[Blight!] Tominic Through the Pipes [OOC]

I'd prefer you spoke for them -- that way, I can genuinely be surprised what they say and do, and react to it accordingly.
Besides, if I write all their lines, the temptation will be strong to have them say whatever I/Flowering want them to say, which is not how Allies should work, even the most loyal ones.
Agreed, I'll take control of them in dialogue, but I may turn their combat actions over to you to help relieve the combat load from my end.

But for now, I'll make way for PC interaction. Delicious, delicious PC interaction. Or not, just let me know.
Well that scene was winding down anyways, all that was really left was for you and Sherwood to interact a little and head off. Might as well just wait for you to come back before I start the next scene.
Sorry for the delay Sherwood, just waiting on Arynne, so we can close up the thread, and on the other thread, because I was hoping the next thread could be joint.
No problem. I'll just accept a large xp bonus to make up for it.:cool:
Just to give everyone a heads up, this Wednesday I'm leaving town for GenCon. I'm taking my computer along, but I don't know how good my internet connections will be while at the convention. Hopefully, I'll be able to log in and post, but if not, I'm back the next Monday.
I'm just really not sure how to react to the last post in my thread.. I was going to go ask for the information we had on the blight cults so blossom could start being sneaky and go spy on them/investigate the slums, but.. really, she's not much of a city exalt.
Crap. I'm sorry guys, I didn't say in here that I had a bit of an RL event, death in the family. Kinda took me away form the site, understandably. Buuuut I'm gearing back up.

happerry said:
I'm just really not sure how to react to the last post in my thread.. I was going to go ask for the information we had on the blight cults so blossom could start being sneaky and go spy on them/investigate the slums, but.. really, she's not much of a city exalt.
To speed the process we were gonna hash out the plans for the next threads OOC, I can give you whatever information you want, and we can figure out where to go from there. The last post in the that thread was to change the narrative from information exchange/planning to Oh Shit Something Just Happened!

MrSerious said:
So gm are you waiting for me to implement a plan :D . I will get right on it.
The onus does not rest solely upon your capable shoulders, we can all carry that weight together. So shall we propose plans?

@Arynne and Sherwood, I'll post in your thread this evening.
Are we still up and running? I hope we are; I do enjoy the game so far.
On my end at least; I'm waiting for the other thread so that I can dovetail you guys together. Your thread has mostly played out, other than some possible PC interaction. I could end the other thread at this point, but I'll wait another day to see if anyone has something to say.
Alrighty, I'm gonna close the two threads and start a meet up thread, so that our combined party can OOC brainstorm over our plan of action. Expect a thread tomorrow night.
CoU shall stay in the Slums and divvy up the residents, provide training and marshall forces for the military campaign. He will also keep an eye out for the Jarshite and bolster the Slums' with his Charms and personal presence. Hopefully someone will out him sooner or later.
I edited in some IC stuff for Diamond and Custodian in the new thread. Excuse my delays, your ST is a bit of a lush.

@MrS, sounds good. Once we unite the party we can go about saving the world.

@Sherwood I have been neglecting to award XP since there hasn't been a chance for downtime and the Alchies don't have any immediate training times.

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