Avatar: The New Generation

Rhea walks into restaurant wearing her, pretty red dress and holding a really big stick that she used from walking. Even though Rhea didn't have any money, she was drawn in by the scent of cooking food. Plus there was a Tigerdillo. Her stomach growls, looks down at it giving it a light punch," Shut up tummy."
Menna prodded Ish with her foot. "Um..no need for that," she mumbled. "Sure, that place looks fine. Sound okay to you, Hikari?"
As she waited for the group waited for their order to be fulfilled, Jia went to go claim a table. Finding a nice table in a good spot, Jia sat down in one of the chairs and put her feet up on the table, officially claiming it as hers.

Noticing she had chose the table next to the man with the Tigerdillo, Jia began laughing at the coincidence. "Well, that was weird." Jia told herself, ducking down so that the man and his pet wouldn't see her.
Hikari was already sitting down at a table and scoping out the menu.

"That looks good...but so does that..." she mumbled.
Ishiran sat down next to Hikari.

"What's this. VEGETABLES!? Nope. Aha. The meat section." Ishiran muttered.
Rhea scrambles up to a table and sits there resting her legs. She looks around. I bet I can get someone to pity me and give me lots of food. She swings her legs off the side of the bench looking for her first target.
Ishiran flashed a charming smile to every girl that passed, who ignored him. He set his spear next to him and started to polish the blade.

"A shiny spear is a happy spear." Ishiran chuckled softly.
Rhea spots a man failing to impress some girls,so she walks up to him,tugging at the edge of his sleeve," Um hello Mister," She says to him, her cheeks blushing deep red once she sees his face. So, she quickly looks down at her feet, so she her bangs would fall before her face.
Jia put her feet down and sighed, "I'm bored." Creating a little fire in her hands, Jia began playing around with it, forming it into shapes and imitating people.

"Ni hao! I am the great Sozin, ready to destroy the world with flames!" Jia imitated the Fire Lord Sozin with a terribly weird voice, causing the people around her to stare. "What?" Jia frowned at the people, quickly putting out the fire.
Ishiran smiled.

"Hello there miss. Can I assist you in some way?" Ishiran asked politely. His armor made soft clanking as he shifted around to move his spear out of sight.
Rhea stands there squirming a little,Her stomach growls loudly ," Well I am really hungry,but I got no money," She says shyly, playing with a strand of her mousy brown hair. For some strange reason was feeling quite shy around this man. 
(Awwww little Rhea is crushing)
Ishiran smiled at her.

Crap. I don't have any money but I can't let this opportunity slip past me. I certainly can't ask Menna for the cash...I really wanted to save my money for a helmet. No. The ladies come first.

"I..I can pay for your food. Please, come sit with us." Ishiran said, shooting Menna a look. Let me have this sis...PLEASE.
"Ah sweet meat..." she muttered, flipping over to the meat section of the menu. She pointed to this huge leg of some animal that she had never heard of.

"I'm getting this." she grinned.

((Thought of another scene;

Sokka: I swear if I get out of here I'll never eat meat again and drop sarcasm!

Aang: Sokka?

Sokka: AANG! Did you bring any meat?)
Rhea smiles," Okay mister. Thank you," She sits down at the booth they were sitting at. Mission:Success. She thinks,as he stomach growls once more. I wonder if he is using me to attract ladies. I wouldn't blame him I am adorable and ladies do like me for some strange reason. She fiddles with the edges of her dress, as she sits there wondering why ladies thought she was, so cute.
Ishiran smiled and patted her head.

"Pick whatever you like. Where are you from little one?" Ishiran asked kindly.
Rhea smiles, a single dimple appearing," Can I have some ummm," She stop trying to figure out what she wants,b but suddenly frowns when Ishiran asks her where she is from," I am from around the I live in this reall nice alley way. People are always throwing good stuff away. Like this dress," She gets up and does a little twirl.
Ishiran applauded her.

"It's very pretty Rhea. I'm sure you must have a very fine alleyway. This is my older sister Menna, and this is Hikari." Ishiran said.

He passed her a glass of water.
Menna had been glaring daggers at Ish, who (as per typical) was too busy flirting to really notice. She was serously going to have to have a talk with him about this sort of thing... Whenshe vaguely heard her name mentioned, she glanced over at the newcomer, Rhea, and murmured a hello. She really didn't care if this girl or Hikari or even Ish thought she was being rude, because she was inwardly wondering why she and Ish had left their family to seek independence and solitude if all they ended up doing was attracting more people.

(Sorry if she sounds like a jerk here. I don't want you to quit RP'ing, these are just Menna's thoughts.)
((I'm back~))


Jia was still playing with her fire and making weird voices as a gang of burly men walked up to her table.

"Hey there, pretty lady." the leader, or so he looked like the leader, sat down next to Jia and wrapped his arm around her. (you don't know how awkward it is for me to write this)

Jia glared harshly at the man, the fire in her hands growing a little bit hotter than before. "I suggest you take your paws off my right this instant." Internally, Jia was panicking like crazy. She had many men like this come up to her, some to flirt and others to challenge her to a duel, but this gang were like triple her size!

"Oh, come on!" the weird man scooted closer to Jia, only to be pushed away. "Why don't you come with us and have some fun?" the man chuckled darkly as he leaned in near Jia's face. The fire bender was already at her wits end, she had no other choice than to- Did he just grab my butt?!

Jia sent the man flying off her with one hard punch in the abdomen. The man crashed into one of the tables and got up looking very mad.

"You shouldn't have done that, pretty lady." the man nodded to the rest of his gang as they began approaching Jia with an angry look on their faces.

Oh shit. I'm dead.

Ash sees the scence play down and lets out a heart laugh that fills the room," My good sir. I think you better back off my lady," He quirks an eyebrow,and makes his wrist do small circles," Or this will get quite ugly for you."

The man gets up and looks at Ash," Well, Well folks we got a DumbA** over here," The man laughs,but unlike Ashes his was cruel and dark. " I think..." Suddenly a piece of ice shaped like a ball hits him in the groin cutting him off.
Today was disgustingly hot. Vivan could feel the heat vibrating the air around her, making the wind more jumpy than usual; she tried to circulate the atmosphere around her like a giant fan as she walked, but after a while she grew tired of spinning in circles. It was difficult to manage the loaded cart before her while bending, so she resigned to the heat and just focused on making it to town.

It was the end of the month, and she and her brothers had just raked in another harvest- today was her turn to sell. And Viv was none too happy about it, although she pushed her cart calmly and tried not to let the heat ignite her temper. She didn't like haggling and pushing and arguing; Vivian would rather toss vegetables at all of the townspeople than deal with their scroogelike behavior. But she had a business to uphold, and a father at home who needed expensive water bending treatments, and so she would sell her wares at a hundred towns if that was what it took to survive.

As Vivian entered town she stood a little straighter and held her head high. Airbenders weren't common around these parts -or any parts, for that matter- and she was proud of her unique ability. Still, the stares were a little unnerving ... Keep walking, sweetheart. They all know you. They've all seen you before. Vivan pressed forward, toward a restaurant her family regularly supplied with vegetables.

The restaurant owner met her at the front of his place, having seen her coming from quite a distance. Viv put down her cart and extended a hand, but when the man didn't reciprocate she drew it back, toward her stomach. "Just had a great harvest, Hiroshi," She said carefully. "How does sixteen silver sound?" The man's eyes narrowed. "Six." Viv's heart dropped. Six was unfair, but by the look in Hiroshi's eyes she knew she wouldn't get far by haggling with him.

Before she could say another word, a large crash came from the restaurant's seating area. The restaurant owner looked sideways at a big man Viv assumed was some sort of security, and the two man ran over to see what was the trouble. Viv followed silently, curious.

((WOW, sorry, I got carried away with my first RP post back. @_@))

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