[Blight!] Tominic Through the Pipes [OOC]

I've been told that before.

Last time was when I referred to something as "cooler than carbonite". :wink:
But now you need to send me a job application. I lost/am losing my job, so I am in the middle of a job application blitz. This means I'll be out for another week or so, followed by a depressing amount of free time.
Silver lining to every cloud - more postage to the game thread! woo!

Also - I hope you find another job soon, being unemployed sucks.
I've been out of work for several years, but its been by choice. I'm the stay at home dad and general housebitch. I plan on getting back to work (hopefully) before too long. I just need to wait for the tax returns so I can get myself a car. My old one died in a wreck.
It looks like our forum is making its way back from the Archive.
Appears so. Just need the sub-forums and then we can organize this piece and make it live. Hopefully posting here doesn't make it more difficult in some strangey wangey compy wompy codey way.
I'm trying to choose between 3 sub-modules: Dormancy Emotive Upgrade (make Social attacks while unconscious or asleep), Self-Sculpt (change aspects of your appearance permanently, while remaining recognizably yourself) and Vocal Modulator Field (mimic all sounds perfectly).

Or, alternately, leave the XP banked.

While admitting that I have not read the aforementioned charms extensively, and I'm not an expert on them, I'd say that the first gives you a unique ability, which is to interact socially, while being inactive. You could imitate voices or sounds without the relevant submodule, albeit not perfectly and with a required roll. You could also disguise yourself in one way or another, via other, more mundane means, with limitations. But you could conceivably attempt to do such things. Now, interacting while considered inactive for all other purposes, seems quite unique to me. Of course, you cannot know beforehand if you'll ever end up in a situation like that, but well, it is something to consider.

I hope my brief comment helped a bit. :)
If you can, you may want to move the OOC thread out to the main page. Saves us the trouble of going into the archive thread to post in it.
Worked a double yesterday, and a double today, and a double tomorrow. So, sometime in the next few days. I still need a character background so I know how to introduce Hammer.
I just posted some info for Hammer. Hope it will work for you.
I'm just waiting for the ok for Hammer to be ready to post, along with a thread for him.

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