Fate Core

The Dark Wizard

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The new edition to the amazing game "FATE", even though some of you might not know what fate is, you may have played some extremely popular games that use it. Like The Dresden Files and a few other ones that are popular around the world.

Fate allows you essentially make any world/genre you want with a simple but extremely awesome to use system. It also promotes world building together and character creation together, which is something people have been wanting for a while.

Fate Core is currently pay what you want including free. So you could download all the books for free from their site.

Do want to hear what everyone thinks!

You can download it all here: http://www.evilhat.com/home/fate-core-downloads/

The Accelerated Edition is sensationally a "Quick" start for anyone who does not want to read the full book. So there is Fate core and FAE(Fate Accelerated Edition).
The concept of an "Any Setting, Any Char" System.. Makes me thinkvery much so of GURPS, which is an Older, Point Based system. Hm..
SephirothSage said:
The concept of an "Any Setting, Any Char" System.. Makes me thinkvery much so of GURPS, which is an Older, Point Based system. Hm..
I never really got into GURPs if only because I've never really had the chance to read it. But many GURPS people I know swear by FATE Core now. I even have some ideas brewing inside my head for a Mad Science Steampunk game!

Seriously open it and take a look. It really promotes world building and interactions and stuff, its pretty amazing.

@WlfSamurai, You thought Monsterhearts was amazing because of that? This is 100000 better.
I downloaded it. Am Reading it. Just going to say- I wish I could link you the GURPS basic Set sometime, introduce some people to it, maybe even get a game together- I've got one HELL of a setting, I've used in Tabeltop... buttt I dont think it's up for Legal Free Download- though...

If I Own a PDF, cus I bought it- but have a physical copy.. am I legally allowed to give others, copies of the PDF?
SephirothSage said:
I downloaded it. Am Reading it. Just going to say- I wish I could link you the GURPS basic Set sometime, introduce some people to it, maybe even get a game together- I've got one HELL of a setting, I've used in Tabeltop... buttt I dont think it's up for Legal Free Download- though...
If I Own a PDF, cus I bought it- but have a physical copy.. am I legally allowed to give others, copies of the PDF?
It depends on the company, they all have different policies.
I see. I'll have to Check Steve Jackson Game's... *Shrug*.

Real big fan of GURPS, though- biggest issue is how time consuming the system is... at Charachter creation- everything else flows REALLY Smooth and Streamlined. Charachter Creation takes a long time- but is really in Depth, and to me at least, Very fun.
There are so many Freeform games in the past that could have benefited from this. This is an excellent system for all around general use unless you want something that is specific like say Exalted or DnD or World of Darkness, Etc. Things that are really specific in their tone and plot/setting.

I have a madscience/steampunk idea!

Wonder City could benefit from this.

A modern adventure


Just so many ideas, it seems very flexible and almost limitless. I am converting for the future one of my most loved projects that I still have yet to show the site because I haven't had the time.
I see... And yeah- It'll never make me Forget my GURPS Super's games, or the settings I've made for GURPS- but it is clearly a very, very, nice Freeform system- I Just finished hte core Book, and found myself coming up with numerous charachter concepts, and ideas- and wanting to do things with them. :)
Interesting, but I doubt I'd find the time. Today I turn up 22 years old, and as I reflect upon my life so far I am overall disappointed. I think in the near future I might have to drop RPdom, but definitely not before I complete the currently running Amaranth or the Silent Hill game after that which I've been promising for a while.

Thanks for the PM tho, Wiz. Nice to have someone thinking about old Wolf *bark*
[QUOTE="Wolf Rawrrr]Interesting, but I doubt I'd find the time. Today I turn up 22 years old, and as I reflect upon my life so far I am overall disappointed. I think in the near future I might have to drop RPdom, but definitely not before I complete the currently running Amaranth or the Silent Hill game after that which I've been promising for a while.
Thanks for the PM tho, Wiz. Nice to have someone thinking about old Wolf *bark*

No problem for the PM :) !

But did you not know? People aren't allowed to leave, especially not you who has been drinking from the kool-aid since The Wayward Inn :D !
I really enjoyed some of the ideas from the Dresden Files RPG, especially the idea of collaborative world-building. I would be interested to see if anyone decides to do something with that system here.
Millershipper said:
I really enjoyed some of the ideas from the Dresden Files RPG, especially the idea of collaborative world-building. I would be interested to see if anyone decides to do something with that system here.
While I do not want to run Dresden Files(I'm saving that for @Lord of Chaos). I do have plans to run Fate Core, does that still interest you?
SephirothSage said:
I'm intersted in a Fatecore Game- will there be Magic, or anything tlike that?
In the mad science concept, it might as be a bit of magic.(Depends what you try to do, could seem like a lot of magic :D !).
I liked what I saw of the core system when I was looking at the Dresden Files. If you do a forum game I'd certainly take a look at playing. I'd be interested in see how the collaborative world-building would work here. Iirc, in Dresden the suggestion was using 3x5 cards to pass around for notes and the like.
Millershipper said:
I liked what I saw of the core system when I was looking at the Dresden Files. If you do a forum game I'd certainly take a look at playing. I'd be interested in see how the collaborative world-building would work here. Iirc, in Dresden the suggestion was using 3x5 cards to pass around for notes and the like.
Its going to be a forum game :) !
mmmmm... Steampunk... *Drool*... ... ...

*sakes head while waking up from "Steamy" day dream* what was I taking about? oh right, this!... Downloaded the core when I saw this, Haven't read it yet, don't particularly feel like doing so just this moment, probably will do so tomorrow or such... and at that point, assuming I'm allowed, I'd like to try this out, in the role of some kind of bottom class citizen who always has "A guy" for everything (hey not everyone in steampunk settings are aristocrats/airship owners or engineers!)
I have loved FATE ever since a friend of mine put an Exalted conversion together, best character creation session I have ever participated in (sadly the actual game never happened)

Played in a Dresden Files game once where as millershipper said the city building first appeared and it was a fantastic game when wizards weren't messing up my technology!.

So in other words you can count me in for any FATE game you wish to run as it is my favourite system by far.
Oh, cheers, Wiz, I hadn't gotten around to picking this up yet. FATE is a marvellous game, and I seem to recall the new Core also has some example settings (Arthurian Mecha! Arthurian Mecha!)

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