The International Fleet


Popcorn Connoisseur
The role play will start with everyone reporting to the room of the Dragon squad.

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[MENTION=2671]Dino[/MENTION] [MENTION=3596]Gabriel Ryker[/MENTION] [MENTION=4078]Scathach[/MENTION]


Darian Marques, the man in charge of the Battle School, sat at his desk, Ruben Beginnings sitting across from him. "Thank you for coming, Ruben," Darian greets, standing and beginning to pace behind his desk. "As I'm sure you know, the threat from the Formics is growing. The new recruits have arrived already and they've been assigned to the Dragon toon. They're the most promising we've seen. I feel that you would be the best to ready them for the Command School," Darian explained, pausing to look at Ruben and make sure he was paying attention. "You will need to report to me and tell me their progress. If there are any of them that you don't believe would be fit for your future mission, you must tell me," Darian continued. He held his hands behind his back, straightening his spine and standing at his full height, an impressive six feet and four inches.

Darian Marques, though kind to those at the Battle School, appeared intimidating. He had short, grey hair and piercing eyes. He had a hardened expression, acquired from the first war. He had never been able to forget the horrors of what had happened. So many innocent people dead in the streets because of those buggers. Darina shook his head to get rid of the memories momentarily and focus on the present.

"I believe that those in Dragon will be our best option for the mission, so please, go meet them," Darian requested, though his tone made it seem like a command. "Here are the papers appointing you as commander," he continued, handing Ruben a sheet of paper. "They should all be in the room," Darian said as a dismissal. He knew Ruben was an amazing warrior. While he was at the Battle School, he had been the best. Better than the best, really. Darian knew he would be involved in the secret mission against the Formics. The problem was finding the group that would accompany him.

Darian gave Ruben a curt nod before sitting back at his desk and returning to the biographies and reports on the students in the Dragon toon.

Pesa Refala was one of the better fighters and his aim was impeccable. If they could train him to use a gun with the same accuracy, they would be doing well. He wasn't the smartest in the toon but he would be a great asset. Ev'r Keets was highly intelligent and she would be quite helpful with close combat as she trained with swords. Ev'r was also very self-motivated which would prove more helpful than the others might believe. Martin West was the youngest. He was very strong and had great leadership skills, though he wouldn't get to use them while Ruben was around. However, he would be a great soldier so long as his attitude was kept in check. Darian paused at the last biography. Beccalynn Grey. He just shook his head, confused as to why the board members had allowed her in. She was intelligent, to be sure, and she was adept with strategizing, but she wasn't a warrior. In fact, she shied away from conflict. Darian sighed, hoping that Ruben would be the one to pull the warrior out of her.


Beccalynn sat on her bunk. It was situated towards the front of the long room that was filled with bunk beds. She idly played around on her desk, typing away and messing around with the programs that were uploaded.

The flight here had been interesting, to say the least. It took Becca a few minutes to get used to the orientation of being out in space. There was no up or down here and that confused her body at first. After she had wrapped her mind around it, the trip in the spaceship really wasn't so bad. She would say that she missed her parents but they were never home anyway so she doubted it would be much different being here. She crossed her legs, tying her long blonde hair in a ponytail and continuing to look at her desk.

Becca was confused as to how she had gotten here. Her parents had her interviewed for it and she was certain she wouldn't get in. She wasn't a fighter nor was she interested in becoming one. She sighed and set her desk on her bed before she stood, opening her locker and looking through it. A suit hung there but she didn't give it much attention, looking to her books instead. They were stacked neatly at the bottom of the locker. She looked at the spines, considering what she wanted to read, when she heard the door slide open. She stood straight, looking to the door as a few people wandered in. "Great. People," she thought to herself with an eye roll before shutting her locker door. She looked at her clothes, wondering if she should change. She was wearing a pair of blue jeans and a plain dark grey shirt, something she would have worn at home. It seemed everyone was wearing their toon colors, though.

Becca sat at the edge of the bed, surveying the others. They seemed like the leftovers from the other groups, truthfully. None of them looked like seasoned fighters. She caught sight of the small boy and suppressed a laugh. "You've got to be kidding me," she muttered, laying on her bed. The kid had to be ten or something. What use would he be? Weren't they supposed to send them off to war soon? She closed her eyes, ignoring the activity around her as people settled into their bunks and put their belongings away.


Martin walked down the main hall of the circular space station, taking in his surroundings. He followed the colors on the floor like he had been instructed to and made it to a door. Pressing a button, he wandered in, catching the eye of the blonde girl who had apparently been there a while. He notched her roll her eyes and anger flared up inside him. He managed to keep his mouth shut as he made his way down the aisle, picking a bed at random and dropping his bag on the mattress.

He didn't have much with him, just a photo of his family. He looked at the photo before sticking it in his locker. He already missed them but he knew it was an honor to be here. He noticed some sort of suit hanging in his locker. It looked like the outfit he had seen other students walking around in but it was different colors.

He ran his fingers across the material before he shut the locker. It was quiet in the room. He saw the blonde girl look at him again and heard her mutter something. What was her problem anyway? He leaned back on his bed, waiting for instructions. Where was their commander? He hoped it wouldn't be that girl. If it was, he was certainly not going to have a fun time here.

He thought back to the flight here and how weird it had been climbing into the ship. It took him a while to orient himself. It was so different, being in space where there was no up or down. His brain still freaked out every once in a while, trying to right the world he was in.
Ev'r fiddled with the dagger strapped to her leg for a moment, then, following the tiles like she had been instructed to, she reached a door. Ev'r took a deep breath as she paused outside of it for a moment. Why was she so nervous? She pressed the button and stepped in, arms crossed over her chest as she surveyed the room. There were a few other people in the room- 3 guys and a girl- but she paid no attnetion to them as she walked down the center of the room. She slung the backpack off her shoulder when she reached the last bed in the room and unstrapped the two shortswords, bow, and quiver of arrows she had been wearing, laying them on the bed and checking each. She put them all away neatly, hanging her bow and arrows on the end of the bed and strapping her shortswords back on. Ev'r dumped out her backpack next. It was mostly weapons. Knives, daggers, shruikens, two sets of nunchaku, and a variety of others. There were some tanktops and a few pairs of capris, her spare set of boots, her gi pants and white t-shirt, a few books... She quickly folded her clothes and put them away in her locker, filed the weapons into their slots in her pack, then pulled out the most recent book she had been reading- it was on the human nerve system- and after pulling off her boots, settled on her bed to continue the chapter. Ev'r fiddled with her fingerless gloves as she read. "The nervous system is essentially a biological information highway, and is responsible for controlling all the biological processes and movement in the body, and can also receive information and interpret it via electrical signals which are used in this nervous system. It consists of the Central Nervous System (CNS), essentially the processing area and the Peripheral Nervous System which detects and sends electrical impulses that are used in the nervous system" She had read this book before, of course, but she had decided it was best to go over what she knew for a bit.
Pesa had been following his given color, He rubbed his hands together out of nervousness, He was in space, it was so weird, he felt a bit light headed, it was all a bit disorientating not knowing which one is up or down. But he guessed he would soon get acquainted with the idea of the whole thing. He brushed his hand through his hair, for once it wasn't a mess, he'd made it as neat as possible for this occasion. He wondered who he would meet here, what they would be like, so many questions yet no answers as of yet but he could wait for the answers, it was fine as it was right now. He never really understood how they managed to build these stations or how it really worked, but that wasn't why he was here so he guessed it didn't really matter all that much. Eventually he got to Dragon squad's room, the squad he'd been assigned to, what an interesting name for a squadron, maybe it was like that for a reason, ahwell. He opened the door and walked in. He looked around, so far there was 2 girls and one boy in here. Both the girls seemed to be around his age but the boy was a couple years younger. He claimed a bed and dumped his bag of belongings on the top of it. He looked around the room at the people, should he introduce himself right now, sure why not. " Uhh, Hi my names Pesa, Pesa Refala how about you guys?" He asked in a clear voice
Ruben was not in a good mood. His “superiors” had told him that if he was to lead humanity’s forces against the Formics, he’d need to visit the Battle School to personally choose his squadron. Looking at the dossiers that were handed to him, he found none that were particularly interesting. Yet, they all had promise, and for someone with Ruben’s abilities, that was enough. He strode adeptly through the familiar halls and soon reached the door of the Dragoon platoon.

Walking in with a graceful gait, Ruben stopped at the foot of the nearest bed. He spoke, not loudly, but in an soft, audible voice. It was commanding, authoritative, but most of all, it had an underlying current, a promise of pain if disobeyed. “Alright. You are the Dragon platoon. That is all you need to know. During your tenure here at Battle School, you will all obey my orders. Unequivocally. Heed my words, and your time here will be well spent. I am Ruben Beginnings, your commander.”

Ruben held up the dossiers. “Do you all see these files? These are files on your strengths, weaknesses, and histories.” He then proceeded to throw them on the ground and grind them with his feet. “Those dossiers are also quite meaningless. I will be the judge of your competency. I will be the judge, the jury, and the executioner. If you are not up to my standards, you will be sent away. I do not tolerate failure, nor do I tolerate idiocy and ignorance. Take care not to exhibit those traits in my presence.”

Ruben glared at the inhabitants of the room with steely eyes that seemed to pierce their minds and see what they were thinking. Then, he spoke again. “Now then. Since we have established that those files aren’t worth the paper they’re printed on, let’s proceed. I’d like each of you to introduce yourself and tell us your history. This is mandatory. I’ll begin.”

He spoke in a carefully measured manner. “I am Ruben Beginnings, as I stated before. I was raised as the successor of Ender Wiggins. Make no mistake, I am superior in every way. I was trained for this, molded my entire life for the purpose of defeating the Formics. It is my job to ready my squadron, the squadron that I will lead into battle, and eventually, victory, against the Formics. I understand that those with weak constitutions may have qualms about this. I encourage you take what little dignity you have and leave if that is applicable to you. If not, stay and follow my commands.” Turning to the girl nearest the door, he said, “Now, introduce yourself to the people who will become your family for the foreseeable future.”
Ev'r looked up, lips curling back slightly to reveal pointed canines. Ruben Beginnings. Of course. The Genius. Who else would be commanding them? Her eyes glittered dangerously as she considered him. She flipped her book shut after marking her page and slotted it neatly into her backpack which was hanging on the end of her bed, then turned to watch Ruben, head tilted slightly, legs pulled up to her chest, arms wrapped around her shins, chin on her knees.
Becca heard Pesa speak and shook her head, refusing to waster her time with introductions. She wasn't really interested in making friends with the people assigned to her group.

Becca looked up as the door slid open once more, ready to survey whatever pathetic thing would wander through the door next. Her eyes widened when she saw him: Ruben Beginnings. She stood, strands of her light blonde hair falling in her face. She walked to the foot of the bed, standing with her spine straight and chin up. "Beccalynn Grey," she said, her voice steady. She refused to look weak in front of these people, even though she had doubts about herself. She wanted them to see her as strong, dependable. She knew that she was a small girl that didn't look intimidating in the least. It frustrated her that people underestimated her. It was alright for her to doubt herself but she wouldn't tolerate anyone else seeing her the way she saw herself. She watched as the small boy stood at the end of his bed, eyes wide. He knew about Ruben, at least. She suppressed rolling her eyes at his expression. Yes, she admired Ruben but she didn't see him as a god as so many seemed to. Of course, she wasn't interested in fighting, anyway. She didn't value strength, she valued wisdom. She wanted to solve her problems diplomatically.

Becca's eyes drifted back to Ruben. She looked him in the eye unflinchingly. It was a good thing he wasn't interested in the files because she knew hers would be disappointing compared to the others. She scored highly on the aptitude sections but she had no stomach for death or violence. She felt nervousness in her stomach. She hadn't realized that, by coming here, she would possibly be signed up for fighting the Formics so soon. There was no way she could do that. She didn't want to leave, though. Not with all of them looking at her.


Martin heard Pesa introduce himself and he looked over, giving him a warm smile. He noticed the blonde girl at the front actively avoiding talking to all of them. He scowled at her before turning his attention back to Pesa. "Martin West," he introduced, grinning. It was nice to meet someone new and hopefully they would become close, especially since they were stuck here together for God knew how long.

Martin, upon hearing the door slide open once more, looked over, expecting to see more recruits making their way through the door. Instead, there stood Ruben Beginnings. He scrambled to the aisle at the foot of the bed, eye wide as he stared at him. He had heard of him and knew he was the best of the best. When he said that he would be their commander, Martin had to contain himself. He looked at the blonde girl, listening to her introduction. Beccalyn. Interesting name. He tried to give her a small smile but her eyes had already drifted back to Ruben.

Ev'r stood smoothly, coming to her full height, her eyes cold and steel grey. "Ev'r Keets." Her voice was as sharp and harsh as sleet, but clear and distinct and she stood stock still, feet shoulder width apart, arms folded on her back, right above her waist and head up. She was disciplined and she would show it. She studied the others while she was standing. They all seemed new to combat, but Ev'r had seen it before while she was living rough on the streets. She would treat Ruben like she treated Ceaser K'Ruz, one of the bosses. Cold, but respectful. She kept her face expressionless.
It seemed Pesa's attempt at introductions hadn't worked all that well except for the smaller boy who he gave a friendly smile back towards. Then another boy entered who he instantly recognized as Ruben Beginnings, A small smile stretched across his face as he said he would be leading their squadron. He hadn't been excepting something like this when he signed up, it was amazing, Ruben was a genius. Then he crushed there files under the heel of his foot and introduced himself. He pulled himself up out of his bed and stood up perfectly firm and straight. He was glad he had someone like Ruben in charge, it made Pesa have to do less thinking then he would have had to without Ruben. Once it came to him he introduced himself again. " I'm Pesa Refala, 16 years of age and born in England, brought up by my mother in Lancaster." Was all he said before looking across for the next person to introduce themselves He'd rather share all of his past right now otherwise it might take a while to say it all. He rubbed his eye as it was slightly itchy before going back to looking at Ruben, he was dressed rather smartly and always seemed to have a good posture.
Ev'r listened as Pesa introduced himself. He seemd the friendliest out of the bunch right now, but she was betting that peppy attitude wouldn't last for long. It never did. She was still standing straight and proud, eyes as cold as ever and she was still watching... waiting. She observed them. How they stood, where they looked, what their body language said. Living in the bosses territory had taught her so much when it came to reading people... though Ruben was still a bit of a mystery.
"I'm Martin West," he added, looking around at them all. His eyes drifted to the doors as they opened again to reveal Darian Marques, the hardened commander of this Battle School. Martin's eyes widened as the imposing man walked through the doors, his mouth set in a hard line. He surveyed the room, hands clasped behind his back. Martin thought he saw the glint of excitement in his eyes but decided that wasn't possible. Darian Marques was a serious, formal man who didn't make a joke of anything.

"Good to see you've all settled in," he began, eyes still dancing about the room. He stepped forward, now standing next to Ruben as he continued speaking. "Classes will begin tomorrow. You will go to History first, then English, Science, and then Astronomy. I stopped by to let you all know that the battle rooms are officially open. The battles will begin in two weeks, so I suggest you get as much training in as possible," he said with a smile that didn't reach his eyes. "I expect great things from you all," he finished. "One of the training rooms is reserved for your toon today so I suggest you make use of it," he added before turning on his heels and walking out without another word.

Martin thought it was extremely odd that Commander Marques had paid them a visit. After all, he must have much more important things to do than greet new recruits. He just shrugged it off and looked around at the others. He noticed Becca looking nervously at the others. He couldn't help the grin that spread across his face; she wasn't much of a fighter apparently. "I say we all go and check out the training rooms," Martin said aloud, laughing internally as Becca's eyes widened.

Becca was rather nervous at the idea of going to the training room. After all, she wasn't much of a fighter. She was more prepared for the classes to begin. She felt lost. Why was she here? There was no possible way that they could turn her into a fighter. She sighed, managing to get her emotions under control. She narrowed her eyes at the boy with the stupid grin on his face who had announced his name was Martin. At least she could learn to fight. He, however, had no hope of being as intelligent as she was.

She watched Martin march past her, eyes forward as he made his way out the door and began to head in the direction of the training rooms. She just sighed, shaking her head, and followed him, not wanting to seem nervous or weak to the others. She really wanted to go home.
Ev'r cracked her neck, twisting her head from side to side before she snagged her pack, slinging her bow over her back and clipping a quiver of arrows to her belt. "I think I'll head to the training rooms as well." She said before jogging down the row and heading out the door. She touched Martin on the shoulder when she caught up with him. "Mind if I walk with you?" She asked, head tilted slightly to one side.

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