[The Inspired: A Game of Mad Science!] Oiling The Gears (World Creation)

The Dark Wizard

Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
@Captain Hesperus, @KG-Motte, @SephirothSage, @solyrflair, @magnificentmomo, @Millershipper, @Kasheal, @Alexandra

Since you have all confirmed, let us start with world building and then we will move on to players. Since we already have a setting/theme I established(Steampunk/Modern Mesh with Mad Science), what we are now doing as a collective group are The Setting's Big Issues(Begins on Page 22) and Faces and Places(begins on page 26). Also for those of you who do not have the book yet(IT IS LEGAL TO DOWNLOAD FOR FREE FROM THEIR MAIN SITE, GIVE THEM SOME MONEY IF YOU LIKE IT :D !). I have put it in this thread as an attachment for ease. Also I recommend this amazing PDF reader for free.

Also we should set a location(Do we want to be in a city, have something as large as the USA, as our playground or what?)

So I want you all to submit like this

Location I want: Insert here


Impending or Current Issue/Aspect: Please pick one and what it is

Face and Place(If any)

So everyone will decide together from the locations everyone submits and discuss all the issues. Every player gets to submit one issue for everyone to discuss and agree on.

I get final approval on them though. There are also many of them which are not known to you guys yet which you have to discover but I will reveal one to get this started.

Name: It Cometh

Impending Issue: After the downfall of the nazi party and the collapse of their portal that allowed any of the war to become a reality in the first place, it had become apparent that something had come through, something that has the supernatural terrorized. It seems nigh immortal.

Face: It was last identified as wearing the face of a young inspired, wielding it's monstrous powers and that of it's host in unison.

Place: Unknown.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/57a8bfdfbf46a_FateCoreElectronic_pdf.887220db2b503c7fdbcc30dd9e5449ee" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="24379" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/57a8bfdfbf46a_FateCoreElectronic_pdf.887220db2b503c7fdbcc30dd9e5449ee" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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Location: My Laboratory, Deeep in the Black Forest!

Name: Oh dear LORD ITS ALIVE!

Impending Issue: I have angered the spirits of the Black Forest- they are taking it out, by unleashing my experiments on the surrounding German Countryside.
SephirothSage said:
Location: My Laboratory, Deeep in the Black Forest!
Name: Oh dear LORD ITS ALIVE!

Impending Issue: I have angered the spirits of the Black Forest- they are taking it out, by unleashing my experiments on the surrounding German Countryside.
You'd have to give a bit more inforamtion, what experiments?
Altered Creatures- Animals, People, Monsters- Hybridizations thereoff.... The OCcasional Guardian Device, Ect. Mostly creatures.
SephirothSage said:
Altered Creatures- Animals, People, Monsters- Hybridizations thereoff.... The OCcasional Guardian Device, Ect. Mostly creatures.
How did you lose it?
SephirothSage said:
Location: My Laboratory, Deeep in the Black Forest!
Name: Oh dear LORD ITS ALIVE!

Impending Issue: I have angered the spirits of the Black Forest- they are taking it out, by unleashing my experiments on the surrounding German Countryside.
Also by Location I meant, where do you all want the game to be. The game can't obviously be in your lab :P .
I mentioned- the Supernatural Entitites in the Black Forest grew... Annoyed, at the Lunatic Experimenting on the creature within it- so I had... issues, from said entitites- and they free'd my Experiments.
Location: Bavaria, deep forests, large mountains, tight valleys, mists all times of the year, deep snows in winter, floral meadows in spring, crystal clear lakes in summer, harsh winds and rain all autumn.

Name: Red runs into gold

Issue: With the fall of fascism, many hoped that the Communists would establish their new world order, but they have retreated back into their own lands for reasons unknown, allowing a new party, the Golden Legion to raise the hopes of those recently trodden in war. They are forming a new religious movement based on the Holy Roman Empire. Many of the Southern German, Czeck, Hungarian, and Slavic countries have formed political parties promoting the Golden Legion. Most alarming is their stance that all Inspired must work exclusively in the monastic cloisters being established by the Golden Legion.

Face: Maximilian Lubishtani is the front man for the Golden Legion and a radio superstar. No one knows who he works for, but he is a handsome Albanian who claims to speak with angels. Many see him as a prophet, but the inspired see him as a jailer and slaver. He speaks of prosperity at the hands of a few, a new threat for new times.
Location I want: Hmmm can't really think of a preference for location but I can definitely get with the European vibe from the first two.

Name: The SCIENCE Fair!

Impending or Current Issue/Aspect: For years many of the inspired were frustrated that they couldn't show off their amazing creations to the world without those frustrating mortals destroying everything! The was when the SCIENCE fair was created. A place where once a (month/season/year) inspired can meet and satisfy their egos by showing off their latest project. However large egos will always clash and in recent meetings many have been testing their projects against each other in more and more violent ways which some fear could lead to the fairs destruction.

Face and Place(If any) Can't think of any right now and have to run off to work so might edit it later.
Location: Potentially anywhere and everywhere, possibly randomly, potentially all at the same time.

Name: From Beyond

Impending or Current Issue/Aspect: Early experiments into trans-aether transportation ('posting' small fluffy rodents into the aether and recording what comes back, if anything) have caused a series of 'rifts' in the aether. They drift across the world, unseen, unheard, totally unnoticed. Until one starts to open and something comes out. The first instance happened in the small US town of Intercourse, an Amish community. There have been several murders with the victims having their skins and hearts removed. The only traces of the attacker are three-toed footprints with a walking stride so wide, the attacker has to be something like eight feet tall.

Another instance was in Pripyat, Northern Ukraine. There, a glowing green beast was reported to be killing local wildlife and domestic animals, leaving their bodies twisted and burned by an unnatural fire. The various governments investigating these incidents are not talking, but the incidents are becoming more frequent. Aspects: Horror From Elsewhere, Secrecy, Supernatural, Global Conspiracy of Silence, Covert Operations, The Unexplained.

Face: Multiple (....or is it?)

Place: Global.

Captain Hesperus
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All awesome so far guys, make sure that your also happy with the ones others are submitting, if you feel that something could be different about one of them, do speak up so we can all discuss it :) !
Let me see if I've got what's posted so far correct:

Seph: Mutant creatures running free in the Black Forest. (It Alive: now the entire forest seems to becoming...aware)

Solyr: The SCIENCE fair where at least some Inspired are coming close to actual fighting (It's All Political...Isn't It?)

Cap: Trans-aetheric rifts that are allowing...something to come out and kill people. (It comes from Dimension X)

I'm good with all three. We need to hone each down to one or two aspects that we're aware of, iirc. I've put my suggested aspects by each one.

As for my suggestion, given that we've come up with three plot complications already:

Location-The Himilayas in India outside New Dehli

Current Issue/Aspect- A group of Inspired inventors has set up a place for persecuted Geniuses around the world to come and work freely. Unlike the SCIENCE fair, Aviskara Antarrastriya (Inventions International) encourages open sharing of ideas. Geniuses being who they are this hasn't worked out quite the way the founder hoped, but it does provide a place for those Inspired who don't have the resources they need to pursue their dreams.

Faces: Niriksh Ogra, the founder of AA. Not an Inspired himself but his cousin is. The local people threatened his cousin too many times for Niriksh's comfort and, using the inheritance from his grandfather, he created the compound now known as AA. (Will Do Anything To Keep His Cousin Safe)
So... hows about all these going on at once- but Us meeting at the HImalayan Event, then figuring out how to deal with the others?
Someone else suggested the ether rifts. I suggested the political takeover of the region by a Slavers of the Inspired. Can we say Genius Concentration Camps? I knew we could.
Hmmm...a monster comes from a rift near the AA, where the Golden Legion is trying to move in and capture the Geniuses working there? :)
As far as I understand it these are all just some of the issues going on and don't all need to be happening at the same time or connected for that matter.
True enough, Kasheal, but I kind of like the plot potential of the three overlapping a bit. And if Dark decides on something else going on, that's cool too. Hmmm. I should work up something on a merc company, given my char's background.


Current Issue/Aspect-HQ for Special Solutions, Inc., a mercenary company specializing in site security as well as personal bodyguard details. Recently the unit lost a few men in an odd radiation attack. Three dead, one retired.

Faces-Commander William Hoffman, ex-Ranger turned merc captain

Sergeant Robert Ngai, formerly Kenyan park police. Now trains new recruits into the unit in tactics, weapons training and survival
I'm considering having my Former Aim having been Biotech- but having moved on to ROBOTS AND MECHA, cus of hwo badly that one went..
Told you robot are the way! Mine are obviously cooler though =P (Will stop cluttering the thread now ^^ )
Is everyone happy with the issues that have been created so far? Once @Alexandra and @magnificentmomo respond to this thread, I'll start providing more indepth feedback and having you guys do some other things to flesh out the setting more.
I know Alexandra might be slow in posting. She said it would be maybe a week before she gets very active again.
T-T I got forgotten... ( xD )

Location: Old European Cities! any one of them will do just make it BIG and steamy (As in steam works operated)!

Name: Wait, Weren't they a Myth?!

Current issue: The Inspired have been little more than myth and legends for thousands of years, with the exception of the unfrozen German Find in the last Great war of course, and yet today the Inspired are showing up again like Weeds out of the woodwork! the question is: Why now? is it really just because of the Nazi Portal explosion? or is there some kind of intelligent design behind this new lasting Calamity/Wonder (depending on who you ask)?

Mind if I post a second one that in no way hampers any others?

Name: Risen from the ashes!

Aspect: The old Aristocracy is Back in power(Like they used to be that is) in Northern Europe, and the "lower born" suffer for it. This rise to power is in no small part due to well paid off Inspired that helped them retake their place in their respective Nations with weapons and tools of subjugation. This trend started in York by one Viscount Wallingford, and has since spread all across Northern Europe. What are the Protagonists to do? Help the people to free themselves for these new tyrants, or join them?...

Face: the Newly rearisen "Nobles" of the world, most notably the Viscount Wallinford

Place: mostly the Capitals of the Old world superpowers in Europe!

Comment's on previous ideas:

Oh dear LORD ITS ALIVE!: OOO monster hunting! also how long have you been working in there for it to become a real Problem?!

Red runs into gold: An assured Enemy with a Brain! this is good... and it could also serve as a setting in combo with my "Risen from the Ashes!" Idea for the upcoming clash of world superpowers!

The SCIENCE Fair: We do Need a Place to Show off our toys (and in SephirothSage's case pets), and here's an Idea on Location: It moves, the locals don't want us to come back, EVER! xD

From Beyond: did you just Techno-summon Cthulhu to our world?! DID YOU JUST FREAKING TECHNO-SUMMON CTHULHU TO OUR WORLD?!... if so: I need to miniaturize him and keep him in a Jar or a box and show him to people I don't like so he can eat their minds from inside the box!... but seriously though, this tram has just enough mystery and crazy to make one of the more complex ones to get through (If at all) despite it's seeming simplicity! (Are you evil?)

Aviskara Antarrastriya: NICE a Clubhouse! as well as an explanation to how our guys get their funding despite being "Crazy Outcasts", also someone had to think of something that was happening that wasn't against us! Thanks for that!
Thank you guys for the tagging; it keeps me in the loop <3

I have been toying with some ideas, and noticed how everyone is writing up really useful characters; people who invent things to heal, transport and protect.

So I would like mine to entertain. I have been looking at Da Vinci, some Russian artists, classical composers and a number of old toymakers for inspiration.

I would like to, if you guys think it would be an interesting addition, to design a city that would essentially be one massive mess of cultural decadence. Elaborate art, architecture, the heart of fashion and music trends (all likely a bit wacky, of course).

If people think that would be too over the top (and I know it does sound a bit...) I could pare it back a bit, and use something like the Crystal Palace of 1851 as inspiration. It could travel, or a smaller version could exist in each major city.

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