[In the Service of the Senate] [IC] Act 01.08: Pomp and Circumstance


Ze Hamster of Lurkdom

Morning came soon enough, as the rise of the sun in the distant east over the gossamer and jade walls that divided Creation from the infinite Wyld heralded the end of night.

But even before the advent of the sun, the arrival of the Empress was easily determined by the music played by entertainers, the fireworks blossoming amidst sky-whales and air-ships in the skies above the convoy which transported the Empress from Swayam Bhava, the holy city that is the heart of the Realm.

Petals of scented flowers were scattered before the open air palanquin in which sat the Empress surrounded by water, as if they were transporting a small pool of water.

Reclined thus, the Empress entered Glalo. It is clear to observers that the parade was one of pomp and celebration and a chance to show off. Not that there weren't crowds waiting for her arrival and those who escorted her. Everything that a Raksha desired and enjoyed for it allowed his or her tale to be propagated.
And it is such that Anoth heads over to his fortress's temple, to tell his new priestress that, given the event, she can have the day off to go watch the empress arrive. Anoth knows that's what he plans to do...
Animani glides slowly alongside the Empress, keeping a respectful distance as her eyes dart back and forth across the crowds. It has been many years since the the attack that lost her last master, but the shame is something that still haunts her. Since that fateful day, Ani has improved her skills, and now is on the hunt for the Solar that shattered her way of life and nearly destroyed her. Such a crime will never happen again. This time, she will not fail.

The priestess, Kushana, accepted gracefully the day off in the spirit it was offered to her. And thus, she and the other volunteers departed Anoth's fortress world that they might enjoy the day and observe the arrival of the Holy Empress of the Realm.

And that left Anoth alone in his little world with his pets...

The crowds cheering the arrival of the Empress is one familiar to Animani as she had been hired on and off to serve as a body guard of the various Empresses whenever they departed the holy city over the centuries since That Day.

Certainly a marked difference between what she vaguely remembered of her first employer, who had secluded himself from danger. Certainly, it was a chance for various Raksha and dragonblooded to show off their skills, to flash their presence. But it was also dangerous.

For the Realm and its Empress had enemies. Enemies who would kill the Mother of the Ten Thousand Dragons if they could.

And thus Animani kept a careful eye on the surroundings for potential danger, and for sightings of those who would strike at Empress Ashura Mikado.

Luckily, for now... it appeared that there were no assassins amongst the crowd that the parade wandered amongst. For now.
And so it is that Anoth goes to visit the Kennel, for should not a loyal dog be taken on walks sometime? And she'd probably like to see this too...

Venturing out amongst the parade for the empress with his pet wasn't a hard task, certainly not for Anoth.

Still, the crowds and the presence of exalts and other Raksha nobles did ensure that the pair were hard pressed to find a good placement to observe the arrival of the heart of the Realm.

Still, it wasn't impossible, and thus the pair found themselves upon a raise platform to the side of the main thoroughfare that led to the Salt spirit's temple manse.

The impression one got, with Anoth's perspective of what was, was interesting. For a dragonblooded empress, she was in the end nothing more than a figurehead that the senate played with.
Anoth smiles to himself as he watches... someday.. someday he'll have such a figurehead, and a kingdom of his own... but for now he can watch and see what good ideas he can steal from this.

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