on his computer to play the popular game League of Legends.

He considered calling his sister but then decided against it, unsure if she was up yet.

Prince Fluffytail purred and jumped on his lap, lying down.
Aura glanced at her cart, full of books that needed to be shelved. It would take up her morning, that was for sure.

She yawned. She had gotten up extremely early to reshelve the books before the library opened.

"Good thing I had nothing to do other than work..." she muttered, pulling her hair back into a ponytail.

She never had anything to do...except go to class in the afternoon. Life gets awfully boring when you have no friends.
8:13. Rin glanced over at her bedside clock, and when she saw the time, all sleep-stickiness drained from her eyes. What, 8 already? Aw shoot, I'm totally dead! Her first class was at nine, and it took a half hour to get to campus.

She jumped up, showered, and dressed in record time (for herself, anyway), and was in the car ten minutes later. As she pulled away from her ratty apartment, she whipped down the sun visor and scowled at herself in the mirror. "I think it's time to junk that clock and get one with an actual alarm," she announced. Arriving at the campus, she parked and gathered her things, squaring her shoulders, preparation for a day at war with the world.
Kelvin yawned and got up.It was around 9 something and he had to go to work at 10:30 ish.He yawned and got up and took a shower then put on his clothes.He made himself some coffee and put it in his bottle then quickly grabbed his keys and suitcase for work.He hopped into his car and went off to the hospital for work."Another day another dollar"he said to himself as he pulled into one of the parking spaces in the parking lot.He grabbed his things and shut the car door then went inside.Greeting some people first he walked down to his office.There were a couple of people waiting to see him but this was only the morning.There would be more later on.He sighed and went to the back and put on his medical jacket then checked his pad first and letting patience's into one of the rooms for check-ups or other things that they needed.
Jason was at Northampton, just finishing up his first class. He saw Rin and waved at her, smiling.

He walked over and gave her a quick hug.

"Good morning Rin."
Aura yawned and she caught a glance at the was nine.

At least it's not Monday...

She walked by a calender while shelving books, then back tracked a few steps.

"Monday...Monday...MONDAY?!" she squealed. She tossed the books out of her hands and ripped out of the library.

"I FORGOT ABOUT MY MONDAY MORNING CLASSSSESSS!" she screamed, running at an amazing speed down the sidewalk. Such speed, she was practically a blur and she left a weird track of dust behind her.
Rin had just gotten out of bio,which was good, because that class was so, so awful. She was just wandering the halls, contemplating coffee, a bagel, and wondering why in blazes did she sign up for bio, when Jason appeared out of nowhere and scooped her into a hug. Spluttering, she hugged him back, then stepped away. "Well, good morning to you too. D'ya miss me or something?" She smirked. "Come on, you can't tell me you're lonely in thatbig ol' house of Mom and Dad's. Could be worse, you know. You could live where I am."
Aura ran into the school, and squeaked to a stop.

"Where is it?" she groaned. This class was recently moved to Monday's at nine, and into a whole new classroom. Talk about confusing.
Kelvin sighed deeply as he walked out of the was time for his afternoon classes which unfortunately was right after working.He went back into his car and went on to his class.God how h hated his first medical class.He groaned then entered the building where the classes were.He saw some people and waved."Hey guys."he said to them
Rin rolled her eyes. "That," she said, "is the single most annoying name for a cat I have ever heard of." If Jason was arguing, she had already zoned him out, her eyes caught by a girl who'd just burst in through the campus entrance. "Do you...know where our classes are?" she asked the girl slowly.

At the same time, a guy she'd never seen before looked at her and Jason and said hello, and she nodded politely at him.
Rin nodded slowly. "You mean, graduated from high school, right? What are you majoring in here?"

She looked at Jason and gave him a stare that attempted to reinitiate their previous discussion: Prince Fluffytail...just...really?
Jason smiled and nodded. "He is a noble cat and will have a name befitting his rank. I have to head to class now, see you at lunch Rin." 
((No this is college. Rin was wondering if he was talking about Highschool or if he just finished college.))
"I finished college haha.I came back to finish studies and nail the classes that i had a difficult time in."he told them
Aura looked around, frazzled.

"I'm late...I'm lattteeee...." she whimpered, glancing around helplessly.

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