The International Fleet


Popcorn Connoisseur
Two men sit in a room, lit only by the many computer monitors surrounding them. One man stands suddenly and begins to pace. He is tall and slender with a grey head of hair and beard. He pulls on his beard gently, lost in thought.

"We have a new wave of recruits coming in today. Perhaps our solution lies with them," he suggests, looking to the other man.

"I would hope so. Otherwise our planet is in danger. It is only a matter of time before those Formics attack again," the seated man replies, his voice gruff. He stands, the eerie light from the monitors lighting his face. He has a long scar trailing from his temple to his chin. His hair is a dark brown; his eyes, a dark green.


A small pamphlet sits on a dining room table. The front reads "Battle School", accompanied by a large photo of a circular spaceship. On the inside, there are a few paragraphs describing the Battle School and all the glory that goes along with attending, as well as the honor to defend the world from the "buggers". The pamphlet goes on to describe the battle simulations and the exceptional education students get attending the Battle School. It's very difficult to get into, but if you do, eternal glory waits.

Plot: The Earth has been attacked once by a species known as the Formics. They've been referred to as "buggers" due to their insect-like appearance. The Earth was unprepared for an attack like this and only barely managed to fight off the Formics. It is well-known that the Formics have a base near the Milky Way which puts many people on edge. The governments of the world united so that they could better protect themselves from this foe.

The government created the Battle School to train young recruits for a future in the army. They are trained to fight the Formics in this school. They watch videos of the previous war, studying their tactics. They go to history classes, English, math, and science. However, they all live for the games. In the battle room, students are given guns similar to guns used in laser tag: they don't cause any pain, but if hit, the victim experiences temporary paralysis in their limb or they are removed from the game, depending on where they are hit.

Each student is assigned a squad. These squads share a room filled on either side with bunk beds. Each student is also assigned a locker for safe-keeping of their things. They also get a 'desk', a device like a tablet that they do their school work on. These squads battle each other, fighting to gain the rank of number one in the Battle School

You are a part of the new recruits coming in. You've been assigned to the squad called Dragon. Maybe your squad will be the one that saves the world.


  • This is based off of the book Ender's Game. If you've read it, great. If not, it isn't a big deal because we won't be following the order of events in it anyway.
  • You can have up to two characters. Try to keep the genders balanced.
  • There will be violence but keep it within the site rules.
  • There will be romance but keep it within the site rules.
  • This is a literate role play. I expect well-worded and thought out responses.
  • Please, only apply if you're serious. I would like to see this role play go on for a while.
  • My word is law.

Character Sheet:


Age: Between 12 and 18





Name: Beccalynn Grey

Age: 16

Personality/History: Becca's parents both work for the government. They met at work and fell in love rather quickly, getting married only months after they had been together. They had Becca a year later. She is their only child. Becca's parents work long hours and are rarely home to see her. She doesn't really mind: she rather likes the quiet. She basically raised herself. She hates to ask others for help and would rather fail on her own than succeed with the help of others. She spent a lot of time teaching herself anything she thought was interesting, from Latin to astronomy.

She is a smart girl with who got exceptional grades in school. She spent a lot of her time studying, though she did belong to the swim team at her school. Becca loves to read and hates to go anywhere for a long time without them. She seems cold at first but that's just because she tends to prefer being left alone. Becca likes observing and learning about people. She's a bit eccentric and can be awkward in social situations. She gets nervous when she speaks in front of others. Becca is quiet and she hates confrontation outside of battles. She loves harmony in her life and she tends to shut down when being yelled at. She is very sensitive to criticism and isn't one to let things go. She tends to focus on something and stress herself out. When she sent in her application to the Battle School, she couldn't eat for days, too nervous about her results.

Becca is very sympathetic with people. She trusts others very easily. She isn't one to lie and expects the same from those around her. She isn't a leader but she is a great asset for her ability to strategize and observe something from all sides. She's a kind girl but can be very stubborn when she believes she is right. She has a strong set of morals and refuses to change for anyone. She cares little about what others think of her, truthfully.

Skill(s): Becca is great with strategizing and seeing all possible outcomes.

Weakness(es): She can be stubborn and she is very sympathetic to people which isn't the best trait for a person going to war.

Appearance: here at 5'0"

Martin West

Age: 13

Personality/History: Martin is a loud, outgoing boy. His father was a mechanic; his mother, a teacher. He was one of two children. His older sister works for the government now and it's been a while since he's seen her. Martin was raised with a lot of love and affection. He is very close to his family. He loves meeting new people and being a leader. He can be annoying at times and loves to prove he's right. He's quite capable when it comes to fighting. He's gotten into a lot of trouble in school for it. He isn't sure how he made it into Battle School: he isn't very smart, truthfully, so he can only assume it's his physical abilities.

Martin is friendly and talkative. There is rarely a time that he's silent and if he is, there might be a problem. Martin isn't afraid to ask for help. He doesn't like being told what to do, though, especially if he disagrees with it. He gets angry when people underestimate him because of his age. He's excited to attend the Battle School and hopes that he'll be selected to go on to Command School.

Martin is good at convincing others to follow him. He can also calm people down very well. When he gets angry, he is very intimidating, even though he's small. He's not that understanding of a person but he tries his best. He's also a great liar, something he developed at a very young age. He has no issues coercing people.

Skill(s): He's a great leader and is physically strong.

Weakness(es): He's small, which means people don't see him as a leader at first. He is also hot-headed and acts impulsively.

Appearance: here at 4'9"
Name: Ev'r Keets

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Personality/History: Ev'r is generally sarcastic, anti-social and closed off, though she does have a kind side and it can be unlocked. She's tough and strong after living on the streets for years and doesn't take crap from anyone. Dedicated almost completely to her work, she is businesslike and curt in speech, preferring not to get buddy-buddy with those she meets. She is strong and ferocious, though has a great maternal instinct that sometimes flares up and overpowers her nearly gleeful love of violence. She never backs down from a fight, and would probably rather provoke one than avoid it. Ev'r can become illogically cruel if the mood strikes her, and takes pleasure in playing games with other beings, whether they are physical or mental, if she comes to the conclusion that they can “take it.” She teases, mocks, and riddles with the best of them, oftentimes contradicting herself without a second thought and not regretting it. As much as she loves to fight, she does not believe in killing unnecessarily, whether an animal or a human being. Her personal code of ethics—and her honor as a warrior—forbids her from doing anything blatantly evil, and though she has no problem toying with people, she would never intentionally do anything to harm them physically, mentally, or emotionally, unless they had really pissed her off and she loses her temper, in which case she can’t be completely sure what she’ll do. But this does not stop her from speaking her mind, and telling everybody around her exactly what she thinks about a situation. Ev'r is highly intelligent, with an IQ of about 150, but she often puts that intelligence to use lashing out at others and rarely lets her true intelligence show through, intentionally making it seem like she's dumber then she is, though she will occasionally slip up and her true knowledge will show through. Ev'r studied a lot of subjects on her own, including tactics, and science, and she is a master when it comes to the human body, which is what makes her so proficient with the older weapons.

Skill(s): She's intelligent, strong, and very agile, along with being able to use a multitude of weapons. Ev'r prefers to use more old fashioned weapons though, and she can often be found training with sword, bow or throwing knife on her own time and power.

Weakness(es): She can let her temper get the best of her, and she often has trouble being social and working with others.


Ev'r is 5'5 and 110 pounds, made mostly of muscle. She's graceful and lithe, and fairly skinny. She has three intertwining strands of color- silver, black and dark blue- tattooed around her right wrist, and she has a bar in the top of her left ear. She's fond of tight, solid-colored tank tops, camouflage or khaki pants, and ankle-high black combat boots. Ev'r hs a multitude of small scars on her hands and arms, and a big scar running horizontally across her back, in between her shoulder blades. A good word to describe Ev'r would be rebel. Her hair is white-blond and fairly short, while her eyes are a strinking grey-green-blue.

Pic: (sorry, I'm unfamiliar with RP nation and can't get the text to change from the link to plain text, if you know what I mean...)
Name: Ruben Beginnings

Age: 15

Personality/History: Ruben's parents were overjoyed when they had their first child. Conceiving had been difficult at first, and they were glad they finally got their wish. However, Ruben's attitude was more abrasive than they could bear. After he was tested, he was admitted to Battle School, and his parents gave him up willingly, something that contributes to his trust issues. He quickly and brutally outclassed others at Battle School, at which point he was moved to Command School at the unprecedented age of 13. There, he continues to excel, and as the top recruit. Currently, he is visiting the Battle Schools, studying the new group of recruits. His personality is actually described, inadvertently, in the skills and weaknesses section.

Skills: Ruben was classified as a genius at young age. Of course, he didn't need to be told that. No, he was watching battle footage of the great Ender Wiggins, trying to learn as much as possible. Also, he enjoyed finding the occasional flaw and attempting to defeat Ender. Really, Ender is the only person Ruben ever looked up to. Ruben, when he was tested, was found to have a superior IQ to Ender, which delighted the adults to no end. Ruben's strength was his intellect, which he used to outmaneuver, belittle, confound, and drive his enemies crazy. He was known to think of every possible contingency, and then have a plan in case it came to pass, having been described as the best tactician in human history, on par with even Ender. However, he also has a vengeful mean streak, finding the most humiliating, hurtful ways to exact his retribution, and he can hold a grudge for a very, very long time. There have been others who he regarded as prospects for those who could unseat him as the top recruit and attend Command School, Beccalynn Grey the most promising, but all have since fallen too far behind. Ruben dabbles in many sciences, and he is quite the shot with a pistol.

Weaknesses: Ruben doesn't have the best social skills. He openly disregards what people say, and he belittles them for their flaws, even though he has many of his own. In reality, he does take others opinions and suggestions into account, but rarely shows it. He is also not exactly a physical specimen, although he is above average and he knows his way around the body, so pressure points and debilitating injuries have been reported from those who annoyed him a little too much. Ruben tends to not be very charismatic, although that can be attributed to his blunt approach, and usually, his airtight logic wins out in the end, anyway. Ruben may seem to act impulsively, but he does think everything out first. He's just a bit faster at doing so than most... well, everyone. He can be classified as an opportunist, and manipulative, although he sees no problem with that. Calling him a high-functioning psychopath wouldn't be too far off base.

Appearance: Click here. Ruben is 5'9.5", and he has a lean, muscular build.

Do you see the reference to the books in the name?
Name: Pesa Refala

Age: 16

Personality: Friendly and welcoming to most people, with his friends he can be rather sarcastic towards them and likes to laugh at when they get confused or are mislead, when it comes fighting he is firm and bold maybe even a bit overly cocky at times. Has always had a tendency to protect people younger than him and will risk his own life to save that of another, he is a heat of the moment type of person.

History: Born in England around the area of Lancaster, he was brought up by his two parents as an only child, he'd done rather well in school to start off with but later on some subjects levels deterring, He'd always been rather popular and didn't tend to get into fights, he only got into a fight if someone was picking on a younger kid, then he'd set them straight, he always liked to be thought of as someone that should be looked up to and that other people should always feel safe around him. He'd never had any to look up to, not even his Dad, his Dad hardly took much notice of him it was pretty much Pesa's mum bringing him up entirely on her own. Once Pesa was 16 all of his friends had started signing up to enroll in a place called the "Battle school", Pesa had read about it and couldn't miss out on the opportunity to bask in the glory of becoming a soldier, he then signed up himself and a week later got a message back and was now leaving on his way to the "Battle School" (Sorry its so short, no good ideas came to mind)

Skill(s): Is rather physically and mentally fit, he's always had good aim from either be flinging a rock from a sling or firing spit balls around the class room. He's rather agile and fast and can think off the top of his head.

Weakness(es): Can be rather gullible at times and can be quick to anger. May not understand one side of an argument and is quick to judge. His eye sight isn't terribly great nor is his memory he can forget things often and then they pop back into his head later.

Appearance: 5'9 145 pounds, His Short black hair and light blue eyes. He has broad shoulders. He normally wears a white t-shirt covered by a green jacket and some jeans to give with them. He normally wears white trainers with some white socks that go just above his ankle. He likes to have his hair scruffy and tends not too brush it too often, also often throws on the same pair of clothes for 3-4 days.

Name:John Murphy


Personality:Friendly,unless you anger him then you should be vary vary careful.decent fighter.has the tendency to pull pranks on people that anger him.proud of irish heritage

History:born in ireland but moved to england at early age. Had a good life growing up,wasnt a richboy.Got into a lot of fights in school.But instead of getting mad the saw a potential for a great soldier .Then they almost imediatly shipped him off to battleschool hoping to see their son become a great soldier.Though john just thought he was going because his father signed up for the military and got rejected.John was glad but a little angry of being forced on the trip.

weaknesses: sometimes when angered he may get blindsided by rage and not see the true goal

Skills Showed some prowness to being a great pilot but he kept this hidden from many people,a little bit of an inventor for all the gadgeits hes been able to cook up for his pranks.

appearence: brown short hair,Red t-shirt,jeans,blue eyes,brown sneakers,"5,7" weight 123 lbs
Name: Annie Alkimihov

Age: Between 15

Personality/History: Annie was born in Russia and proved to be quite the rebel. Her parents could not stand her and pretended that she did not exist unless she was dying. One day she and a couple of friends got into some bad government trouble, and while two of her friends were sent to prison she was sent to America. She had shown some extraordinary physical skills and reflexes, so the battle school thought her useful. Annie is hardened and rude but very outgoing, and if you happen to look past her snarky remarks and become her friend she'll protect you like no one else ever will. Even despite this her sense of loyalty is a bit shaky and she is easily won over with the promise of goods.

Skill(s): Annie has very quick reflexes and is good on her feet.

Weakness(es): Annie is not the brightest person in the world, so even if she was capable of incredible things she would not be able to think things out well enough


((I totally wanna read the books now.
:D ))
Name: Annallia 'Anna' Winter

Age: 17 years old

Personality: Quick thinker, never rushes into a situation. Is serious and determined, whatever the task is she will finish and complete it no matter what. Likes to keep to herself, but is nice when she does talk. Has a slight sarcastic humor.

History: Both her parents where soliders in the fight against the Formics, and both regarded highly. Most people did not know that they had a child until both died in battle because of a betrayal in the field. At a young age Anna lived with her aunt, who is now dead, and trained herself in martial arts. After hearing what happened to her parents at the age of thirteen, she decided to join the battle against the formics when she was older. As she grew older, Anna kept to herself more and more and almost became silent when her only family member that cared for her, her aunt, died.

Skill(s): Assassination skills (quick on her feat, stealth, martial arts)/ She is also a decent pilot

Weakness(es): Likes to keep to herself most of the time, has a difficult time trusting people. Hates getting help from others, even for small things.


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