[The Inspired: A Game of Mad Science!] Oiling The Gears (World Creation)

Alexandra said:
I would like to, if you guys think it would be an interesting addition, to design a city that would essentially be one massive mess of cultural decadence. Elaborate art, architecture, the heart of fashion and music trends (all likely a bit wacky, of course).
It's not over the top at all... well at least not so much as to be too much... it would be "Over the top" but just enough to make it fun for everyone! And the Idea reminds me of something I saw in the PS2 Game Suikoden 5: a town of nothing but artists, every building, bush, street lamp, bench, street and even the Background music is it's own piece of art! Of course every single one of these is Abstract, each piece made by someone different and all mashed together it ends up being absurdly ugly and nonsensical (Especially the Music it's Auditory torture!) but the Idea was awesome! Now I assume that if your Inspired Mad Genius will, unlike those hacks in that town, Have SOME artistic talent (and will most likely be working alone so that's a plus, "too many chefs spoil the broth" and all that) , so you could basically single handedly redeem the concept and quite possibly make the Greatest wonder the World has ever Seen! Eat That Colossus of Rhodes & Hanging Gardens of Babylon!
Some interesting stuff that I will weigh in on properly tomorrow evening. Sorry for the delay, I'm still reading the book, and I had to work over the werkend. And, thanks to one of our own, I had a crippling Cookie Clicker addiction, which I have finally kicked.
The Dark Wizard]Not not really :( . [URL="http://www.rpdom.com/threads/insane-rambles.57926/page-3#post-824621 said:
I've only gotten worse.
Oh noes!

We can't be having a sick Wizard!



Imma go ahead and write some stuff over the weekend, and you can look at it when you feel better <3
Alright guys, I will be resuming in about a day or two, I've started to feel better.
I too am into the whole Euro-vibe. I'm thinking my character will be a French quantum physicist who can manipulate sub-atomic particles to create improbable things like constructs of hard light made via quantum locked photons (like a keyboard and monitor that appears out of nowhere). But more to the point of this thread...

Wait, Weren't they a Myth?!- I think this could be a good Issue, although it seems like the larger umbrella that Red Runs Into Gold and The Science Fair resides under. It depends on how much you want the Inspiration to be recognized as a thing in-setting, like they're Exalted or something. I think we need to figure out where game terminology ends and in-character lingo begins.

Risen from the ashes!- This could be pretty cool as an issue as well, and is one of the first uses of the potential anachronisms hinted at in our dear leader's write-up.

Oh dear LORD ITS ALIVE!:- Monsters are always good. As maligned as it can be, this kind of reminds me of the Mutts from the Hunger Games. Experiments have gotten out and have procreated with the standing populations introducing unforseen results. This issue could be nation wide depending on the scope, and it could trace back to the Black Forest.

Red runs into gold:- See above. If we can get the IC OOc split correct this could be really cool as well.

The SCIENCE Fair: See above again. I would like this to develop as Red Runs into Gold's yang, or yin.

From Beyond: Must all of our experiments go terribly wrong?! (yes)

I dig it. What else might have been sent through the aether in early experiments other than rats? Might someone realize the monsterous potential of this technology and create more harrowing horrors on purpose?

Aviskara Antarrastriya: Yes. More art plox. This could possibly be a good place to have as a central location to galavant about Europe from.

It Cometh: Also dig. I really want to connect CERN and the Large Hardon Collider to the portal somehow, but the countries don't line up. Also a tie in for me as a Quantum Physicist.

Edit: I'm a cookin' a sumthin up for my own contribution.
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magnificentmomo said:
Aviskara Antarrastriya: Yes. More art plox. This could possibly be a good place to have as a central location to galavant about Europe from.
Currently tinkering with ideas for a massive concert hall to start with. Then some Roman-style rejuvenation bath houses set on a river. And some hanging gardens filled with one-off plants. My wonders are going to be huge.

Fractals, mathematics, frequencies, and magnets are my starting points. Also genetic splicing of plants.


Currently trying to curtail my desire to design the city in an Illuminati sacred geometry fashion...
SephirothSage said:
But.. we are kind of the Illuminati.. wouldn't that make sense? *Trollface*
I don't think you even need the trollface; I have grown attached to the idea. Sacred geometry for all!

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