Mythical--be any creature you want. Will you Hide or be Free?

Scathach: I don't know, I don't really care, I'm just not used to..I don't know what you call it...basically..thousands of years old? This isn't Earth though, this is Cartacoplyspe xP and, sure, I don't mind..wait..who's Lux? .-.
One of the characters that signed up. xD she's on page 9. Where should I jump in? I'm ordinarily pretty good inserting myself into roles if I know where the charries are.
Scathach: Oh, well, they...I don't know, she hasn't replied in a while : P maybe I'll try to see if she has been online recently...but..well, I don't know. It doesn't really matter where/who you jump in with. xP Unless, you wanted a real answer.. then maybe with a character that isn't doing anything (that's not me, because I rather have the other roleplayers entertained xP)
((Website Noob Incoming))

Name: Arscel (pronounced are-skull)

Nickname: The Glaring Ghost

Gender: Male

Age: died at 20 and still appears so, but he has existed as a wraith for far longer

Crush: none so far

Bf/Gf: N/A

Spouse/Fiance: N/A (he was going to be in an arranged marriage)

Kids: N/A

Species: Wraith ((This race ok? I'll be specific at the end of this post.))

Pets(with looks--optional): Numerous weak-willed unrestful/lost souls in the forms of orbs and ghosts.

Personality(optional): (song: Gary Jules-Mad world) Normally calm and demure, but very easily set off by violent images and events. Quite a thoughtful being, and empathetic, he really enjoys asking what other people think--especially annoyed by selfishness and complaining. When he sets a goal, he is very focused until he accomplishes it, sometimes ignoring everything else completely. Happy to help people/spirits avoid/get over harsh events. Gently leads lost individuals away from nearby bandits, but his aura of dread and frightening appearance usually scares off those he tries to help. Desperately avoids contemplating his death.

History(optional): Arscel had a sheltered, pampered life in a large mansion with servants to attend to his every want. He was pretty much oblivious to how cruel the world really was, and wondered why anyone found a reason to complain about anything in his city--he believed everyone's life was just as comfortable and easy as his was. One bright, beautiful day a horde of bandits shattered his reality and surrounded him with violence, blood, and savagery...his parents found him that day huddled in the corner of a smoldering home with a decapitated child pressed protectively against his chest. His head was bowed low over the corpse, and his skin had turned a dark shade of grey--his parents thought it was a layer of soot from the doused fire. As they asked him what was wrong he lifted his head, revealing hollow eyes filled with shadows. His face looked as though it held less life than the child he shielded. As his parents stared with horror his bottom jaw suddenly stretched inhumanly to the floor and let out a wail of grief that caused the citizens of that town to immediately abandon what was left of their homes. Arscel haunted that empty city for many years, but after a wandering spirit far more troubled than himself entered his haunt, he accomplished many things that enabled him to leave.

Job Occupation(optional): Counselor

Other(optional): With the exchange of a favor he will ward off bandits and disturbed spirits/undead, discuss your personal problems, and even lead you down forgotten paths to safety.

Looks:View attachment 10402 (similar to this)

Arscel's long blond hair has altered to a tinge of greyish-green, and waves about slowly as though he was underwater. His face is stark white while the bare "skin" of his hands is a dark grey. His eyes are a light turquoise He wears a high-class dark purple silk shirt with his family crest on the front and a dark blue leather vest, with dark blue leather pants and purple shoes. These attributes stay the same. However, his appearance alters consistently based on his mood.

Calm: He looks nearly human besides a couple small shadows that quiver and dart just outside his pupils, his ethereal hair, dark grey skin, and his body being slightly transparent. His eyes are a shiny blue, like polished sapphires. His clothing appears very clean and well-kept.

Annoyed: His clothing looks rough and his eyes have more shadows in them. Some of the orbs of the lost souls following him are slightly visible.

Happy: His most human-like state. Same as calm, but with a healthy-looking skin tone and his eyes shine pleasantly.

Sorrowful: His eyes are like perfectly smooth obsidian marbles, his clothing smokes while incorporeal ash and soot sticks to him and falls off and vanishes. Most noticeable is the giant bloodstain on his chest obscuring his family crest, slowly oozing transparent blood that also vanishes. He has no shoes.

Bit Angry: His eyes are mostly covered by writhing shadows, and his clothing is tearing in some places. His mouth grows and shrinks in size constantly. The more disturbed ghosts fade in and out around him. No blood stain on his chest.

Angry: His eyes are almost completely covered by the shadows, his clothing looks tattered, and long strips of it hover off him and around him.

Wrathful: His eyes have grown extremely large and shadows bleed from them like black water, flowing up, left, and right on his face, but never down like tears. His mouth hangs low and looks like a dark void from which smoke and ash also flows. He has only two arms covered with the shreds of his unrecognizable clothing, but many of the arms of the lost souls are on his left and right. The spirits and orbs swirl around him chaotically. His legs are covered in a shroud of clothing bits and transparent ectoplasm as he floats.

((If you will accept Wraith as a race, a basic description of them is that they are like the midpoint between ghosts and specters. They appear slightly solid, since they feel more bound to this world then do ghosts, while specters appear solid--since specters can't be convinced they are dead so great is their delusion. Wraiths have auras of dread, and other spirits are attracted to their strong emotions. What makes wraiths supremely unique is that they can never appear fully human because of their undead state. Ghosts are just dead people, as are specters, but wraiths are classed as undead.

Feel free to change this description however you like, this is just my personal opinion. =D))
MerchantOfTheUndead: Well, you will be my first ever person that is playing somebody of the undead/living dead/dead (whatever you call it). I really don't know much of wraiths. What "powers" can wraiths do? I got somewhat a sense of what they could do, you think you can help me out with a bit more detail of that? : P Answer me this question and you are free to go.

Luka: Oh, I don't really know. I still say it's open..but like...people sorta disappear on and off. In other words, it's a bit slow (probably partially my fault for that), though it IS still open..I'm going to try to speed it back up..again..since, obviously, Mythical's ratings are going down
:( (so I'm probably doing something wrong Dx)
Sorry I haven't replied to you earlier then now Cocobeans...I'm still pretty new to the site, but I think I'm starting to get the style of this place.

ALSO YESSSS I shall put some undead tones in this!! muahaha Always fun to have some soft horror.

Now as to wraiths (and this is all just my own personal studies and opinions), they are very much like ghosts, but ghosts can sort of harness their emotion as a power source and through that amplify and ignite it through willpower. You can have a ghost that was killed in the most horrible way imaginable with the most vengeful feelings ever known...but if it's weak-willed...most it could do would probably be a creepy atmosphere of unexplainable rage or fear...I'm sort of on a monologue sorry, a little passionate about this kind of stuff.

While ghosts are pretty subtle and hard to detect, along with being almost harmless, wraiths can be seen by anyone and can't completely turn invisible. Ghosts try their hardest to communicate and get little accomplished most of the time, wraiths are very vocal, even loud. Both ghosts and wraiths can pass through non-magical walls and fly. They are surrounded in a dread aura which slowly weakens the will of nearby living things, like trying to chop down a tree with a nail file. Being in the presence of multiple wraiths can cause panic-attacks. The touch of a wraith can drain your strength, magical energies, and once you're weakened enough they can slowly devour your life force. Their voices can strike fear into the inexperienced heart, disturb or corral the dead, or even cause curses. However, while a wraith can harness such energies, it cannot cast spells, instead it converts the energy gained into ectoplasm--which is their source of energy which can be used to empower themselves, other undead, desecrate/curse objects, it has many uses. If they REALLY don't like you they can pull a LoTR deal and bring you to death's door, then yank you to undeath. They can't be damaged by non-magical/average physical objects, and 90% of the time they're hostile and they do not want to talk. While ghosts will haunt you without a direct confrontation, a wraith may stalk you face-to-face. All of these abilities cannot be enacted in sunlight, a wraith is powerless in daylight.

That's about it. Since this is your world you can change any aspect of what I've mentioned ;D
Luka: But..I couldn't, nor wouldn't want to start all the way over :C

MerchantOfTheUndead: Naw. It sounds fine to me. I like it ^-^ Just try not to go overboard with the "soul-sucking", because I find it best described like that xP
Haha thanks Coco, I can see how it can come out that way xD which is why I made sure to mention that wraiths REAAAALLY have to wear you down a LOT to ever have a chance to kill you. They don't eat souls themselves, just the life energy of the soul, but yeah...don't worry about Arscel running around trying to suck ppl's souls out--he's really not a violent "person" strangely enough. Perhaps I should have put into his personality that nine times out of ten, he'll talk rather than fight...unless you're a bandit then you're probably gonna get soul-sucked!! ahaha
Name: Larry Mahogany

Nickname: None

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Crush: None

Bf/Gf: None

Spouse/Fiance: None

Kids: None

Species: Leprechaun, a form of forest elf

Pets(with looks--optional): Black cat named Blackie with little leprechaun hat on his head

Other: Larry is a triplet, with his siblings being Alex and Luke.

Looks: Dark brown hair, brown eyes, leprechaun hat, leprechaun suit, leprechaun shoes with small buckles

Name: Alex Mahogany

Nickname: None

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Crush: None

Bf/Gf: None

Spouse/Fiance: None

Kids: None

Species: Leprechaun, a form of forest elf

Pets(with looks--optional): Calico cat named Calie with little leprechaun hat on her head

Other: Alex is a triplet, with her siblings being Larry and Luke.

Looks: Fiery red hair, green eyes, leprechaun hat, leprechaun suit, leprechaun shoes with small buckles

Name: Luke Mahogany

Nickname: None

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Crush: None

Bf/Gf: None

Spouse/Fiance: None

Kids: None

Species: Leprechaun, a form of forest elf

Pets(with looks--optional): Yellow cat named Blondie with little leprechaun hat on his head

Other: Luke is a triplet, with his siblings being Larry and Alex.

Looks: Light blond hair, blue eyes, leprechaun hat, leprechaun suit, leprechaun shoes with small buckles

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