Avatar: The New Generation

((Well..to me it'll take up all of her time. The way she is right now, it seems like she'll ignore everyone else and just search for a master. And that's no fun when you have no one else to roleplay with. Maybe I should make an air-bender as well?))
((Nevermind, if you're not happy with that, then don't listen to us. We were only suggesting because we didn't want you to be left out.))

((Still, do you think we should make air-benders?))
((It doesn't really matter, ok?

She's a master. Now let me go change her backstory.))
((Yup. I changed it. It's all good now. Now she's just in Republic City to find new techniques to learn.))
Ishiran shrugged.

"Where we heading to now big sis? Can we get something to eat? I'm starving. Carrying this armor is tiring, even though it does make me look classy." Ishiran asked Menna.
Hikari took one last look at them before walking off. She hadn't really eaten much since she got to the city...well, having no money is a little factor to that. She had been living off what fish she could catch...which weren't very big or very appetizing.

She was, after all, the worst fisher in her tribe.
Menna eyed Ish. "Then take the armor off," she said shortly, awkwardly, aware that the airbender was still standing in front of them. Addressing her, she said, "Look, if you want to brush up on yur technique, I know of several libraries stuffed full of bending scrolls, if you're interested in checking them out. It's the closest thing you'll get to an Airbending master." 
(You and me posted at EXACTLY the same time. So now mine doesnt make sense. :P )
Hikari looked back at them and said, "Yeah, I'll go check there. Thank you for your help!"

She started to walk again, quickening her pace.
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"Goodbye...oh wait! I don't know your name! You have the honor of meeting Ishiran Kinoko! The legendary Naginata champion! I made that last part up but I really am a Naginata master." Ishiran called.
Hikari looked back at him, then walked back over.

"Hikari Ameyo..." she said quietly, looking down at her feet. She shifted back and forth, sneaking the occasional glance back up at him. "From the Northern Water Tribe."
Ishiran bowed to her again. "It was nice meeting you."

"Now! Time to go get something to eat!" Ishiran said to Menna.
Hikari awkwardly stood there, then said, "Y-yeah, nice meeting--"

She was interrupted by a loud, growling, awful noise.

From her stomach.

Her face went a deep red.
Menna watched Hikari walking away, then turned to Ish and sighed. "Yeah, I guess if you want something...well, there's probably somewhere decent to eat in the city. We may even run into your new friend, Hikari on the way."
Ishiran glanced at Hikari.

"Would you mind if we brought Hikari along? I'll.....p....." Ishiran gulped. "I'll...p...p..pay..half."
Hikari was hungry...and hey, why turn down free...or, semi-free food?

She looked at Menna with an impossibly adorable pouty face.
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(Yeah, you did, just before Ish called you back. I think I'd posted at the same time as him or you, so I didn't know you'd come back.)

Menna cocked an eyebrow at the two of them, and finally shrugged. "Sure, that's fine. It'll be nice to have another girl around."
((Oh...Hikari started walking away, he called her back, she walked back over, and she stayed :P

Sorry for the confusiooon!))

Hikari smiled and said, "Okay...um, let's see here..."

She rummaged through her pockets. She pulled out a screw, some lint, and a shiny rock. She stared at the junk, and held it out.

"It's all I have." she said awkwardly.
(Yup, haha sorry, I was confuzzled too. :3)

Menna actually smiled. "That's fine. Charmboy over here says he'll pay for you." She jerked her thumb in his direction.

(He's afk right now, doing some yardwork. It's okay, since we've already rolplayed four pages without everyone else anyway. :P )
"Charmboy..." she repeated. She glanced at Ishiran and sighed.

"No...he's just a flirt." she shrugged.
"I said I would pay half." Ishiran protested. He decided to let the Charmboy jape slide, although he was going to get back at Menna sometime later.

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