The Inspired: A Game of Mad Science! (FATE Core)

The Dark Wizard

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The Inspired

By: The Dark Wizard



Disclaimer: My game/setting are no indication of the quality of the system. FATE Core is an amazing system to try to do just about any concept/genre you can think of. Please do not judge FATE Core based on my wacky game.

-The Great Sleep-

Once upon a time, men and women who were inspired, visionaries shaped the course of civilizations and history with the gentle and loving hand of a caring mother or the rough hand of an abusive father. Like this humanity continued to be guided by those who would become inspired for thousands of years to come. Eventually however they something happened known as The Great Sleep and people were no longer becoming inspired, transcending their mortal understanding of the universe and not awakening to their true potential, slowly but surely dying out and leaving humanity to it’s own devices.

-Broken History-

The Year is 1940 and it has been thousands of years since the world has had the (dis)pleasure of gazing upon the wonders of the inspired. The world had advanced without their inspiration and taken it’s own course but that not would last very long because unknown to humanity, it was about to break. On October 1st The Nazi Party of Germany who had been losing World War II had unearthed a frozen being, who whispered promises of victory to them and total world domination. This being was one of the long lost Inspired, and using their mad science they created a portal to another dimension, one where Nazis ruled the entire planet and proceeded to bring in weapons, soldiers, anything they needed and for the next five years until America joined the war, they swept over Europe with the might of the Inspired, conquering everything in the name of perfection and the one true race. The Nazi Party knew of America’s impending intervention and laughed because they had the power of a god on their side, but unfortunately their “God” appeared to have vanished, leaving the Nazi Party to their own devices.

No one knows exactly what happened that day but the portal malfunctioned, and the resulting explosion changed all of history.

-The Awakening-

This game is about playing an Inspired, someone who wields the power of Mad Science to accomplish great feats. After the portal exploded, our history essentially meshed with Steampunk and other weirdness. The year is 2013 and modern things like the internet do exist but no one knows exactly where it came from and no one questions it, things like this are considered EtherTech, things that were supposed to exist uninterrupted had the portal not exploded. While the world is fascinating in this weird mesh of Modern Tech/Steampunk/Things that cannot be explained like The Supernatural side of things(werewolves, and other creatures) and regular mortals do not question it, The Inspired no matter how much they read and research the planet’s history and are led to believe that all is as supposed to be and it has always been this way, they feel in the back of their minds that something just seems “Broken” but cannot please their finger on it.

  • This game requires the new edition of FATE called FATE Core, which can be downloaded for free from the official site located here. The material is "Pay What You Want" including free. If you like the book please consider at least sending them a dollar!

    On that download page you will see that there also is a Fate Accelerated Edition, that is supposed to be a faster version of the book, I'm not sure if that will be enough to play this game as I have not read it, so I recommend you read the regular core book.

Please post below if you are interested :) !
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I think I shall be going with the trans-etheric transport vehicles route.

Captain Hesperus

It is a shame they are yet to release the Automic Robo FATE as I imagine that would be very useful for this.

I am tempted with devices and golems at this early stage, of course likely to change.
@ The Dark Wizard The Dark Wizard when should we start char gen, given the FATE system's mechanics? I've got some good ideas for the high aspect, trouble and skills for my char already.
Millershipper said:
@ The Dark Wizard The Dark Wizard when should we start char gen, given the FATE system's mechanics? I've got some good ideas for the high aspect, trouble and skills for my char already.
When the forums are up we will have threads for all of that :) !.

Did you do the Long Term Project as well? House rules gives extra things, like that and an extra Aspect that has to be used for something.
I definitely want to try this now, Dibs on "Spacial Compression Technology"! So many things to do with that! Well unless there are any objections to that? BUHAHAHAHA! I shall make my own Miniature UTOPIA! BUHAHAHA!... nan... the mortals in it would just break it and explode...ah well I'll find something else to do with it hehe... (Was that TOO Evil Mad Scientisty? (yes evil, because as we all know and Cordelia Chase From Angel once said: "What is it about Evil that Racks up the IQ points?!"))
I've got a couple of ideas for the Long Term Project as well as the Aspect for becoming Inspired. I'm thinking something along the lines of exposure to Inspiradiation while fighting somewhere and become a genius weapons designer who uses his inventions to their utmost. Long Term project something along the line of the first man-portable anti-vehicle railgun. Or man-portable hypervelocity missile launcher. A steel dart moving at a significant portion of C would be fun too. :D
1 Iove Oingo Boingo.

2 The Professor from Futurama uses the Law of Broken Theory.

3 My interest is piqued, but I wanna do a bit more reading before I officially sign up.

Edit to avoid double posting: Space Orks are Unspired (that was originally a typo, but I'm keeping it because I like it.)

Serious Edit: I may make a character inspired by one of my favorite anime characters (a phrase I am loathed to type) Miss Washu!
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.... You're not gonna try and recreate the Washu Crater are you?.... Oh Gods, Oh Gods we're all gonna die!... She Has MULTIPLE Doomsday devices, ranging from city destroying to multi-solar system swallowing, passing by Bio-weapons that make the Galactic military as a whole sweat like they're standing next to a Volcano (And by this I mean Ryo-ohki and Ryoko), all of which she can store in an alternate dimensional lab that seems to go on forever (or at least as far as she needs it to)... the Chibitizing Function of her Holo-keyboard is pretty funny though, and yet still just as terrifying... Great now i feel like watching that show!... Thanks!

Sidenote: about that crater... how in blazes did she even make it INSIDE a space station without blowing up the station itself?
Hey guys, lets start discussing stuff in the forum.

I've also set the game to recruiting.

See you all there!

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