[Blight!] Tominic Through the Pipes [OOC]

Sherwood, even though it isn't your tick yet, the events are the ground floor aren't exactly going to affect you, so go ahead and post your action, and I'll post the Gezlak's action after.
Where we once shipped off designs, formulas, and raw materials in exchange for goods, we are left stockpiling the fruits of our mining operations and making due with what small production capabilities we have. We are awash in manpower from the slums, but only one man can pull a lever at a time, and we don't have that many levers to begin with."

Not wanting to sound stupid IC, but wouldn't one of the logical courses of action would be to construct new production facilities, especially since Bastion is fortunate enough to have the resources to support them?
magnificentmomo said:
Sherwood, even though it isn't your tick yet, the events are the ground floor aren't exactly going to affect you, so go ahead and post your action, and I'll post the Gezlak's action after.
Hammer's action has been posted.
Well, in the wake of the Great Void Quake, they spent a lot of time just getting the city running again, they've been trying to build some facilities, but there are some delays.

For one, the reason they never built any production facilities was Municipal Charms. Bastion has Municipal charms devoted to research, while Arat is one of the single greatest producers in Auto. So that was why they never built facilities before, they didn't need to. That and a lot of their resources are minerals and compounds that are used to make chemicals and other materials, but not much metal.
Flower, since she is obviously a Exalt, and a watchful eye on the ARC figthers. But, if they ask for any assistance, he will respond in a positive manner.
The weak link of PbP, dialogue.

I hate such tiny posts, but sometimes, that's the only way dialogue can work.

I'll be around my computer for awhile so more posts will come as others do.
I had thought that Flowering had mentioned to Hammer that you had civilians with you. If you had not, I'm sorry for using player knowledge. :( It won't happen again.
@Sherwood, I figured, but it seemed like maybe Arynne would have something to say before I move it along.

@MrS, no problemo, I think we've all had issues with the notifications at one point or another.

e/ For those in the meeting thread, would you like to hash out the plans for the Slum Ops IC or OOC? I think OOC would be a bit more efficient.

Double e/ Ebon is gonna have to take a little break for some RL stuff, so whatever plan we cook up his part of the plan is gonna have to be off screen.
Agreed. I'll try and wrap this scene up and then we can hash out exactly how to proceed.

Also, Arynne, how much do you want to play your Allies? I'm not sure if I am supposed to be speaking for them.

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