Avatar: The New Generation [SIGN UP SHEET] (WE NEED MALES)

Sen Pai

I'm back, baby.
Water. Earth. Fire. Air.

Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony. Them, everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked. Only the Avatar, master of all four elements, could stop them, but when the world needed him most, he vanished.

Hundreds of years later, The Fire Nation has been defeated, and everything was peaceful. Until, the man named Amon struck the Republic City in hopes that he could liberate all non-benders, but was easily defeated by Korra, the new avatar.

Now, the avatar cycle has been broken and there's a new villain on the loose. With no avatar to save them, the people are cowering in fear. What will you do?


  • -Keep it PG-13

  • -Swearing is allowed, but try not to take advantage of it hahaha.

  • -No controlling what other characters say, unless it's not an actual character owned by someone.

  • -BE ACTIVE. Please, please, please. We're not asking you to post every minute of every hour, but we are asking you to dedicate some of your time to this role play, please!

  • -If you're saying something out of character use parenthesis: (.....)

  • We'd appreciate it if you'd let us know in parenthesis if you have to go, so others are aware.

  • -I think it's better if you type in a paragraph, rather than using actions in asterisks *...*

  • -Put "Kiyoshi" somewhere in your character's skeleton if you have read the rules

  • -Oh, you can type as much as you please in one post, probably not too too crazy much..haha..but you can write one sentence if you wish. Quality, not quantity, right?

  • -Follow all the other basic RpNation rules

Character Skeleton

(I want good and detailed profiles. Minimum 2 lines)




Element: (leave it blank if you're a non-bender)


Background History:

Appearance (try to describe their appearance, but a picture is recommended):


Have fuuuuuuuuuun!~

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Name: Ishiran Kinoko

Age: 16

Gender: Male


Personality: Funny. He's very aloof and likes to joke a lot. He doesn't take many things seriously. He loves to make friends and also charm girls.

Background History: Ishiran is from a small family of nomads. His family traveled across the land, never really settling in one place. During that time, Ishiran was taught many forms of fighting by way of Naginata (A spear used for slashing and stabbing). Although he wasn't born an Earthbender, he trained as hard as he could along side his sister, Menna, who was a bender. They both struck out on their own later, to make money and a name for themselves.


Extra: Kiyoshi. Everyone loves the friendly mushrooms.
Name: Menna Kinoko

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Element: Earth

Personality: Pretty much the bipolar opposite of her annoying brother, Ishiran (whom she often calls "Ish" just to annoy him), she is serious and usully quiet. She worked hard at Earthbending, and it has paid off, because she has almost mastered it. Despite all this, she does know how to cut back ad have fun, when the rare opportunity presents itself. Her sense of humor is dry and full of sarcasm that can be grating.

Background History: After tiring of life among a group of nomads, Menna and Ishiran leave their family to experience independence and freedom, all their own. This is when she begins to truly master Earthbending, away from the pressures of her previous life. Despite the fact that things can get tough on two wanderers, she enjoys the peace and never looks back.


(Yes, the photo is lousy..) Menna has long brown hair the color of spring soil, and wears a simple beige dress that stops at her knees. She weas green and brown wraps on her shins, and also at her wrists.

Extra: Kiyoshi. To comply with the rules.
Name: Rhea Sage



Element: Earth

Personality: Eury is a childish person who loves to play pranks. She is also very blunt and honest to the point where she can't keep a secret even if her life depends on it. She is stubborn as a boulder who is eating a bunch of tiny boulder which is to say she can win a fight like no tomorrow. Plus sarcastism is her best friend.

Appearance (try to describe their appearance, but a picture is recommended):

Extra: Kiyoshi Yay 
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/Rhea2.jpg.02c08e5bcac4e9422a74b91dabd310fc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4008" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/Rhea2.jpg.02c08e5bcac4e9422a74b91dabd310fc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> 
History: Rhea is an orphan and grew up without any parents(The rest shall be revealed later)



  • Rhea2.jpg
    6.1 KB · Views: 43
Xynia1998 said:
Don't scare me like that Paipai I almost cried lol 
I love playing youngsters 
Wait what is the character limit
None. You can have 100! As long as you can handle all of them. :)
Name: Hikari Ameyo

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Element: (leave it blank if you're a non-bender) Air-Bender

Personality: (I will roleplay her personality, it's difficult to explain xD )

Background History: Being very distantly related to the monks of the Southern Air Temple, Hikari somehow gained the genetics to bend air, even though she was born in Northern Water Tribe. It was very...VERY difficult to master her skills, but only took about ten years due to her hard training. She left her tribe to go to Republic City in hopes of finding different techniques to learn.

Appearance (try to describe their appearance, but a picture is recommended):

Extra: KIYOSHI!!!
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Xynia1998 said:
wouldn't all her hair be shaved off
If you watched the first series of Avatar, you should recall one of the female Airbender Avatar. She didn't have her hair cut.
((Nononoo....they just get the tattoo. I know this XP

Hikari doesn't have the tattoo because she had nobody to give it to her.))
((Hehehhee but Hikari isn't from an Air Tribe, she's technically from a Water Tribe. So is it an airbender as a whole thing or just people in an Air Tribe?))
Character Skeleton

(I want good and detailed profiles. Minimum 2 lines)

Name: Jia Lan

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Element: Fire (burn baby burn!)

Personality: Jia Lan is a very outgoing and spontaneous young woman who loves to have fun. Jia can be a little hot headed, but is actually really easy to upset, she just doesn't show it. She keeps her problems to herself unless confronted about it. Jia's a little shy when it comes to men, but is very friendly and loves to joke about things.

Background History: Ironically, Jia's family died in a fire started by (insert evil guy's name here). After that, Jia seeks revenge for her family and vowed to herself to destroy everything (insert evil guy's name here) loves, just like s/he did to her. Naturally, Jia was a very good Fire Bender, but didn't start actually trying to learn about it until recently. After being pushed off and cliff and almost dying, if she wasn't saved by a local air bender, Jia has a small phobia of heights and can't stand looking down to see a large overhang.

Appearance (try to describe their appearance, but a picture is recommended):

Extra: Kiyoshi. Wait, why did I have to do that? I made this thread!

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