Mythical- Be any creature you want. New members welcomed.

Scathach slipped through the shadows of the forest, her combats making no noise on the leaves as she watched the areas that were most likely to hide someone- the shifting, darker shadows and the upper branches of trees. She was heading to the clearing where she normally practiced, and even though she had been around for over 2000 years, she still found her hand straying to the hilt of one of the twin shortswords strapped across her back as she almost glided over the leaves, her cameo capris and black tanktop blending with the shadows where Scathach had learned to hide. Thats how she had gotten one of her many names. The Shadow. First it was the Warrior Maid, then she had becaome the Shadow for her skills in concealment. The Daemon Slayer had come next, after she had killed Raktabija, and th King Maker after that, when she had helped put Arthur on the throne back in medieval times in the Earth realm. That had been a mistake.
nichole jumped through the trees crying. she landed in a window and dried her eyes as little kids surrounded her. they said"your'e back your'e back!" hugging her legs, she smiled and picked up a little girl and said" so what happened while i was out?" the little girl, artemis, said"mrs. jubine called you she seems angry... did you bring back any thing?" nichole smiled and handed out the cupcakes she promised to them. she left to meet her foster mom. she lives in an orphanage. her foster mom is usually drunk so nichole takes care of the others.
Scathach reached the clearing and drew her shortswords, moving smoothly, flowing through a series of offensive and defensive positions, gradually increasing her speed until she was no more then a blur, her swords humming through the air as they danced in an intricate pattern, blocking, thrusting, slashing, slicing. Her feet flew over the leaves as she expanded her field, pushing off trees, swords scything out.
mrs.jubine said"good your'e home get to work start cooking!" throwing a bottle at nichole, she dodged and glared. nichole muttered"b**ch" leaving starting on dinner. she called everyone for dinner and sat down. mrs.jubine said"if this isnt good your'e getting it." eating. she spit it out and said" what is this?" nichole said"it's sushi and riceballs." eating another. the kids said"it's delicious!" mrs.jubine said"come now!" nichole sighed following her and leaned against the wall. she said"what?" then felt an ice cold blade in her abdomen. she gasped and staggered. she fell coughing up blood.
Scathach slowed gradually, then stopped altogether, sheathing her blades. She started back out of the woods into the main area, where everyone tended to gather to talk and sell their goods and services. The Dark Queen's old castle was up there somewhere too, and some girl named Nerrezza had bought it. She made a face. Nezza... She had never met the girl and had no desire to either. She emerged from the woods onto the edge of a plain, and set off toward town with an easy, loping stride.

(Do you have a map... or something that shows the roleplay area CoccoBeans? I'm not sure where everything is at the moment.

Sorry about the Nezzarose mix up too, wrong RP.)
Scathach:, unfortunately, I don't. Just wondering, but who is this Nezzarose character you speak of? As in, do you plan on playing her or something..? .-.
Nichole collapsed gasping in pain. She started seeing black spots in her vision. why... why is this happening to me? i can't give up i have to protect the others. Nichole stood up weakly. Mrs. Jubine snarled"still alive?" She was surprised that Nichole was still alive from her fatal wound. Nichole charged at her and went for her throat.
((Wow, RpNation has grown since I left...I'm so sorry, I got so caught up in life...ugh that's an awful excuse. But maybe I can breathe some life into this Rp to help...Lets all assume Lux was missing lol...I'm really sorry, you guys, truly sorry))

Lux: *Wakes up underneath leaves, with almost no strength* What time is it, where have I been? What happened?

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