[Blight!] Tominic Through the Pipes [OOC]

I'll have some fluff to go with that crunch later today, but now I have to go to work. The rest of the scene is basically extras that won't be included into the tick count for now. Also, Arynne, what stats do you want me to use for Kif? And Sherwood, if you are going to stay in cover I'm gonna say that only two of your squad can fire from your position comfortably, what stats would you like me to use for them?

Edit: For the other thread, I'll give a little more time to post, but then I'll move it forward, probably sometime after midnight CST. If you want to post something in that thread, but don't have the time for an IC post, just let me know.
I do want to post something in that thread, but its a case of this week's been a killer for me. Something to the effect of 'News best left for trusted ears'
I cooked up some stats for Kif, using Scroll of Heroes, which I can post here if you wish.


If you don't, he's a little bit above "Regular" but well below "Elite" in terms of dice pools -- no traits higher than 3.
Go ahead and post him in your character sheet.

Sorry for the delay, when I got home from work last night instead of getting some computer time, I got conscripted into arts and crafts time with my friends band to help them for their CD release party tonight, which I have to go to immediately after I go back for my second shift today.

@MrS No worries, I can never tell if silence is due to personal time or not having anything to say. Sometimes I worry that everyone is just waiting for me to move the thread.
Feeling a little dense - I've been looking back through my thread for the relevant section about the Apostate city.. but I cant seem to locate it. Since I want to have all the facts in game before saying anything in the debriefing or to Ebon.
It was in Chrome Forged Star's background. It was where an elder Alchemical from Bastion lured Chrome and a Jade caste into a trap. The Jade caste barely survived, and Chrome brought home the soulgem of the apostate.
I did post my damage roll for Hammer. Is there something that we are waiting on from me still?
Nope, just waiting for me to finish my post. I'm almost done typing it, but I'm having to leave the coffee shop I'm at (I'm on my phone) so it won't be posted until I get home in about 45 minutes.
When Chrome was slaughtering the Gremlin and heretics he stumbled across someone he recognized, this was during the battle to save the convoy.

Also, I edited my post in Sherwood and Arynne's thread. Arynne, it is now your tick.
And do they have any markedly vulnerable-looking spots, or is one place as good as another? *typing up post concurrently with this*
The Armored heretic who suffered damage is at about that range, as is Heretic 3 who is distinctly less armored, but has a large ugly blade for an arm.
Sorry, I had various activities over the past week to celebrate July 4th. I got very drunk in various locations, including the woods. I'll post after work tomorrow.
No worries. I'm having my thesis presentation on Monday (which concludes my post-graduate degree - hurray and Thank God - at last) so things are going a bit slow here as well.
Wow. Congratulations.

Yeah, for some inexplicable reason my friends and I really like to celebrate July 4th. As of today I have been to 4 different July 4th celebrations. Sorry I didn't give a heads up, it kinda snuck up on me.

Posting now...
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnndddddddddddddd, my power goes out. Awesome. Posting from my phone would be a nightmare, so hand tight.

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