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  1. Scathach

    The International Fleet

    Ev'r cracked her neck, twisting her head from side to side before she snagged her pack, slinging her bow over her back and clipping a quiver of arrows to her belt. "I think I'll head to the training rooms as well." She said before jogging down the row and heading out the door. She touched Martin...
  2. Scathach

    Mythical- Be any creature you want. New members welcomed.

    ARGH! Wrong character... wrong roleplay altogether.... *headdesk* Will edit post now.
  3. Scathach

    Mythical- Be any creature you want. New members welcomed.

    Scathach slowed gradually, then stopped altogether, sheathing her blades. She started back out of the woods into the main area, where everyone tended to gather to talk and sell their goods and services. The Dark Queen's old castle was up there somewhere too, and some girl named Nerrezza had...
  4. Scathach

    Mythical- Be any creature you want. New members welcomed.

    Scathach reached the clearing and drew her shortswords, moving smoothly, flowing through a series of offensive and defensive positions, gradually increasing her speed until she was no more then a blur, her swords humming through the air as they danced in an intricate pattern, blocking...
  5. Scathach

    The International Fleet

    Ev'r listened as Pesa introduced himself. He seemd the friendliest out of the bunch right now, but she was betting that peppy attitude wouldn't last for long. It never did. She was still standing straight and proud, eyes as cold as ever and she was still watching... waiting. She observed them...
  6. Scathach

    The International Fleet

    Ev'r stood smoothly, coming to her full height, her eyes cold and steel grey. "Ev'r Keets." Her voice was as sharp and harsh as sleet, but clear and distinct and she stood stock still, feet shoulder width apart, arms folded on her back, right above her waist and head up. She was disciplined and...
  7. Scathach

    The International Fleet

    Ev'r looked up, lips curling back slightly to reveal pointed canines. Ruben Beginnings. Of course. The Genius. Who else would be commanding them? Her eyes glittered dangerously as she considered him. She flipped her book shut after marking her page and slotted it neatly into her backpack which...
  8. Scathach

    The International Fleet

    Ev'r fiddled with the dagger strapped to her leg for a moment, then, following the tiles like she had been instructed to, she reached a door. Ev'r took a deep breath as she paused outside of it for a moment. Why was she so nervous? She pressed the button and stepped in, arms crossed over her...
  9. Scathach

    New Kid on the Block!

    Hey Kiki! It's nice meeting a few other players before I jump it. I do have to admit, I am a big fan of harry potter and can proabably answer any question right off the bat...
  10. Scathach

    Street Kids RP- (open)- sign up

    True... She proabably will end up on her own, as that's how Scathach's always lived. The fact that she appears more human then some other vampires may help with that. I finally got a history typed up for Scatty. I'll add it into the sign-ups.
  11. Scathach

    Mythical- Be any creature you want. New members welcomed.

    Scathach slipped through the shadows of the forest, her combats making no noise on the leaves as she watched the areas that were most likely to hide someone- the shifting, darker shadows and the upper branches of trees. She was heading to the clearing where she normally practiced, and even...
  12. Scathach

    Mythical--be any creature you want. Will you Hide or be Free?

    lol. So, ont he same note... If I do refer to Lux as Aoife, ignore it. I'll go pop in now!
  13. Scathach

    Mythical--be any creature you want. Will you Hide or be Free?

    One of the characters that signed up. xD she's on page 9. Where should I jump in? I'm ordinarily pretty good inserting myself into roles if I know where the charries are.
  14. Scathach

    Mythical--be any creature you want. Will you Hide or be Free?

    LOL. The world is at least 5,000 right? The earth was a churning mass of CO2 and lava and water for the first million or so years of its existance. OMG! I just realized the Lux and Scathach look similar and are both Vampires... please forgive me if I occasionally call Lux Aoife.... Scathach has...
  15. Scathach

    The International Fleet

    Name: Ev'r Keets Age: 16 Gender: Female Personality/History: Ev'r is generally sarcastic, anti-social and closed off, though she does have a kind side and it can be unlocked. She's tough and strong after living on the streets for years and doesn't take crap from anyone. Dedicated almost...
  16. Scathach

    Mythical--be any creature you want. Will you Hide or be Free?

    ARGH! Sometimes I really hate Howrse. I'll post it here. CHARACTER NAME: Scathach, or Scatty. AGE: 10,000 years old at least [says she is 2,518], looks no older than 17. GENDER: Female SPECIES: Next Generation Vampire PET PEEVES: Scatty hates getting wet. PERSONALITY: Scatty is, in...
  17. Scathach

    Street Kids storylines and plotting

    Ok... currently living outside of the city... I can work with that. Macal, do you have a problem with Scathach joining your group, and is there a certain spot or area where she should turn up in the end?
  18. Scathach

    Street Kids storylines and plotting

    Scathach can proabably show up anywhere in the city, though she mostly tends to head out at night due to her vampire like nature. Is there a specific spot in the city where those of the clan Vampire congregate?
  19. Scathach

    Street Kids RP- (open)- sign up

    Thanks a lot Faith Eliza Cord. This looks very interesting, and well developed and advanced. Three things I appreciate in a role after seeing so many created by people just starting out.
  20. Scathach

    Street Kids RP- (open)- sign up

    Ok! and I did browse through the rp, and skim over a few of the most recent pages, but I haven't read it in depth yet.