Avatar: The New Generation [SIGN UP SHEET] (WE NEED MALES)

Nice I like her can we start now. Oh I will be making a water bender but She won't be posted until tomorrow 
I just noticed something very very big. There is only one male character
*shoots death glare at Akihito and towers over him scarily*

You killed off my one shot at romance before.

Do you dare try to escape my wrath a second time?
Well we all know what we have to do. 
Name: Ashlyn Deyniar (Call him ash or die)

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Element: Water

Personality: Ash is a complete sweetheart and loves to be close to people. In fact he gets a little handsy from time to time,but in a friendly way if that is possible. He also has a little problem when it comes to others feelings he is a completely dense person when it comes to that. He is really blunt to and can't seem to understand why he insults so many people. He can be a little bossy sometimes to

Background History: Ash grew up in the eastern water tribe until his father died when he was 5 years old. After that him and his mother (Aria) travel moving from place to place. Trying to find a new home, so his mother didn't have to remember the death of his father. They kept traveling until he was 10 that's when his mother found a new husband and everything was great. After that they stayed in the fire nation for many years where Ash was trained by his mother in water bending. When he turned 19 he moved away to travel the world again. Meeting old friends and making new ones on the way.

Appearance (try to describe their appearance, but a picture is recommended): <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/Ash.jpg.25a06341583443f15c04957007c39b3a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4013" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/Ash.jpg.25a06341583443f15c04957007c39b3a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>




  • Ash.jpg
    11 KB · Views: 26
Name: Aisha Seiker

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Element: (leave it blank if you're a non-bender)

Personality: Aisha is kind-hearted and rude.She says the rudested things with a smile,because she is an air-head and an idiot.She points out the bad parts of a plan quickly and easily,but she is still oblivious to the fact that she is smart than everyone thinks,because she does not think often.The young woman can recognize emotional moments

Background History:Aisha's parents abandoned her at a young age.They left her in the woods hoping she would die of hungry or she would be found by someone.A circus found her,and from then on she was raised as one of them.The young woman learned many skills including acrobatics,whip-mastery,weapon throwing,animal taming,and so forth.

Appearance (try to describe their appearance, but a picture is recommended):

Extra:She understands the concept of chi blocking,and can harness the chi within herself for combat.She also likes Kiyoshi Ice Cream
OMFG I NEED TO JOIN THIS BUT FIRST can i complete your beginning statement?


a hundred years passed, and my brother and i discover the NEW avatar, an airbender named aang. and although his airbending skills are great, he has a lot to learn before he's ready to save anyone. *runs into statue thing* but I believe... AANG CAN SAVE THE WORLD. cool story katara c:

Name: Lark Kingslin

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Element: (leave it blank if you're a non-bender) Water (prefers to use ice and snow/mist)

Personality: Lark is an outgoing and loud person, who often barges into the business of others. She makes fun of people a lot and doesn't know when she takes things too far, and therefore does so more often than she would like. She tries to hide it but she gets sad and emotional whenever she thinks about her brother or parents. She started her career in singing to take her away from real life.

Background History: Lark Kingslin was born into a family of rich nobodies under the name of Mariah Tarlesaight. Unlike most characters in books and movies, her parents were very kind and loving. However, this guy was hired to kill her whole family and steal the inheritance. But when the assassin arrived at the Tarlesaight mansion, Lark's brother had just gotten into a car accident. Lark and her sister was at the hospital with him when the assassin killed their parents and stole all their money. The brother died soon after.

Appearance (try to describe their appearance, but a picture is recommended):

Extra: Kiyoshi xD didn't forget this time c:
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(paipai900 Still accepting? I'd like to join. But can you fill me in on what's happening so far. You've already done six pages...)

Name: Zen

Age: 16

Gender: Male


Personality: Zen seems very gruff and angry at first, but he can actually quiet silly and funny once you get to know him. He takes him time to trust people, but he is 100% loyal. He has a strong sense of justice and prefers to think things through. He does have a temper and tends to over react over certain things.

Background History: Zen comes from the Fire Nation, from a relatively poor family. He has always worked hard and tried to do what is right, helping his family out. When he was young, he befriend a young Tigerdillo cub who he named Kiara who became his pet and best friend. He now rides Kiara everywhere and she is his main form of transportation. When he was 14 his farm house was set a light and his family burned inside. Foul play was suspected, but nothing was ever proven. Zen was forced to live alone, trying his best to survive. He now travels alone with Kiara as his only friend trying to survive the world, do what is right, uphold justice and figure out what happened to his family. Ken carries two small axes which he uses for general work such as wood cutting, but he can also use them for fighting and can throw them like boomerangs that arc back to him





Kiara the Tigerdillo is Zen's best friend. She is extremely loyal to him and will do anything to protect him. He often licks him to show her affections which he hates. She can be lazy and prefers to sleep then help out or anything, unless it comes to Zen. She is very temperamental to other people and won't let anyone else near her, let alone ride her. Not even Kiyoshi herself! Zen is never seen not riding her...

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PyroWarriorZ accepted~ Kiara's adorable~ Jump on in when you're ready, we haven't done much. But, this is what has happened. Jia is practising a fire bending move, Ash comes in and helps her by being the test subject, Jia offers to treat him to lunch, Aisha pops in, and yeah. So...WE'RE ALL GOING TO EAT AT A RESTAURANT AND MEET UP WITH EVERYONE!! Sorry. I thought I had replied but I didn't! ^^"
Villain Character Skeleton

(I want good and detailed profiles. Minimum 2 lines)




Element: (leave it blank if you're a non-bender)


Background History:

Appearance (try to describe their appearance, but a picture is recommended):


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