Avatar: The New Generation

Sen Pai

I'm back, baby.
Water. Earth. Fire. Air.

Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony. Them, everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked. Only the Avatar, master of all four elements, could stop them, but when the world needed him most, he vanished.

Hundreds of years later, The Fire Nation has been defeated, and everything was peaceful. Until, the man named Amon struck the Republic City in hopes that he could liberate all non-benders, but was easily defeated by Korra, the new avatar.

Now, the avatar cycle has been broken and there's a new villain on the loose. With no avatar to save them, the people are cowering in fear. What will you do?


  • -Keep it PG-13

  • -Swearing is allowed, but try not to take advantage of it hahaha.

  • -No controlling what other characters say, unless it's not an actual character owned by someone.

  • -BE ACTIVE. Please, please, please. We're not asking you to post every minute of every hour, but we are asking you to dedicate some of your time to this role play, please!

  • -If you're saying something out of character use parenthesis: (.....)

  • We'd appreciate it if you'd let us know in parenthesis if you have to go, so others are aware.

  • -I think it's better if you type in a paragraph, rather than using actions in asterisks *...*

  • -Put "Kiyoshi" somewhere in your character's skeleton if you have read the rules

  • -Oh, you can type as much as you please in one post, probably not too too crazy much..haha..but you can write one sentence if you wish. Quality, not quantity, right?

  • -Follow all the other basic RpNation rules

It was a hot and blazing day. Many people were in the coolness of their homes with a fan to blow refreshing wind into their faces. But, not everyone was inside. A few insane people stood outside in the rays of the blazing sun.

Jia sighed in exhaustion and slouched over, resting on her haunches. Without even looking up, Jia could feel the hot burning sun beat down on her fatigued body. Sweat covered her body as Jia got up, her breaths very laboured. Wiping the sweat off her brow, Jia slowly went back into the starting position.

"One more time." Jia whispered to herself before running up and trying another fire bending move, only to fall on the hard dry ground as she slipped on her landing. Hitting the ground in frustration, Jia hugged her knees to her chest. "Why can't I do it?!" Jia cried out, hanging her head.

No. I mustn't give up. Jia got back up and tried again. Failure after failure, Jia kept trying the move over and over again. Or in Chinese, fanfu.
Ash smirks to himself,as he walks towards a girl who was practicing the motions of a firebender technique,yet didn't seem to be doing it right ,"You kinda look like you are having a spaz attack,"He tells her, as soon as he is close enough for her to hear. He tilts his head slightly to the left,quirking his thin blue eyebrow ,"So what are you trying to do." For some reason Ash wasn't really affected by the heat that was beating down on him.
Jia jumped up at the voice and turned her head in surprise. Damn. He's hot. Jia blushed at the sight of the man, and scooted a little farther away from him.

Wiping the sweat from her brow, Jia frowned at the insult of her fire bending. "I'm just testing out a new move I made." Jia still had yet to perfect it, and she wasn't even near half way done. Quickly heading into the shade, Jia picked up her water bottle and took large gulps of the refreshing liquid.

Walking over to the man, Jia suddenly had a great idea. "Would you like to be my test subject?" Jia grinned excitedly, hoping the man would say yes. "I won't burn you, I promise!" What Jia had learnt from her failures was that one of the reasons she was messing up was that she couldn't picture her target and hesitated when she landed, causing her to slip and fall.
Ash clicks his tongue then starts to takes off his shirt," Why not. Nothing better than being with a beautiful lady such as yourself,"He flashes her a charming smile,stretching out his body. The sun shining on his muscular chest,"So, what do I need to do." He stands in front of her taking a step towards her slim form,studying up and down. Starting at her toes slowly making his way up to her face.

"I'm Ash by the way,"He tells Jai, while getting into stance.
Hikari sat on a bench, holding her chin on the palm of her hand.

She had been in the city for three whole days and still no luck finding a master to train her.
Aisha walked through the streets of Republic City,with a bucket of Kiyoshi Ice Cream,"So good!"She moaned as the touch of the ice cream froze her taste buds.Aisha's hood was pulled over her face,but it still illuminated with a gorgeous look.Aisha was known for her beauty and cuteness,but even more known how air-headed she was.

While stumbling through the hot streets,which she could ignore the heat,Aisha noticed a shirtless man about to fight a young woman,which was Ash and Jia.Aisha put down her ice cream and walked up to the man,"You have a very nice body!"She huffed as she rubbed his abs,with nothing but a smile.
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Lark was walking down a small dirt road in the city and noticed a girl looking pretty sad on a bench, with her head in her hand ((hikariiii... ps I LOVE YOUR SIGNATURE c:)). Lark tried to assume a tone between creepishly friendly and creepishly monotonous. She ended up with that tone of voice one uses when awkwardly addressing a stranger. It figures. "Hey, are you lost or something? You looked kind of sad." 
((pps im leaving now D: sorry lol only posted once T_T))
Jia nodded, blushing a bit at his body, but decided to push all of her teenage hormones off to the side. "Jia," the fire bender introduced herself and gave Ash a friendly smile. "Pleasure to meet you, Ash."

Stretching her own body, Jia pointed towards a small spot and told Ash to stand over there. "It's really simple." Jia pushed Ash over to the spot and gave him a grateful smile. "You just have to stand here and do absolutely nothing!"

Quickly hurrying back to her own spot, Jia began to sprint right towards Ash. After fluidly completing a few complex twists and jumps, Jia was swiftly formed a small blue fire in her hands. With one last jump, Jia landed a foot in front of Ash and pushed the fire ball out of her hands, narrowly missing Ash's face.

A few seconds later Jia tripped over her foot and fell to the ground. "I did it...!" Jia muttered to herself, her golden eyes wide with pride. "I did it!" Jia got up and bowed to the man, a bright smile on her face. "Thank you for helping me," Jia quickly skimmed her eyes over his body, looking for any sort of injuries. "Did I hurt you in any way?"
"In a sense." Hikari replied with a sigh. "Not physically, at least."

She scratched her nose and grumbled to herself.
Ishiran and Menna had been in the city for a week and still weren't used to everything.

"What is all this? Is that a flying....thingy? I feel old." Ishiran complained to Menna.

The heat didn't bother Ishiran. He had gotten used to heat much worse than this while traveling with Menna.

"Although...this city has some fine look ladies if you get my meaning Menna. Heh. Also some good looking guys. You should think about getting a boyfriend."

Ishiran sighed. He also noticed..not many people used Naginata's like he did. That was okay. He could survive. His spear was made to cut through rock and metal. It could withstand heat as well but not for too long. Ishiran spotted two girls at a bench. He got that charming grin that appears when he is about to speak to a girl.

"Targets acquired."
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Hikari brushed her fingers through her hair, thinking about how every person he went to for help thought she was a water-bender right off the bat.

Then she saw a guy.

She looked up at him, then grumbled, "Oh not again."
"How's my hair look? Good? No? Too bad. I love it." Ishiran asked Menna then completely ignoring her.

He walked up to Hikari and bowed to her.

"Hello, I couldn't help but noticed you looked so lost. Might I be of assistance?" Ishiran asked, with a charming smile.
Hikari raised an eyebrow at him.

"I need to find someone to help me with my bending." she said, eyeing him carefully. "You think you could help me?"

If he says something about water-bending I'm blasting him to the other side of the city.
"Sorry. I'm not a bender. You're an air-bender right? I can tell. You have the monks look to you." Ishiran said smiling. Ishiran may not be a bender, but he was good at being able to see the truth in people. Especially their bending. He and Menna had visited almost everywhere in the land.
Hikari blinked at him. She was pretty much expecting him to tell her about all of the great Water Bending Masters in the city...well. That was a first.

She nodded and said, "I'm surprised you could tell."

She uncomfortably glanced on either side of her.
Menna sighed at Ish. Idiot, she thought. Why was he always trying to get girls to fawn over him? She poked him in the side as he started flirting with the girl who was apparently an airbender.

"Hey," she said, talking over Ish. "Do you need anything? You look pretty new here."
Hikari stood up and said, "I need to find someone to teach me how to use my air-bending. Is this your...brother?"
Menna rubbed the back of her neck. "Yeah, this genius here is my brother, and it seems like we'll be no help to you, since he can't bend at all, and I'm an Earthbender." At the "we'll be no help to you" bit, she shot Ish a look that said, so don't make her like you, because when we leave, you'll have to break her heart. Fool.
Hikari sighed and put a sympathetic hand on Menna's shoulder.

"I'm so sorry." she said, referring to Ishiran.
Ishiran frowned sadly. "Okay sis."

He bowed to Hikari. "I'm sorry we couldn't have helped you."
Hikari shrugged and said, "It is what it is. I'll find somebody who can."

She hugged her arms and thought for a couple of seconds.

"There probably isn't anyone here who teaches airbending."
(The thing is that there's only one family of Airbenders left in the world: Tenzin's family. And none of the people who signed up to RP are Airbenders (or are they? I forget..) So you' hve to get trained in Airbending with Tenzin or something.)
((Not forcing you but I would suggest that she already knows how to use airbending because if she is searching, it's basically going to be nothing for her to do.))
((No, she already knows how to use it, she just wants to MASTER it, but there was no way to do that in her tribe :S ))

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