[Blight!] [1.2a] A welcome of an unascertainable temperature.

This was probably one of the quietest skiffs returning from a military victory in the last one hundred years of Autochthonian history. Despite the successful route of the heretic forces and dispatch of a potent gremlin, it was revealed that the force they were fighting was composed of at least some of their former countrymen. Though the chosen tried to keep this information under wraps, word travels and seemingly every man was quietly contemplating the possibility that they had just killed a comrade. More than a few had family in Concordia at the time of its fall. When they had been faceless savages the job was easy, but now it felt like murder, and they couldn't avoid the question of what can drive a person to betray their country, their religion, and even their fellow man.

For the champions the return trip likely meant a debriefing with Tripartite, great. Hopefully the initial meeting could be small and informal, but with the latest news of who it was that was attacking them, besides the fact that the convoy reported an ever larger force camped out around a rich vein, a grand inquiry was going to be in order. May the Design of Autochthon be merciful and spare them the ordeal long enough to recuperate.

On top of the debrief, Thousand Diamond Echoes was slated to convene with the Senior Sodalite Tryr in his chambers regarding her assignment. He was a strange man, but weren't all Sodalites?

As the skiff started entering the metropolis' city limits, Chrome-Forged Star started to pick up signals from Probe, it had apparently been able to go unnoticed all the way to Tryr's office. It is only audio currently, given Probe's hiding place among the sodalite's robes. The signal was faint at first, flipping in and out, but the connection eventually held,

"This is unaccept- We were givin explicit instr- I won't be the one tellin-d Cutting Attrition that we haven't made any progress. The De-ears don't fail, understand?"

"Yes sir."

"That old fool Khess is too wary of me already, otherwise I would turn him myself. Instead I have to deal with incompetent proxies! We didn't share our gifts with you so you could fumble it up. We were given a strict timeline and it is quickly coming to a close. I'll give you another dose, don't misplace it this time. Ensure that Bharet Khess is among our numbers come next Fire shift, or you will not be. Is that understood?

"Y-yes sir."

The feeble voice sounded vaguely familiar, but the groveler wasn't giving the champion much to go on.

Intelligence+Awareness roll difficulty 3.

Custodian of Unity was still unconscious from his close encounter of the blighted kind, but he was likely to stir at any moment. Out cold, visions of a crystaline being emanated in his head. Tall, imposing. It felt like the memories were trying to rip themselves from his mind. Whenever the flitting images won out for a moment, the face of the Jurashite stared at him with his singular determination.

Do you plan on blowing the 5nwillpower or letting the Adamant's appearance slide for the time being?"
Maybe important things are happening around Chrome, but he just ignores them, too focused to receive the message.


Switch to sight.

Primary keep stealth.

Secondary look at the interlocutor for identification."

Probe will try to look at the interlocutor of Tryr, but do so only if reasonably sure to maintain stealth.

Int+Awareness: 5suxx

As Probe cautiously emerged from the robes of the sodalite, and glided out from under his desk, the incoming visuals only confirmed Chrome-Forged Star's suspicions. The bullied subordinate was the clerk that had escorted him to the Tripartite Assembly this morning, Dinari. The lowly clerk was wrapped in the same grey aura as Tryr. He had seemed so honest earlier, how could he have gotten himself wrapped up in something so obviously heretical?

The functionary speaks,

"I-I will dose him tomorrow morning at our Fire Shift briefing-

"No. Tonight. If the Autocrat is not turned by the end of today's Air Shift then your never-ending life won't be quite as long as promised. Now go, micromanaging you isn't the only thing I have to do today."
Probe has Essence Sight, and saw strange patterns on Tryr. Does it see the same strangeness on Dinari?
And so Thousand Diamond Echoes rests as they travel back, making a mental note to restock on crossbow bolts once they get there."This one thinks that that was an interesting battle, but one that wards Ill for the future." She comments softly, almost to herself. "More intelligence on the disconnected... This new project is likely to be of increasing importance soon."

Switch to audio.

Primary keep stealth."

Chrome-Forged Star leaves the vehicle, still holding the prisoner suspended a few meters above the ground, and walks straight to the close Metroterminal.

"Chrome-Forged Star, Starmetal Caste in service to the people of Bastion.

Requesting immediate communication with Metropolis."

Assuming that Chrome has no clue of where to find Inescapable Conclusion.

Assuming that local Champions have a quick way to talk to Bastion.
Custodian of Unity

The image of the crystalline being began to resonate, overwhelmingly so. A low hum built up into a shriek, as the image washed out all other thoughts, washing into a bright searing white light then- Custodian awoke to find himself in the dark quiet of the skiff. While everyone seemed glad that Custodian was conscious, no one overtly expressed it. Sebast limped over to the prone champion and took a knee next to him,

"Welcome back hero, that was quit a knock you took back there. Good thing you splatted that atrocity back there or we all would have been in trouble."

Sebast gestured towards the side of the cabin where the remains of the oafish heretic still stuck, smeared on the wall. But Sebast's story didn't line up. You didn't dispatch the Voidbringer, the crystalline entity did...


The skiff touches down in the same cold silence it had traveled in. The small group on the landing pad stood in somber silence, a stark contrast to the usual fanfare a returning sortie party would expect. The landing platform itself was a suspended catwalk-like structure not too far from the glorious Assembly Hall: It and the spire of Bastion herself towered over them, their imminent glory a stark contrast to the sour darkness of landing platform.

As the crew disembarked, the troops went a separate way following Sebast. Before they descended from the platform, the battle-scarred soldier made eye contact with the collected Champions, followed by a slight nod. His tight-lipped frown was the perfect representation of the prevailing mood.

A portly young man sporting the soulgem of the Olgotary stands by with two regulators waiting for the assembly of champions. He looks to be one who was usually happy, given how the frown on his round face seemed very out of place. The top-knot crowning his shaved head, a style showing deference to the now balding Grand Autocrat of Claslat, wobbles as he begins to speak,

"Champions I wish I was meeting you under better cirums-"

but he is cut off as Chrome-Forged Star speaks aloud to the Metroplis. The clerk stands there awkwardly, fidgeting with his robes, as if he isn't sure if he should continue.

Luckily a Hologlyphic Projection Station was nearby; It flickers to life, and the bust of the Metroplis' humanoid form can be seen and then speaks,

"Communication line open Champion. I hope this is a matter of importance, I am at a critical point in the next stage of my work."
"The Autocrat is in danger. Enemy from within. I require priority contact with Champion Inescapable Conclusion."

Let's see how long it takes for my message to reach Probe...
Custodian of Unity is silent, sombre and somewhat withdrawn knowing that HE did not dispatch the void bringer; That some other, unknown, entity saved the crew of the Skiff. Perhaps an agent of the Great Maker reaching out to save the agents' of His salvation?

The words of Chrome Forged Star break through his reverie snap him back into awareness on both the here and now whilst recalling his own encounter in the refugee camp with the disturbing agitator.
Custodian of Unity and Thousand Diamond Echoes

The flickering image of the Metropolis blinks once and responds to Chrome-Forged Star with a preternatural calmness,

"The Autocrat is in the Tripartite Chambers awaiting you for debriefing. My sensors show that the security at the Tripartite Hall has not been compromised. The possibility of the Autocrat being in danger is within allowable parameters. The security chief has been put on alert status, but a full-scale deployment is not warranted."

It is apparent that Bastion had gained some Clarity since you spoke with her last. She blinks once more,

"Inescapable Conclusion is not currently within my borders, he left for Arat 16 shifts prior to your request. If you require the council of a Soulsteel Caste Uncompromising Sentinel of Judgement has recently arrived in Bastion and should be at your location momentarily."

The Starmetal caste stopped listening when he didn't like what he heard. He wasn't about to let another tragedy befall his nation under his watch,

"Fine then, I'll handle this myself."

The Starmetal caste turned abruptly and started off like a man possessed, barely taking the time to acknowledge his fellow chosen,

"There's no time. Go to the debriefing and watch the Autocrat. Thousand Diamond Echoes, I'm going to cancel your posting with the Sodalite Tryr..."

Then the Champion draws his rail gun, and leaps from the skiff platform. Chrome Forged Star still couldn't trust the other Chosen, not since the last time he let his guard down.

Uncompromising Sentinel of Judgement

Through the skiff window, Uncompromising Sentinel of Judgement could see that Bastion still stood in all of her glory, and relief washed over him. Ever since he got the Vision Transmitting Protocol recalling him from his mission in the Reaches, and notifying him of the attack on Bastion, the Soulsteel Caste could only imagine the worst. The skiff pilot who was usually rather chatty had been uncharacteristically silent the whole trip, wholly focused on getting the Blessed of Ku back to his beloved Metropolis.

As the pilot made his descent, in the flashing lights Sentinel could see the other Champions and their sortie party disembarking. A quick headcount showed that the platoon had suffered minimal casualties, so why did everyone look to be in such a sullen mood? Luckily the chosen's skiff was cleared for the adjacent landing platform, he wouldn't have to wait long to get any answers. After what felt like ages the bay doors finally clanged open giving Sentinel a clear view to the other platform, just in time to see Chrome Forged Star brandish his oversized railgun and leap from the grated catwalk with a purpose.
Sentinel took a moment of mental respite, seeing Bastion seemingly intact. Being away on a mission in the reaches, while Bastion came under attack was not his desire, but those situations tend to be unforeseen. Besides he was here, now and he would carry on his Maker - mandated mission to protect Bastion and eliminate any threats against her integrity.

As soon as the skiff touched down, Sentinel thanked the pilot for his excellent skills and for bringing him swiftly to Bastion, then disembarked and moved quickly towards the other Champions and gathered humans.

Seeing the evident sullen mood in the atmosphere, he greeted them, acknowledging the other Champions and started inquiring about the situation.

"Greetings fellow Champions and esteemed citizens of Bastion. This is Uncompromising Sentinel of Judgement. I've been away in the Reaches, carrying out an assignment, when I was urgently recalled back here. Is the situation under control? Are there any preliminary reports on what happened? By my estimation there are only minimal casualties yet the morale seems to be quite low, any specific reason about it?"
"The immediate situation has been contained and we have retrieved the survivors, brother. The insight of the soulsteel caste would be useful during our debrief to plan our response to the Blight Zone which requires cleansing."
MrS, just a clarification, to avoid potential confusion, is your response directed towards my character or Happery's?
Sentinel nodded. "Well met brother. It's good to hear that the situation has been contained for the time being and that there are survivors, who have been retrieved. Rest assured that I will see to it personally that our response to the source of this foulness is most swift and devastating. What happen to the Chrome Forged Star though and where's he off to so hastily, since you said there's still a debriefing pending"?
"I and my companions will debrief Bastion and the Tripartite, Chrome Forged Star has urgent business to attend regarding the safety of our fair city. If you wish to know more, you would do well to query him when his errand has drawn to its' conclusion. Your presence in the camps would be a boon to myself as a reminder that Bastion has not forgotten the dispossessed. There is a... mis-guided... Jarshite who was spreading ill informed rumour and opinion before I was called upon, I would seek him out and educate this troubled soul."

Custodian of Unity gives a clipped description from his memory of this particular person should Sentinel be interested
The portly Oligarch with the top-knot is able to snap out of his befuddlement to take this moment to get the champions moving. He had heard that Champions were eccentric and seemingly erratic at times, but he hadn't expected the events that unfolded before him. Seizing the moment quickly, he speaks,

"Speaking of the debriefing Champions... uh ummm uhh... shall we proceed?"
"Thank you, brother. It is good that I am back. After the debriefing, I'll be more than happy to address that issue regarding any and all misguided individuals, whose false oratory might lead the population of Bastion astray".

He then turns to the Oligarch.

"By all means, sir. By all means. Lead the way, so that I can be brought up to speed regarding the latest developments, as quickly and thoroughly as possible".
The tubby bureaucrat lead the collected Chosen down a couple catwalks and around a corner or two. The research and development district wasn't alive with the glow and hum like when the champions had been there just a few shifts prior. The Oligarch did not lead them through the grand entrance hall and then into the opulent main chamber of the Tripartite Assembly Hall; Instead they went through a simple back door, down a plain corridor, into a moderately sized meeting room, where the Tripartite awaited them. Well, most of the Tripartite, as Sodalite Tryr was not among them...

The be-muttonchopped Autocrat, Bharet Khess, welcomed them to the deliberative room, and motioned for them to take seats opposite him across a stout round table made from one solid piece of deep green quartz.

"Please Champions, we have much to discuss. The events of today lead to dark implications, and we must plan for what is ahead. This meeting is more for that purpose, rather than to wring our hands over the events of the day, so rest easy Chrome-Forged Star, I won't be plaguing you with a barrage of questions-"

his eyes wander as he speaks, trying to find the Starmetal Caste. When he realizes he doesn't number among them, he inquires,

"umm, where is Chrome-Forged Star?"

The corpulent clerk chimes in,

"After the skiff landed he was ranting about you being in danger and then said something rather cryptic to Thousand Diamond Echoes about Tryr, before he leaped from the platform with his intimidating weapon drawn."

Khess narrows his eyes,

"Worrisome. Tryr said he would be late, but I thought he would have arrived by now. Could you please check in on him?"

The clerk nods and exits.

Khess steeples his hands and turns his attention back to the Chosen,

"Champions, our city seems to be in desperate peril, and we don't know where to begin. First, there is the unrest in the slums: No matter how many poor excuses for a proper shift we cook up, it always seems like there are twice as many disenfranchised as when we began. The inquisitors fear that Voidbringers number among them and spread their sacrilegious doctrine. If we were to lose control of the Slums, I shudder to think what would happen. There just aren't enough regulators to keep the peace, and where their reach ends, that slouch Grimm's men pick up the slack. I would welcome the aid if it didn't come from that filthy glot boss- every good thing he does comes with a price, and I will not have our populat, native or otherwise, pay the price of our inadequacies."

The collected Tripartite members nod in agreement and shake their heads in disgust, Khess takes a long drink of his hot stimulant brew and resumes,

"And now we have the enemy at our gates. Cut off from Greater Claslat our options are few. That's where we need you. All of our policy jockeying is just a spot weld holding together two continental plates. The might of our chosen is going to see us through this dark time."

he raises his hands,

"The leash is off- you have free reign. We are appointing you the heads of a special task force to save Bastion. The resources of the metropolis are yours."
"Before you ask, I don't know what he meant ether" Thousand Diamond Echos says about her fellow exalt. "I do wish he hadn't ran off. Finding Voidbring cults in the slum sounds right up his ally. As is, I think that cutting them off at the knees while have the most rapid change for the better. It sounds like if you can get the workforces going again without the current issues, that could be used to clear up most issues, more rapidly, then if we tried playing whack the gremlin."
The call to action stirs both heroic memories of Ixut and the crystalline thrum of Autochthon's will. Custodian of Unity considers briefly before giving his reply - the destiny of an entire city forcing him down the path of Clarity.

"Before we can formulate a plan to save Bastion... and ultimately... cure whatever is causing the Blight zones, we must have a list of assets and weaknesses that are available to us that only Bastion herself can provide. Not only in materiale - thats' a given - but also in terms of personnel. Without accurate data a workable solution is impossible. I have ideas regarding what can be done about the slums but my plans are but a kernel, without the proper foundation of planning they are worthless."
Sentinel remained silent for the most part. Being absent during such crucial events for Bastion's safety and wellfare meant that he had to listen first and understand the severity of the problems that had arisen, as well as the unfortunate events that had occured, and then attempt to formulate a proper plan to resolve them and an efficient course of action to follow.

"The situation seems quite dire indeed. It is regrettable that I was away on a mission, during the time of crisis for Bastion. I am back now though, and I fully intend to provide my assistance and expertise in the direction of resolving those matters as swiftly and efficiently as possible. I should warn the congregation though that my methods are usually classified as means of last resort and if there are other routes for things to be done, you might prefer to follow those instead. If the situation though is so serious that it demands a full and unrestrained deployment of my skills and capabilities I will comply nonetheless.

Regarding the situation in the Slums and the issues that arise, threatening orthodoxy of dogma and proper conduct, I would suggest infiltration, location of potential leaders or instigators behind that rebellious behaviour and proper rehabilitation or extermination if the subjects are beyond all redemption. As for the gremlin issue, I believe that we need first hand, accurate surveillance information and then swift and decisive action. Locate them, get a proper report on their forces and capabilities and then strike decisively to cleanse that abominations from our beloved Great Maker's body. It goes without saying that I will volunteer for all required missions associated with those goals".
"The Slums shall follow my lead, I speak for a good section of those present as it is there I make my domicile."

I have consumed a bottle of wine as I type this. Consider this post a placeholder for when I am sober. But the concept shall remain the same.
"I'm worried about him too, Thousand Diamond Echoes. Ever since Concordia he hasn't been the same. Erratic behavior like this is certainly troubling in our Chosen, especially someone who was so close to someone who turned out to be an Apostate."

"Well Custodian, Bastion is on the forefront of Scientific discovery. The Research district seemingly discovering new alchemical procedures or probabilistical equations daily. The areas surrounding Bastion are rife with minerals and the other baser chemical compounds to help fuel the discoveries of the research district. What we lack is a strong industrial district, which has been the source of much of our dismay over the past year cut off from Greater Claslat. Where we once shipped off designs, formulas, and raw materials in exchange for goods, we are left stockpiling the fruits of our mining operations and making due with what small production capabilities we have. We are awash in manpower from the slums, but only one man can pull a lever at a time, and we don't have that many levers to begin with."

As Sentinel speaks, the Autocrat thumbs a display screen, looking for some specific information,

"The reports from the survivors are unreliable, as to the number of gremlins we are facing. At least hundreds, possibly more. I want to believe it is just hysterical hyperbole, but I can't shake the feeling that there is a horde at our gates."

The Autocrat leans back in his chair, slouching to one side, his arm supporting his head,

"Custodian, you were there in the Slums this morning when the insurrectionist gave his little speech. Do you think the situation requires immediate action, some operation like Sentinel prescribes, or should we worry about one of the other thousand swords hanging over our heads first?"
Custodian of Unity replies first to Sentinel "I do not have your expertise in the matters of investigation however with my time in the Slums, I am of the opinion that if if the void worshipers do inhabit the region, that the infection is still localized. There has been only one individual who's loyalty I would seriously question and even then he may simply be misguided and in need of hope. I agree with your assessment Sentinel that infiltration and investigation is required, but a subtle hand is needed for this work; Action too noticeable may have the opposite effect of what is desired and allow our prey to escape."

"Autocrat, what efforts are being made to increase our production facilities to address the trade-related shortages?"

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