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  1. WerewolfPirate

    Fantasy The War Between Wolves

    The scent had led Frost to reach the camp of Burning Sun, her eyes scanning the large wooden wall for any weaknesses. She wanted to find a way inside; would find a way inside. The scent had ended here and that made her wonder all the more of what was going on behind the wall. So far there were...
  2. WerewolfPirate

    Fantasy The War Between Wolves

    Once reaching the human colony Frost saw nothing but disaster, as if a monster had ravaged through the colony and laid waste to everything in its path. But that was not the case. The pile of dead werewolf bodies and human bodies filled the air with death and blood. It disgusted Frost as she...
  3. WerewolfPirate

    Fantasy The War Between Wolves

    Smoke. Blood. Death. She could smell those three distinct scents very clearly. Other scents were mixed in with those three, one of them Frost could make out as human. Leaving her cave den her eyes immediately saw the billowing pillar of smoke coming from one of the human colonies that thrived...
  4. WerewolfPirate

    Fantasy Guardian Academy For the Gifted.

    (heading to bed, have work tomorrow)
  5. WerewolfPirate

    Fantasy Guardian Academy For the Gifted.

    (go ahead)
  6. WerewolfPirate

    Fantasy Guardian Academy For the Gifted.

    Frost gave a grin as she crossed her arms. "What's your definition of sarcasm?" she asked.
  7. WerewolfPirate

    Fantasy Guardian Academy For the Gifted.

    Frost stared back at Mr. Lokale, wanting to make a sarcastic comment but held it back. "Maybe? No? I'm not sure." she said with a shrug.
  8. WerewolfPirate

    Fantasy Guardian Academy For the Gifted.

    Nearly missing the door Frost skidded to a stop, panting after the long run. She took notice to Quinn flying down the hall and Ra standing near the door, her eyes narrowing as the scent of vampire filled her nostrils. Frost did not care much for vampires, or much less anything else, unless one...
  9. WerewolfPirate

    Fantasy The War Between Wolves

    Edited character sheet
  10. WerewolfPirate

    Fantasy Guardian Academy For the Gifted.

    Her eyes shot open and she quickly surveyed her surroundings. Frost was outside sitting underneath a tree, having fallen asleep after sparring with Nate. Using magic was her best defense as well as her downfall, unfortunately she missed her elemental class while sleeping to regain her energy...
  11. WerewolfPirate

    Fantasy Guardian Academy For the Gifted.

    Once she was free of her icy prison Frost glared at Nate, upset that he just gave in so quickly. "Leverage will be your downfall if you allow it. You should reconsider having friends." The darkness dispersed, growing smaller and smaller until it disappeared completely. The flames of the fire...
  12. WerewolfPirate

    Fantasy Guardian Academy For the Gifted.

    She gave a light scoff. "Haven't heard that one before." The darkness seemed to slowly surround both her and Nate, bright orange flames grew and licked at the ice, slowly melting it while consuming the area around them. Deadly spikes suddenly shoot out from the darkness, able to pierce through...
  13. WerewolfPirate

    Fantasy Guardian Academy For the Gifted.

    Frost was surprised by how quickly Nate reacted while fighting; it was somewhat impressive as well as skilled. Frost knew had a disadvantage in this fight and was clearly losing much to her dislike. The sword was not helping her and it frustrated her to no end. When she fell to the floor face...
  14. WerewolfPirate

    Fantasy Guardian Academy For the Gifted.

    Being elbowed in the knees caught Frost off guard, causing her to stumble and fall forward, however she was not going to let this brat win so easily. The blood on her blade boiled and bubbled until it bursted into purple flames that consumed the blade of the sword. Regaining her composure...
  15. WerewolfPirate

    Fantasy Guardian Academy For the Gifted.

    Frost caught the sword by the blade, growling from the immediate pain she felt on her right paw as she set her rabbit-skin satchel on an empty seat. To be honest she didn't want to fight already, but she was taking this class for a reason. Without a word she walked over to her sparring partner...
  16. WerewolfPirate

    Fantasy Guardian Academy For the Gifted.

    (I secretly wanted to get Frost into trouble 8D ) "Fuck it. Not like I haven't had my ass chewed out before for being late." she said, walking through the hall at a fast pace. She remembered one of her classes being Weapons and training, although finding the class was another challenge all...
  17. WerewolfPirate

    Fantasy Guardian Academy For the Gifted.

    "Shit!" Frost muttered as she ran towards the academy, having slept in along with having trouble getting ready after waking up. "I'm so fucking late!" She hurried through the doors as quick as she could, making her way around the halls. Unfortunately a thought dawned in her mind; she had...
  18. WerewolfPirate

    Fantasy Guardian Academy For the Gifted.

    Name: Frost Age: 7526 Species: Werewolf Gender: Female Power/Abilities: Magic, black magic, crafting, hacking and survival skills Sexuality: Straight Bio: There are no records of her birth, childhood or school so not much is known about her. She does not like to be around other...
  19. WerewolfPirate

    Fantasy *~New Moon Academy~*

    "Not too bad...although we could do without some of these useless things." Amy muttered, looking at the many books on the back shelves of the room. She grabbed one from the shelf, flipping through the pages as her eyes skimmed the words and pictures before giving a light scoff after closing...
  20. WerewolfPirate

    Fantasy *~New Moon Academy~*

    Once she felt that she was fully rested Amy awoke from her nap and slid out of bed as she yawned. She still felt tired but figured it was time to take a look at the classroom she would be teaching, or at least just have a look at the room itself. Amy grabbed the binder and folder as she left her...