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  1. happerry

    [Blight!] [1.3] Refugees and a Refuge.

    Thousand Diamond Echoes nods. "And if nothing else, I don't think we could afford to turn you two and yours away anyway. The names Thousand Diamond Echoes, and I'm glad your trip has ended. Welcome to Bastion."
  2. happerry

    [Blight!] [1.3] Refugees and a Refuge.

    "Indeed." Diamond agrees Sebast before turning her gaze on Custodian "I will join the scout group."
  3. happerry

    [Blight!] Tominic Through the Pipes [OOC]

    I'm just really not sure how to react to the last post in my thread.. I was going to go ask for the information we had on the blight cults so blossom could start being sneaky and go spy on them/investigate the slums, but.. really, she's not much of a city exalt.
  4. happerry

    [Blight!] [1.2a] A welcome of an unascertainable temperature.

    Thousand Diamond Echoes nods "I would request then that we be given what information you have gathered on both this conduit and this... Grimm, so we make make efficient plans."
  5. happerry

    [Blight!] [1.2a] A welcome of an unascertainable temperature.

    Thousand Diamond Echos nods "As well, to start a mass purge of the slums while both decrease our available workers and suck up resources and manpower just as we need them most. That might be the whole point to void cults trying to sneak in there, in fact."
  6. happerry

    [Blight!] [1.2a] A welcome of an unascertainable temperature.

    "Before you ask, I don't know what he meant ether" Thousand Diamond Echos says about her fellow exalt. "I do wish he hadn't ran off. Finding Voidbring cults in the slum sounds right up his ally. As is, I think that cutting them off at the knees while have the most rapid change for the better. It...
  7. happerry

    [Blight!] Tominic Through the Pipes [OOC]

    Heh, we now have three people who were in the outlands for most of the time before this game, as Thousand Diamond Echos was tracking the outland groups when the quake happened. Wonder if she ever ran into any of you.
  8. happerry

    [Blight!] [1.2a] A welcome of an unascertainable temperature.

    Thousand Diamond Echos also blinks at Chrome-Forged Star "Eh?"
  9. happerry

    [Blight!] Tominic Through the Pipes [OOC]

    And new non martial arts charsheet is posted.
  10. happerry

    [Blight!] Thousand Diamond Echoes

    (Artwork Holder, haven't seen anything I like)
  11. happerry

    [Blight!] Tominic Through the Pipes [OOC]

    Ack, didn't notice this is back.. really need to hurry up and do that rebuild.
  12. happerry


    Here and ready to rejoin.
  13. happerry

    Wishing Patternspider would come back.

    Wishing Patternspider would come back.
  14. happerry

    Site Name Updates & Subscribing to Forums

    I would as well.
  15. happerry

    [In the Service of the Senate] [IC] Act 01.08: Pomp and Circumstance

    Anoth smiles to himself as he watches... someday.. someday he'll have such a figurehead, and a kingdom of his own... but for now he can watch and see what good ideas he can steal from this.
  16. happerry

    [In the Service of the Senate] [IC] Act 01.08: Pomp and Circumstance

    And so it is that Anoth goes to visit the Kennel, for should not a loyal dog be taken on walks sometime? And she'd probably like to see this too...
  17. happerry

    [In the Service of the Senate] [IC] Act 01.08: Pomp and Circumstance

    And it is such that Anoth heads over to his fortress's temple, to tell his new priestress that, given the event, she can have the day off to go watch the empress arrive. Anoth knows that's what he plans to do...
  18. happerry

    [In the Service of the Senate] [IC] Act 01.07: After the battle

    Anoth pauses, and listens to the rest of the story before starting back towards his fort... he does need to give his kitty her new collar after all.
  19. happerry

    [In the Service of the Senate] [IC] Act 01.07: After the battle

    And so Anoth buys a few, a small expense for one of his resources.
  20. happerry

    [In the Service of the Senate] [IC] Act 01.07: After the battle

    And so Anoth sighs as the story ends, for the Lintha are some of his more amusing enemies... well, if their aren't any collars the size he needs, he may as well buy some and then see about either getting some reshaped later or finding some other inhabitants for his kennels who they will fit...