Search results for query: *

  1. KG-Motte

    Exalted Media

    some time ago I said I'd found an example of a Lunar fighting, I was Glad, it's so rare to find a non-werewolf related Lunar related thing, and now someone has finally set up a video with just that fight. though it still has quite a few spoilers so if any of you intend to watch the series I'd...
  2. KG-Motte

    [The Inspired: A Game of Mad Science!] Crasse, no other know alias

    Used name: Crasse, he is unaware that the word is french slang for "Filth" High concept: The guy who has a guy for everything! not all of them like him Trouble: Dirt poor. Can't hold on to his money, or any other means of currency for that matter Long term goal: Bottle an entire country...
  3. KG-Motte

    [The Inspired: A Game of Mad Science!] Insane Rambles

    Not even a Sealed Jar could keep me Away! (this said while at 1/100 scale spatially compressed, AKA Shrunk. and you know while inside Said Jar...)
  4. KG-Motte

    GSPs vs Deathknights

    well as I understand it the Yozi don't really need shackles on their GSPs, part of the process of their Exaltation is to Utterly mutate and change the body, mind and even the very soul of the Person being exalted... Why bother Finding a way to chain up the awesomeness of the exaltation to force...
  5. KG-Motte

    [The Inspired: A Game of Mad Science!] Oiling The Gears (World Creation)

    It's not over the top at all... well at least not so much as to be too much... it would be "Over the top" but just enough to make it fun for everyone! And the Idea reminds me of something I saw in the PS2 Game Suikoden 5: a town of nothing but artists, every building, bush, street lamp, bench...
  6. KG-Motte

    [The Inspired: A Game of Mad Science!] Oiling The Gears (World Creation)

    T-T I got forgotten... ( xD ) Location: Old European Cities! any one of them will do just make it BIG and steamy (As in steam works operated)! Name: Wait, Weren't they a Myth?! Current issue: The Inspired have been little more than myth and legends for thousands of years, with the...
  7. KG-Motte

    Exalted Media

    oh ya, that scene! that one scene was pretty much the first thing I ever saw about Doctor Who, and it was what first got me interested in it. I remember thinking something along the lines of "holy crap is this guy ever Cruel with his godlike powers!" ( I had not seen what they did to deserve it...
  8. KG-Motte

    [The Inspired: A Game of Mad Science!] Insane Rambles

    Toaster!... err... I mean yes!
  9. KG-Motte

    Exalted Media

    A prime Example of Exalted Warfare, sorcery, Magi-tech and over-exaggerated skill with weapons.... oh and also included an Example of why Should NOT TRY TO SUMMON THE KUKLA! (Because Technicaly you can do it just like any other elemental with either Thaumaturgy or Emerald Circle Sorcery, and...
  10. KG-Motte

    [The Inspired: A Game of Mad Science!] Insane Rambles

    Ya know, I 'ave an anwser that solves all Pro'lems: "I Know a guy for that"... an' most often I do!... in this case it's YOU Miller, e'ther that or I just disappear in one 'o me Shady Alleys I'm always mucking abou', Then I get to som'one else I know to get me wha' I need in the moment: a...
  11. KG-Motte

    [The Inspired: A Game of Mad Science!] Insane Rambles

    Wait you guys get PAID to make things? I just kinda use mine to carry a bunch of useful things in my coat! Had I known, I'd 'ave had somthin' to Eat a few more times this last month! Also how exactly is moving faster by taking detours in other realms of existence gonna 'elp us grow more food...
  12. KG-Motte

    [The Inspired: A Game of Mad Science!] Insane Rambles

    seems to me the world is already mostly done based on the "basic setting" thing you posted, the only really important questions left are: what will WE be doing as characters, apart from being insane to the point of absurdly bending the known Laws of Physics... Just how far CAN we bend said laws...
  13. KG-Motte

    The Inspired: A Game of Mad Science! (FATE Core)

    .... You're not gonna try and recreate the Washu Crater are you?.... Oh Gods, Oh Gods we're all gonna die!... She Has MULTIPLE Doomsday devices, ranging from city destroying to multi-solar system swallowing, passing by Bio-weapons that make the Galactic military as a whole sweat like they're...
  14. KG-Motte

    The Inspired: A Game of Mad Science! (FATE Core)

    I definitely want to try this now, Dibs on "Spacial Compression Technology"! So many things to do with that! Well unless there are any objections to that? BUHAHAHAHA! I shall make my own Miniature UTOPIA! BUHAHAHA!... nan... the mortals in it would just break it and explode...ah well I'll find...
  15. KG-Motte

    Fate Core

    mmmmm... Steampunk... *Drool*... ... ... *sakes head while waking up from "Steamy" day dream* what was I taking about? oh right, this!... Downloaded the core when I saw this, Haven't read it yet, don't particularly feel like doing so just this moment, probably will do so tomorrow or such...
  16. KG-Motte

    The Golden Age(Vampire 20th Anniversary Chat Game)

    Woohoo! yep still interested, now to get my nose to the book and my head in the clouds thinking up ways to mix the two actions... AKA Imagining a concept and fitting onto "Paper". Quick question though: you said "Standard 20th ed character character creation rules" so I imagine that means a...
  17. KG-Motte

    The Golden Age(Vampire 20th Anniversary Chat Game)

    OOOOoooo Vampire: the real version... *Drool*... and in a time before Smartphones too, so much easier to maintain the Masquerade without everyone having a camera in their pockets! Hhhmmm what to do? what to do? I've no Idea how the tech works for chatting here, yet I'm find myself like a moth to...
  18. KG-Motte

    Open Discussion [Archetypes of Exalted]

    Red's right on all accounts, though I feel it should be elaborated a "bit". First off you can only learn the immaculate style associated with your elemental aspect, unless you "Beg the Dragons" which has special rules attached to it, ALL charms even non MA charms have a one mote surcharge and...
  19. KG-Motte

    Exalted Media

    I've been looking for some reference to a Lunar Fighting for a while now... and I've finally found one: Splinter while fighting against the Shredder in the 2012 cartoon... unfortunately there are no clips of just that fight that I can find... but trust me when I say this it fits perfectly... at...
  20. KG-Motte

    Open Discussion [Archetypes of Exalted]

    HELLO!... HELLO!... HELLO!... HELLO!... Anybody Here?... Here?... Here?... Here?... Wow this place has a nice Echo!... Echo!... Echo!... Echo!... Well anyway jokes aside, it seems like nobody has posted here in an eternity or two... the game's started for Lord-Leafar and myself and I've...