Looking for Normal [Inactive]

Oliver made his way past Skylar and Marcus, waging not even a glance toward them as he lead Sarah to a table at the far end and set down his newly purchased clothes. Rather than taking a seat, he immediately picked up his peacoat and slipped it on with a quick tug at the lapel. "What do you think?"
"L-l-l-l-l-looks g-g-g-g-g-g-good." Sarah asaid as she sat down and stared at the table. She was starting to feel a bit hungry and asked "C-c-c-c-could y-y-y-you s-s-s-ss-see wh-what t-t-t-t-t-there is to e-e-e-eat?"
"Sure." Oliver turned, his attention invested vainly in his new coat. "Anything in particular you want, or should I just use my better judgement?" He looked back over toward the other two, trying to catch a peek at what they were having.
"I-i-i-i'm n-n-not f-f-f-f-f-fussy." Sarah said to Oliver and looked in her bags. She got out the black and pink coat then put it on. She was glad that no-one had noticed the scars on her arms in the shop but feared that someone would notice the bruising on her face and the scar.
Iggy walked off with her, and put his arm around her waist. He let out a deep breath, and rolls his eyes when she asked the question. " It's easy, its called actually have a dick that isn't an inch big, and actually make eye contact. The kid knew I'd kick as tail into the ground if he really wanted to press the issue. "
Alice giggled at the way he phrased that. "What a manly man." She smirked and went to the concession stand, purchasing a small soda. Al headed towards the theatre room that the ticket said to go to, seeing that the room was empty except for a middle-aged man sitting in the front.
He couldn't help, but laugh with her. He waited patently for her to get her soda, and with his arms crossed across his chest with a grin on his face. Personally right now he didn't really want to deal with another horny teen. However if push came to shove he would gladly teach another kid a thing or two about hitting on other people's girl. When he came back he gave her a friendly smile, and walked with her inside the theater. It was easy to notice the one man down in the middle. He looked over at her, and said " Why don't we sit up at the top?"
Oliver strode off into the cafe with a confident gait, looking back to see how the coat trailed behind him. He returned not long after, he returned to the table and sat down opposite Sarah. "Hey, are you, like, a vegetarian or anything?"
Sarah shook her head whilst staring at the table. "I-i'll e-e-e-e-eat a-a-a-a-anything." She informed Oliver. She hoped that no-one would bother the pair or worse, insult her about her appearance. She knew that Sara would appear if that happened and the shaking got a little bit worse.
"Well, I ordered a salad just in case." He searched for the tag on his coat and - upon locating it - tore it off before crumpling it on the seat next to him. "It looks like I was right. That jacket is befitting of you. With luck, someone may mistake you for a boxer." he said with a hand gesturing circularly around his eye.
"T-t-t-t-t-t-thank y--y-you." Sarah stuttered to Oliver whilst continuing to stare at the table. "I h-h-h-h-hope t-t-t-t-they l-l-l-l-l-l-leave me a-alone." She muttered to Oliver and went to rest her head in her arms. She hoped that Oliver would be able to prevent her from getting insulted which would cause Sara to appear. "W-w-w-w-want to l-l-l-learn h-h-h-h-how t-t-t-t-to s-s-s-swim as s-s-s-s-soon as w-we g-g-g-get h-home?" She quietly asked Oliver.
"Give me some time to get things in order. I'll come to you, when I'm ready." A grin spread across his face as he spotted the waitress approach the table with his order. "Here's your order." she said as she set two plates on the table; one with an undressed salad and the other with "naked" chicken wings. The pun here was palpable, and Oliver struggled not to laugh at his own subtle address to the proverbial elephant in the room. "Thank you." he replied cheerily as the waitress also set two cups down; tea and coffee. Oliver pulled the plate of wings to himself and began stripping the bones of their meat, expecting Sarah to be unaware of the reference made here.
"ok." Sarah said to Oliver. After the waitress left, she began to tuck into her salada whilst staring at the plate. She was unaware of the reference and asked "w-w-w-w-which o-o-one is m-mine?"
Skylar took a bite of her salad and smiled, "How's your burger?"

Alice nodded, "Sounds good to me." She led the way to the back row of the theatre, and sat down as the movie began. A lady was making dinner in her house in the middle of nowhere (cliche) and all of a sudden a man with a clown mask on jumped through the window and started stabbing the lady. Alice jumped when the man jumped out, but started laughing because the movie was so stupid and corny. The man in the front row turned around for a second, clearly annoyed.
Oliver offered a shrug. He didn't quite enjoy making every decision for her, but he thought he's take the cup of coffee under the assumption that she wouldn't need any more jitters. He didn't say this, of course, and simply took a sip of his coffee instead.
Sarah drank a bit of her tea after noticing that it was hers. She enjoyed it and continued to eat her salad whilst staring at her lap. "W-w-w-w-w-w-w-what a-a-a-a-a-are we d-doing a-afterwards?" She asked Oliver before drinking more of her tea. She hoped it would be something that didn't involve being near other people but she may have been very wrong. It was a mall after all.
"Oh, right. I'd almost forgotten that by all fair standards, it should be my turn to pick next." He took a moment to mull over possibilities as he took another bite of chicken. "Actually," he spoke up after a moment. "I should pick the next two places, since you chose to peruse the clothing store and elected to rest afterwords. We should also concede that the other is obligated to follow the turn-taking party to their destination and mutually engage thenceforth in any activity which is inherent in the decision. Agreed?"
"Good," he replied with a wry grin. "Because I saw a tackily colored play area a short ways away. You and I are going to be children again." He quickly finished up his wings and set the last pair of bones down on the now greased plate.
"B-b-by o-o-ours-selves?" Sarah asked as she finished off her salad. She drank the rest of the her tea and hoped that Oliver knew what he was doing.
"Why not?" Oliver answered with a dismissive shrug. He stood up and cleared his plate into the trashcan, before setting it atop. With a quick grab of his basket, we started off with a long stride toward the bright plastic structures further along the way.

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