Mythical--be any creature you want. Will you Hide or be Free?

Name: Jabor

Nickname: Jabor of Ombos

Gender: Male

Age: About five thousand five hundred

Crush: None

Bf/Gf: none

Spouse/Fiance: None

Kids: He couldn't even make kids

Species: Jackal headed, shapeshifting, djinn

Pets(with looks--optional): None

Personality(optional): How about angry, angry, AND MORE ANGRY!

History(optional): Well let's just see, he was enslaved by humans for tons of time in a world that BURNED! He was tortured to follow commands with threat of death, and other unpleasant things like Inverted Skin, and now that he gets some rest he doesn't really wanna get out of it. So, let's make this obvious DON'T WAKE HIM UP IF YOU VALUE YOUR LIFE!

Job Occupation(optional): none

Other(optional): none

Tall red-skinned man wi th the head of a jackal
Blahman919: Naw, it's not dead. I just don't have time to go on every freaking day of my life just to roleplay, it's really not the most important thing in the World--just because I "disappear" for a bit doesn't mean I won't come back on. Also, you know, there were just two big holidays that came up, or else, it wouldn't be 2013 right now; in which, I was out celebrating.

Komeko: Sorry for my absence. You are accepted..interesting character...I'll have to see how you play him...join in when you're ready
Yeah I know, but sadly I'm the kind of person that has nothing to do on the holidays, iv been sitting at my house since the day after Christmas, waiting for school to start up again.
Name: Arianna T. Fisher

Nickname: Aria

Gender: female

Age: 18

Crush: None, yet

Bf/Gf: None

Spouse/Fiance: None

Kids: None

Species: Djinn (Appears Human)

Pets: None

Personality: Aria is a bit shy, and somewhat mysterious. She is can be very flirty around men she fancies, but is also very delicate with her emotions. She can be set off at any moment by the slightest thing.

History : Aria's father was a genie humanoid. She lived in the mountains of eastern Asia in luxury. She had a very spoiled life as a child and tween, but soon her family's wealth fell following her fathers disappearance. She was brought here and has made a living on her own in the town ever since.

Job Occupation: Currently unemployed

Other: Has a small apartment.

(With Black Hair)
Name:Jack Blank

Nickname: Jack, Blank

Gender: male

Age: 20

Crush: any girl that facinates him



Kids: Greg, a 8 year old boy. the bad part is, hes only a mortal.

Species: Fallen angel, psycic, shapeshifter

Pets:i only have a white/grey Huskey with blue eyes named Sparkey

Personality:nice, loyal, and can be violent towards enemies and when in battle.


Job Occupation: Hitman/ contract killer. also a bread salesman.


Looks:View attachment 10111




Crush: none right now

Bf/Gf:none right now

Spouse/Fiance:none right now

Kids:none right now


Pets(with looks--optional):Raven View attachment 10113

Beign the child of Lucifur she was taught only destruction. It was frowned upon to do what human kids did or the other demons. Even though she is one of the many offsprings of Lucifur she is the one he favors most. Shes distant and doesnt talk much just watches. she has a keen intrest for sweets and only eats meat weather it be human or demon. She has no soft side so its hard for her to interact with the other girls or getting a boyfriend. Shes ruthless and gives no mercy to everyone even the weak. After Lucifur killed her mother infront of her she has not shed a tear nor have any feeling for those who are in pain. A deep hole lies withi her longing for something she can never have


Job Occupation(optional): Death reaper


View attachment 10112
name:nichole lowe





bf\gf: none at the moment




pets: a (white)bunny named snow (she looks like daisuke's bunny from dnangel)

personality:shy until u get to know me then im loud and random




look:short black hair to neck, big hazel eyes, glasses,thin lips,black yet im tanish, colorful tank,sky blue short sleeve jacket, skirt with a cute little pichu, turqoise low top converse
Ooc: Wow...I guess the 3rd was the day to join.. .-. All of you are accepted, of course, and welcome to the site since all of you seem to be new ^-^

GoddessOfGod: You're character seems quite ruthless and evil..I will allow it, of course, as long as you don't go over the boundaries : will have to see closely how you roleplay...

yullen-chan: A quick question, as a neko, Nichole would have ears and a tail (well, usually, to my definition) and I was wondering, what color would be her tail and ears be since I didn't see anything of it in her looks xP
Scathach and Metronome: There will always be openings for new people. It's really up to your own preference though if you want to join in when Mythical is far : P Right now, we are at page 54, though I feel like nothing really has happened..I mean...not everybody all roleplays together..there are like separate little groups and I feel like I'm always backtracking because people join/don't roleplay on there all the time : P in other words..there isn't any just goes...anyway, if you feel awkward jumping in, then don't join, but if you want to join it enough, then join. It's all up to you xP
I'm fine with sandbox style =P

These are copy pastas, but I'll let you see if anything needs to be changed :3

Zinzie "Zin" "Zinny" Searoby

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Species: Witch

Personality: Zinzie is an eccentric man. He may come off as a crazy ol' nut who lives in the woods, and that assumption wouldn't be too far off. He's often cheerful and optimistic, and very friendly. Zinzie is occasionally sought out by those who are truly desperate, and he often helps them for just a small fee of food, clothes, or other goods. He's not interested in money.

Skills: He's very skilled at potion making, with includes medical potions, antidotes, and many other things, depending on what ingredients he has and if he has the right book. It's like cooking.

As for magic, Zinzie only knows a little. His strong point in with his cauldron.

Appearance: Zinzie is a tall and lanky man, standing at 6'3" and weighing 167 pounds. He has an olive complexion, a messy head full of curly brown hair, and a goofy smile that never seems to go away. His eyes are often half lidded, stuck in an expression that makes him appear to be only slightly aware of his surroundings. He doesn't really come off as an overly brilliant guy, but he's smarter than he looks.

Biography: Zinzie's father was a renown potion master in the quaint little town that he grew up in. Zinzie's mother passed away from illness when he was young, so naturally, he did he best to remain the apple of his father's eye. Zinzie took up the family business at a young age, working with his father in the shop. When Zinzie was old enough to fend for himself, he moved out with the plans of setting up his own little potions shop somewhere. However, it never happened.

Once Zinzie got out of his one horse town, he found that the world was a much bigger place than first realized. How was he supposed to just set up a shop somewhere and stay there? He wanted to travel, to see places, to meet people. So instead of making a stationary store, Zinzie decided that he would be a traveling merchant. Of course, to do so was also to choose a life of the unknown. He could easily be robbed, caught in a storm, contract diseases, ect. But that wasn't about to stop the eager young man. Zinzie has always managed to be an optimist. No matter how bad off he finds himself, there's always something that he can praise, and even he does well, he manages to keep himself humble.

It was during his travels that Zinzie came across his best friend: Orren. Zinzie was taught by his father that no one should ever be outcasted. This is why, despite the major social taboo, Zinzie has made his company with the very definition of an outcast: a leper. Zinzie helps his friend in many ways, even if he can't create a potion to cure him.

Name: Orren Lafrie

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Personality: Orren is often grouchy and rude. He doesn't say a lot, and really doesn't open up to anyone but Zinzie. He has formed a skill out of giving a one-eyed glare that holds as many daggers as any glare with two eyes. Underneath his wraps, you can bet there's a scowl on his face. He rarely ever smiles, and tends to be something of a pessimist.

Skills: Orren is not a witch. Honestly, the only thing he's really good at is being a grump.

Appearance: It's hard to say what Orren really looks like when half his body, including most of his face, is covered in bandages. Orren has lived with leprosy for several years now; long enough for the disease to disfigure his body. His frame is small and a bit too thin, standing at only 5'5". His skin is pale underneath all the clothes and wraps, and usually sickly. His one functional eye is blue-grey, the other is too corroded with sores and is blind. Orren's dark black hair contrasts greatly with his fair skin. It's usually covered by a hat to hide the fact that it is very unkempt. Orren is unable to properly care for himself, as his fingers are no more than stumpy nubs. Orren's body is littered with open sores that refuse to heal, including the bottoms of his feet. His toes are about as stumpy as his fingers, one foot so deformed that it causes him to walk with a limp. However, as excruciating as his appearance may seem, due to the nature of his disease, Orren can no longer feel pain on the outside of his body. He could burn his hands a scolding pot and not even realize it. Because the leprosy is essentially causing him to rot away, Orren has the constant odor of a dead body. However, Zinzie came up with the idea of treating his bandages with peppermint oil, so the smell isn't nearly as bad as it could be.

Biography: Orren once lived a normal, happy life. His family was dirt poor, but as a child, he never knew it. He played with other children who were also dirt poor, and sometimes joined his mother on the streets to guilt trip people into giving them food or money. His father was a laborer for a nearby farm, but got paid very little for his hard work. Because his parents could scarcely afford to feed themselves, they were rather eager for him to become independent.

However, even after leaving home, Orren remained poor. He lived in an overcrowded house with other people who were just as poor, worked hard for very little, and barely managed to scrape by. Because of the terrible sanitary conditions of his home, disease and infestation was nothing new. It wasn't all that surprising to find a few sores here and there. They could be infected wounds, rat bites, or really any number of things. But when Orren began to develop more and more, it became clear that something was wrong. The other tenants took notice and soon kicked him out. A home was no place for a filthy leper. And so Orren found himself jobless, homeless, and slowly falling apart. He was forced to find others like him if he wanted any sort of human interaction. Slowly, Orren grew into a bitter man.

It was by chance that he came across Zinzie, a few years later. The potion maker had apparently never been to a town big enough to see lepers roaming the streets. He was apparently horrified by the way others shunned Orren like some kind of stray mutt. Despite Orren's grumbles, Zinzie insisted that he talk to the poor man. It wasn't long before the two became friends. Orren agreed to travel with Zinzie, because honestly, what the hell else was he going to do?

(This is the correct body build and type of clothing, but about half of his face would be covered.)

Metronome: Well...I would say everything is fine..except..Zinzie's biography sorta contradicts everything about Cartacoplypse. I mean, this is a world, where wizards/witches are the main/dominant it wouldn't really be likely for him to be chased out of town : P
Like I said, it was a copy and paste from another RP =P I wanted to make sure you liked the idea before I went through the trouble of re-writing it all.

Fixed it :3
I'll jump in. Thanks CoccoBeans! Would it be possible for me to have a character that is very out of the norm? I can link you to the character sheet for her that I have posten on another website if you want.
Scathach: Well, I don't know what the norm really is, but sure, you can give me the link so I can check it out..

Metronome: Oh, sorry, I did like your story for him, and I feel bad that you changed it all D:--I was going to try to think of something so that your story would fit /:...but I don't want you to bother changing it keep it the way it was. Sorry that you had to change it though D:
Scathach: The problem with this all is that it won't allow me to see your post/forum thing unless I log into the website. Sadly, I don't have an account, and I rather not make one just for this xP
ARGH! Sometimes I really hate Howrse. I'll post it here.

CHARACTER NAME: Scathach, or Scatty.

AGE: 10,000 years old at least [says she is 2,518], looks no older than 17.

GENDER: Female

SPECIES: Next Generation Vampire

PET PEEVES: Scatty hates getting wet.


Scatty is, in a word, proud.

Scáthach is strong. She is proud. She doesn't take crap from anybody. Get on her bad side, and she will most likely try to kill you. Well, maybe in the old days. She's really worked on her anger issues, and can generally hold a conversation without breaking anything (or anyone). Taking up meditation has done a lot for her, to be honest. Nowadays she does her best to remain as unattached to everything as possible, preferring to keep to herself except for those month-long excursions around the world so she can visit her various dojos. Solitary training is how she generally spends most of her time. Dedicated almost completely to her work, she is businesslike and curt in speech, preferring not to get buddy-buddy with those she meets. She can be petty, childish, and rude, but usually knows when to tone it down and be dignified.

Her grandmother has never seen her to be good enough at anything, and always makes it a point to say as much. Plus, the rest of her family cast her out when she was only a few centuries old, and have never truly forgiven her for siding with the humani. This drives the redhead to continually try to prove herself worthy of her Immortal status, though she has very few people—mortal or otherwise—left to impress. The Shadow is a master tactician, and has marched with and led some of the fiercest armies in history. She is strong and ferocious, though has a great maternal instinct that sometimes flares up and overpowers her nearly gleeful love of violence. She never backs down from a fight, and would probably rather provoke one than avoid it. Scathach can become illogically cruel if the mood strikes her, and takes pleasure in playing games with other beings, whether they are physical or mental, if she comes to the conclusion that they can “take it.” She teases, mocks, and riddles with the best of them, oftentimes contradicting herself without a second thought and not regretting it.

However, Scathach is, at her very core, a good being. As much as she loves to fight, she does not believe in killing unnecessarily, whether an animal or a human being. Her personal code of ethics—and her honor as a warrior—forbids her from doing anything blatantly evil, and though she has no problem toying with people, she would never intentionally do anything to harm them physically, mentally, or emotionally, unless they had really pissed her off and she loses her temper, in which case she can’t be completely sure what she’ll do. But this does not stop her from speaking her mind, and telling everybody around her exactly what she thinks about a situation.

Though she has been around for over ten thousand years, she is still considered a child by most other Elders—Scathach herself is a member of the New Generation of Elders who fight to protect humans rather than allowing them to fall into darkness and become slaves to the Dark Elders. Her youth makes her almost bitter towards the First Generation, and she dislikes most of them, especially since the majority have decided to ignore the conflict between the humani—humans, rather—and Dark Elders. She, more than anybody should understand that a life is precious, since technically, she is not alive. She would do anything to protect someone she views as innocent, especially if they are human, and does everything she can to make sure they won’t come to harm. Scatty despises the Dark Elders, and is hell-bent on thwarting their plans—it’s just better if she can kick some ass while she’s at it.


Scatty appears as a well-built woman, about 5'3" in height. Though she is short, it often feels as if she is looking down on a person when she is speaking with them simply because of her tone of voice. She neither sleeps nor blinks, but can close her eyes and feign unconsciousness if need be. There is a Celtic Spiral tattoo etched into the back of her right shoulder with black ink, a mark of her heritage. She has bright red hair, cut short. Many people think she dyes her cropped locks, but that is not the case—it is completely natural. As natural as a vampire can be, anyway.

She has bright emerald-colored eyes with vertically-slit pupils, much like a cat; at times, they seem too large for the rest of her pixie-like features. The planes of her face are rather angular, sometimes giving her an ethereal look in just the right light. Freckles are peppered across the bridge of her nose and randomly around the rest of her body. She doesn't smile often, but when she wants to make an impression on someone, she grins widely and bares her pointed canines, courtesy of her species. Contrary to what popular culture says, her skin is not cold to the touch; she feels the same as any regular human being, though her muscles might seem a bit firmer. She is skinny, almost unhealthily so, but beneath the abnormally pale skin lies iron-hard bone and muscle toned by thousands of years of physical training.

She is fond of tight, solid-colored tank tops, camouflage or khaki pants, and ankle-high black combat boots. If not wearing any combination of these, she will most likely be clothed in an all-white outfit, generally a dress if she likes it enough and she can move well in it. Some sort of weapon is always found somewhere on her body, whether in plain sight or hidden. She always has a pair of twin short swords sheathed on her back and a dagger strapped to her left thigh. Almost anything around her, including her entire body, can become a weapon, so upsetting her is not advised at all. She also has a twin sister named Aoife; she and Scathach do not get along at all, and it has been centuries since they last spoke. However, they look exactly the same—but if asked about it, Scatty will vehemently deny any resemblance to her at all.


Twin short swords, each about fifteen inches long, sheathed on her back.

A pair of nunchaku.

Various throwing knives.

Dagger strapped to her left leg.

Bow and Arrows

CLASS: Well. Scathach is a hero, on the best of days—she does have an acute sense of right and wrong, and has sworn to protect humans. However, she does love conflict and fighting, and might occasionally “slip up,” causing trouble even if she doesn’t consciously mean to. But, for the most part, she is one of the good-guys.

POWER: Scatty is, in essence, a vampire, though not of the "common" sort. She is from one of many vampire clans, one that does not drink blood in order to survive; she often states that the blood-drinking vampires are the “lowliest of their species.” Most of Scathach's ancestors are actually vegetarians; she literally only eats vegetables and fruit. Her main source of sustenance, however, is emotions. She feeds off other people’s sensations, sucking them from their bodies so she can feel alive.

By the way, a little quirk about her clan is that none of them have the ability to feel, neither emotions nor pain. Joy, hate, fear—they are all relative to her, and she considers them novelties. Sometimes, she scorns the humans for taking these things for granted, and it borders on bitter jealousy. She takes emotions and sensations from people, relishes the way they make her able to feel. But she states that, "we do not need to feast often". However, like traditional vampires, she must be invited into an establishment before she can actually enter it. She can go outside and walk around in daylight—without sparkling—but if she stays in the sun for too long, she’ll get sunburned.

As a vampire, Scathach possesses greater speed, strength, agility, longevity, and durability than a human being. Though she is a vegetarian when she eats human food, her main source of sustenance is the auras of other creatures. In her universe, each sentient being has an aura: depending on the personality of the owner, it is a certain color and lets off a certain scent when active. The aura is made of up a creature’s emotions, or life force. This is what Scathach eats, as she herself is incapable of emotion: she cannot feel happiness, anger, pain, or sadness. Scathach does not feed often (probably about once a month), and she never drains her prey completely because it is against her personal code. But she may use this emotion-sucking as a battle technique if necessary.

So we've got super-strong and one hell of a fighter, along with her vampiric traits.

I'm not able to type up a history that would make sense for this roleplay, so I'll just leave that out until I'm able to formulate one.
Scathach: You are accepted, but...I'm a bit wary/cautious/worried about your character..the only other thing that sorta bothers me is her age..I mean..I don't know how old this world is Dx..and, try not to go over board with your character : P I think though..her meeting Nerrezza would cause to be very interesting..
LOL. The world is at least 5,000 right? The earth was a churning mass of CO2 and lava and water for the first million or so years of its existance. OMG! I just realized the Lux and Scathach look similar and are both Vampires... please forgive me if I occasionally call Lux Aoife.... Scathach has a twin named Aoife who's a lot like Lux in Celtic mythology...

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