Avatar: The New Generation [SIGN UP SHEET] (WE NEED MALES)

Will add a villain later on, maybe all our villains should be part of one group. Working under one mysterious dark man who will be the penultimate boss of the RP. They could be called the Rough Gang or something and be known for causing general mischief, stealing, robbing and killing.
Name: Nial Devian

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Element: Air

Personality: Nial is calm and collected.He prefers for everything to go on without a hitch.His cruelty exceeds that of anyone you will every meet.

Background History: Mystery

Appearance (try to describe their appearance, but a picture is recommended):

Extra: He is an amazing swordsman
I'm thinking only 3 villains, including the big boss guy. 
First things first! What are they fighting for? (thinks of Mulan)
Name: Killian "Green Strangler" De Renno

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Element: Water

Personality: Killian is a little bit psychotic, ok a whole lot. He thinks plants can talk to him and they often tell him to kill and main. He is plain insane and he loves it, he has fun and always enjoys himself. He goes ballistic if anyone tries to hurt plants and will tear them apart. He loves to torture his prey both physically, mentally and emotionally. He loves to laugh maniacally and use to practice at home in front of the mirror.

Background History: Killian always grew up with an unnatural attraction to plants. He was born in the Earth Nation where his mother a Waterbender from the Northern Tribe emmigrated and married his father. When his water-bending powers developed he refused to use them for water and would only use them to try bend plants. His plantbending became very powerful to the point he could control and manipulate plants proficiently even if there weren't a variety around. He can trees move and make plants stretch so even small shrubs can be made dangerous. He first killed a man when he saw him cutting down a tree, he was a woodsman and he strangled him with a vine. He then started hearing the trees and plants talk to him and they said to kill... He began killing ever since, starting with his own parents.



Extra: Killian always keeps a set of thorny vines wrapped around his body and rolled up so he is never defenseless. He can also bloodbend but absolutely refuses to so as bending people is yucky! He will never ever do it!
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WAIT EVERYONE CALM YOUR CHARRIES!! We still need a good back story and etc. for the reason. Example: Amon did it because he wanted the non benders to be liberated
Money, power, fame. All being led astray for their own personal reasons while being manipulated by the mastermind of the Rough Gang who has a secret plan to become the most powerful bender in existence and rule the world as his own version of the Avatar, since the cycle is broken he believes he must fill the role and become a god like bender to rule the world and keep it safe in his own demented mind, the world needs him.

He is just manipulating the Rough Gang and got them to join using their wants and desires, he promised them anything to join. They just joined for whatever reason they want
PyroWarriorZ said:
Money, power, fame. All being led astray for their own personal reasons while being manipulated by the mastermind of the Rough Gang who has a secret plan to become the most powerful bender in existence and rule the world as his own version of the Avatar, since the cycle is broken he believes he must fill the role and become a god like bender to rule the world and keep it safe in his own demented mind, the world needs him.
He is just manipulating the Rough Gang and got them to join using their wants and desires, he promised them anything to join. They just joined for whatever reason they want
Ooooooh! I like that one :D

How about there's the crazy villain guy and his trusty sidekicks along with a bunch of followers who blindly follow him.

So it's like this: Followers<three trusty side kicks<villain guy
I do that a lot and it fits in with Pai's setup of the world missing the Avatar. But it also leaves a lot of room for expanding the idea and figuring out how he is going to do it which we can figure out as we go along, if it Pai likes it.

P.S. Killian just joined the Rough Gang because he likes hurting people.

But the Rough Gang is being used, at first it may seem like the Rough Gang is made by the secret mastermind to inspire terror and fear in populous so they will believe they need a new avatar or someone to fill role, so they will realize they need protecting and they can't survive without an "avatar". This is why he keeps himself secret, so he can jump in and save the day.

But however he also has a true reason for forming the Rough Gang. They each have a role to play which will help him ascend to the power of the cosmos and become the ultimate bender!!! MWHAAHAHAHAHAA!!!!

Ok, I'm done.
Keep in mind the Rough Gang will have to keep their association with Mr. Mastermind secret, because if the world knew he formed the bad guys they would turn against him. They need to see him as a hero, so he can come in, save the day and defeat the Rough Gang as he always planned.

He can be kept a mystery character until later, hiding in shadows, behind costumes or talking through the rough gang through a puppet he controls with his mysterious bending powers...
It can look like the Rough Gang is the one making up all the ideas, but it's actually he villain. There should be four people in the Rough Gang~ Water, Earth, Fire, and Air~ But then Mr. Mastermind can be....? Either Earth or Air. Then we'll take out whoever is the same in the Rough Gang. The previous avatar villains have been Fire and Water...soo....yeah.

The heroes can look up to mr. mastermind and try to defeat the Rough Gang. And yeah. Stuff
Character Skeleton

(I want good and detailed profiles. Minimum 2 lines)

Name: Kaba Gi

Age: 54

Gender: Male

Element: ...?

Personality: Kaba is a wise and kind old man who gives advice to the heroes. He seems to be an innocent cabbage merchant but there seems to be more to the helpful old man...

Background History: All files of his history seem to have been destroyed..


Extra: He likes cabbages...
I see you're still accepting ... :D ?

Name: Vivian Dey, or Viv for short

Age: 17

Gender: Another lady, please don't punch me

Element: Air

Personality: Viv has the demeanor of your typical earthbender; she takes no crap, has limitless patience, and has no trouble being firm whenever she sees it fitting. Like her mentor Tenzin, she prefers to think through the logic of a situation rather than acting rashly, but, as a teenager, she is not immune to spontaneous decision-making. Despite her solid grasp on life, however, Vivian also possesses the gentle and tolerant spirit of the Air Nomads. She is always willing to lend a strong hand or word of advice to those in need.

Background history: Vivian comes from a long line of farmers, or so her family thought before her airbending skills surfaced at the age of three. A detailed investigation of the Dey family tree revealed that Vivian and her older brothers did indeed have distant Air Nomad relations; it was a miracle, her father said, that such diluted blood could produce a real live airbender, living in his own home ... And then the Deys forgot all about Viv's ability and put her to work on the farm. At age twelve, when Vivian's abilities became too dangerous to keep around, her father sent her for formal training under Tenzin. Now, at 17 and a veritable airbending master, Vivian has returned home to help manage the farm for her ailing father- partly because she knows the importance of family, and partly because she feels lost and without a more worthy cause.

Apearance: *Sorry, no picture yet. I need to find a good stock image.* Vivan is pretty average sized- about 5'5" and slender. She has hard muscle but a few soft curves where months of no training have worn her down. Her hair is a tightly curled blonde, and falls down to her waist when loose- her curls frame a long freckled face and two sea foam-colored eyes. Of course Vivian also has traditional Air Nomad tattoos- light blue arrows that point to her extremities. She's pretty, but only underneath the grime and the hard work. Pretty doesn't do much for farmfolk, as her father says, and Vivan would have to agree.

Extra: Kiyoshi.Also, Vivian is pretty well known around town for her sky bison, Bluebell, who is of abnormal size and has light grey markings.
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Name: Faith Brinhold

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Element: Water (she's a very novice bender)

Personality: A quiet girl, she prefers to keep her thoughts and emotions to herself rather than bother those around her with them. She doesn't try and socialize much with people either and she prefers solitude above being with a group. At least, that's what she thinks. She is kind, despite her hard outer shell, and enjoys spending time with little kids or small animals; creatures that won't judge her.

Background History: An orphan, abandoned by her parents after birth. A Waterbender by the name of Cane took her in and brought her up as best as he could, but he soon found it nearly impossible to teach Faith anything about Waterbending. They lived near a small village, made up of nothing but non-benders, and a superstitious lot they all were. Faith was constantly scowled and spat at when she visited the village for food or supplies. It wasn't long before she became quiet as a rock, not offering a single word to anyone, including Cane.

As time went on and the years passed, Faith began to open up to Cane again, and managed to learn more about the element of water. Sadly, it was brought to a sudden halt. Cane died in his sleep one night from unknown causes. Since no one from the village would take her in she started off on her own, and that's how she's been ever since.



Extra: Kiyoshi for EVERYBODEE

((Not too late to make a character?))

if your still accepting... I had An Idea of twins

Name: Akio, Kida

Gender: Female

Element: Earth

Appearance: http://ztgong.deviantart.com/art/anime-girl-258572573

Personality: Akio is really strong And adventurous she loves life And beauty, she cares about her brother but doesn't show it much

Bio: Akio was raised in the fire kingdom hiding the fact that her and her brother were earthbenders from their shcoolmates , tired of living a lie And learning earthbending in secret she ran away with her twin brother to ba-sing-sei to become a stronger bender

Name: Kio, Kida

Gender: Male

Element: Earth

Appearance: http://ashita-no-hikari.deviantart.com/art/School-Boy-199688708

(Sorry for the chibi)

Personality:Kio is a class clown he makes people laugh And smile he loves bending and sports

Bio: like his sister he was raised in the fire kingdom And when they left he was upset because he had to leave his ex girlfriend Azura

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