[Blight!] Tominic Through the Pipes [OOC]

Cool deal. Looking forward to my next action against the gremlins.
How about we roll stunt dice on their respective actions post using the built in "Throw a die" button? I think it is easier than copy pasting from invisible castle. Or, if you'd like, I can roll your stunt dice using the "throw a die" function on my response post.
Hate to double post the OOC thread, but the stats for a Grand Daiklave were changed in 2.5. They are as follows.

Grand Daiklave: Speed 5, Accuracy +1, Damage +11L/4, Defense +0, Rate 1, Tags: 2, O, R

Sorry I didn't go over your sheet more carefully.

Edit: we are also using Revlid's revision of the Breamklave rules. There is a link in the houserules thread in the Tome sub-forum.
The Two Sides to The Situation:

Awesome we have complete autonomy to save Bastion!

Crap! I have no idea what to do! :P
Is there still a magical material bonus to the beamklaves? That did add to my bonuses on the blade.

Bastion may fight you on that....

Typing now, resisting the urge to go balls deep into Shards. I hope you guys realize how much I like you, and this game.

Edit: I feel dirty. I used an emoticon.

Serious Edit: MrS are you waiting to post or should I go ahead?
Balls deep into Shards? I don't understand. I know you're waiting I've been working from 8am till 10.30pm at night every day of the week and I just want to sleep by the end of y day. I will try and post something tonight.
No worries, i work doubles on the weekends so I understand. Not trying to rush you, just don't want to skip you, so don'tn feel compelled to post if you are dog tired and uninspired.

Also, Shards of the Exalted Dream released today. It is glorious.
What is that? A new book? If so, I hope to see it at GenCon in a month when I go.
Our GM has gone missing in action. Several search parties were dispatched to retrieve him and hope to find him safe and well.
They will find my desicated corpse, with employee card in hand, forever frozen in a last ditch attempt to clock out.

I only work this mornin, so expect a post afternoon/evening.

Also, holy shit Shards is fantastic. I'm not sure what to mine from the first chapter for this game just yet.
Also, last night's debauchery has left my head in a weird place. Hopefully my PM distracts you all long enough for me to be completely in this realm of existence.
Ok, the PM has distracted us long enough. We want posts! :D

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