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  1. Raemir

    New Band Member [Inactive]

    This role play has been marked "inactive". Inactive role plays are defined as "role plays showing 0 activity within a 30 day period". Please contact an @Rp Moderator if you feel this was a mistake or if you would like to have your role play reactivated. Thank you for your participation...
  2. Raemir

    Looking for Normal [Inactive]

    "It's good. What about your salad?" Marcus asked her then took a bite.
  3. Raemir

    Looking for Normal [Inactive]

    When there food arived he smiled again at her waiting for her to take a bite.
  4. Raemir

    Looking for Normal [Inactive]

    "Hmm. Think I might go with a burger." Marcus smiled back at her.
  5. Raemir

    Looking for Normal [Inactive]

    Marcus smiled as he sat across from her. "So what looks good to you?"
  6. Raemir

    Looking for Normal [Inactive]

    Marcus smiled following her. He had his card at hand ready to pay for the food. "Alright, but if you're carring the bag I'm paying."
  7. Raemir

    Looking for Normal [Inactive]

    Marcus chuckled. "Yes, but again, I had dragged you in there." He smiled at her holding his free hand to her.
  8. Raemir

    Looking for Normal [Inactive]

    "We already did something I wanted to do. It's your turn." Marcus smiled at her following close behind. "Speaking of which, why don't I carry the bag? After all it is the gentlemans job."
  9. Raemir

    Looking for Normal [Inactive]

    Marcus smiled and followed her out of the store after he retrieved his card. "So where do you wish do go next?" He was happy that she hadn't protested the whole couple thing, but he wasn't too sure if it ment that she liked him.
  10. Raemir

    Looking for Normal [Inactive]

    Marcus smiles and plucked her card out of her hand. "Ah, yes, but I dragged you over here. I believe it is only fair if I pay for it." He pulls out his own card to pay for them both.
  11. Raemir

    Looking for Normal [Inactive]

    Marcus smiled and nodded at the whale. "I can say the same for you. Wish me to buy it for you?"
  12. Raemir

    Looking for Normal [Inactive]

    Marcus chuckled at her. "Anything you think is cute and or fluffy." He smiles looking at a medium sizzed stuffed wolf that actually stands. With it being only $15 he decides to buy it not caring about taxes.
  13. Raemir

    Looking for Normal [Inactive]

    "Maybe just ever so slightly." Marcus smiled at Skylar offering his hand to her waiting for her to take it before running in and dragging her to the section filled with them. Giant giraffes and tigers stood at attention while piles of pooches and kittens looked as though they were in a cuddley...
  14. Raemir

    Looking for Normal [Inactive]

    Marcus nodded. "Same, but I think I see a toy shop. Wish to join me in childhood fun?" He smiled at her motioning to a nearby window shop filled with stuffed animals the lad would most likely buy for his large collection back home.
  15. Raemir

    Looking for Normal [Inactive]

    Marcus blushed and walked a litlle faster to catch up. "Sorry. Um, where do you want to go first?" He smiled at her the blush having died down to a light pink.
  16. Raemir

    Looking for Normal [Inactive]

    "Anytime fair lady." He smiled at her and motioned for her to lead the way as he'd probably save his money instead of spend it. Marcus then grabbed his laptop from the van and placed it in his side bag.
  17. Raemir

    Looking for Normal [Inactive]

    "Thanks." Marcus stayed silent the rest of the ride opening his laptop. Once they arived he hopped out and offered a hand to help Skylar out. He smiles shyly at her." Wish to go shopping with me?"
  18. Raemir

    Looking for Normal [Inactive]

    Marcus has followed everyone out the door when it was time. He really doubted his mum gave $100 for him to spend. His grandmother maybe, his mother most definetly not. He walked over to Skylar and smiled at her. "Hey, um, mind if I sit with you?"
  19. Raemir

    Looking for Normal [Inactive]

    Marcus nodded and slowly started to eat. "Um, could I possibally ask: what is her condition?" He felt like he was prying and that he shouldn't but his curiousity got the better hold on him.
  20. Raemir

    Looking for Normal [Inactive]

    Marcus sat in the chair opposite of Skylar. He frowned hearing the noise. "I don't know. Should, um, should one of us go help her?" He turned to Mr. Frithe, a questioning look on his face.