Looking for Normal [Inactive]

Skylar smiled and nodded, taking one of the front seats in the van. "Go ahead." She moved over to let him sit down.

Alice put down her hand, "You're no fun. Whatever, sure." She stood up and picked the seat right in front of them.

Mr. Frithe started the van and pulled out of the driveway.
Silently, Oliver took a seat next to Sarah with his hands on the back of the seat in front of him. He shifted uncomfortably and kept his eyes forward. Though his face remained placid, his breath made his chest move noticeably.
Sarah continued to stare at the window as Mr Frithe drove everyone towards the mall. She didn't take any notice of Oliver when he sat down next to her and he may have been able to tell how nervous she was about going to the Mall.
Oliver let out a sigh, facing forward. "So, I wanted to apologize." He sat back, somewhat relieved already, though he still refused to make eye contact. "I didn't believe that you really had voices in your head, and now, I'm convinced."
"Yo-you d-d-didn't believe me?" Sarah said to Oliver whilst staring at the window and sighed. She wasn't surprised. "M-most p-people that i m-meet never b-b-believe me and a-always get mad at me a-after S-s-sara appears." She said to Oliver. "T-the only way to s-stop her is to h-harm her. B-because of h-her, n-no-one l-likes m-me or c-cares about m-me apart from m-mum and d-d-dad." She sadly said to Oliver. "S-she'll r-return a-at the mall. I-i j-j-j-just know it and she hurt you." She informed him.
He lowered and shook his head, trying to hold back a smile. He sincerely had no doubts about her second persona, but he still found all the fanfare a bit ridiculous. "I'm sure, if you were that much of a danger to others, they'd have sent you to an asylum. My parents almost sent me." He finally turned his head to look a her momentarily, before his eyes moved past to the window. "Maybe, you shouldn't worry so much."
"I-i th-think i-if m-mr Fr-frithe can't h-help, i-i'll g-get sent to one." Sarah told Oliver whilst staring at the window. "N-nothing else has wo-worked and i-i'm j-just getting worse every year." She told him in a sad tone.
Mr. Frithe turned into the parking lot of the mall, which was not your average mall. It was completely outdoors, perfect for a beautiful day like this. He stopped the car, and turned to everyone. "Alright, time to go. It's 11 o'clock now, meet back at the van at 3 o'clock." He passed out debit cards to everyone except Alice. "These are the one hundred dollars for shopping today, courtesy of your relatives. Have fun." He opened the van doors.
"A-alice, c-can i c-come with y-y-you?" Sarah asked Alice after getting her debit card. She was surprised that her folks had given her that much cash due to most of the things she owned usually ending up being destroyed by Sara. Her nerves were getting worse and she hoped that by having alice or someone else with her, Sara would not appear. She feared going into the mall but wanted to buy some clothes and knew she would have to face it.
Oliver took his card and looked it over, hanging off at the side of the group. He looked at Sarah and Al, considering joining them for the outing, but he didn't want to deal with Iggy more than he had to. He decided to head off through the market on his own.
"Yeah, sure, but I think..." She lowered her voice, "I think that Oliver wanted to shop with you." Alice winked at her.
"Thanks." Marcus stayed silent the rest of the ride opening his laptop. Once they arived he hopped out and offered a hand to help Skylar out. He smiles shyly at her." Wish to go shopping with me?"
"H-he did?" Sarah said and walked towards Oliver. She didn't know why Alice winked at her and hoped that oliver would help her to deal with the mall. She was getting more nervous as she approached the mall and siad "Y-y-y-y0u w-w-want to sho-sop with me?" to oliver after catching up to him
He looked around and let out a huff of air, shrugging his shoulders casually. "Sure, why not? Anything you wanted to look for?" He had wanted to go with Alice, unaware of her relation to Iggy, but he wasn't about to admit it. Instead, he walked slowly at Sarah's side. "There's not really much in particular that I'd like to buy."
Alice smiled as Sarah ran off after Oliver. She sat in the van, trying to figure out how to get into her phone, feeling like it was pointless to go into the mall when she didn't have any money.

Skylar blushed and slid to the end of the seat, taking the boy's hand. "Sure, thank you." She got down from the van and smiled at Marcus.
"S-s-s-some cl-clothes." Sarah told Oliver as she slowly walked towards the mall. Oliver may have saw that she was getting very nervous. She was shaking a lot and her breathing was faster then usual. "I-i-i-i-ii d-d-don't h-h-have any and wo-would li-like to bbuy so-some." She said as she looked at the ground in front of her as she walked.
"Anytime fair lady." He smiled at her and motioned for her to lead the way as he'd probably save his money instead of spend it. Marcus then grabbed his laptop from the van and placed it in his side bag.
He stuffed his hands in his pockets with a nod. "Cool, maybe I can get a new hoodie while we're there." Her looked at her with his brow raised, causing some wrinkles on his forehead. "Maybe, it's none of my business, but I'd think Miss Hyde might not be so inclined to come out, if you'd just relax a bit." He pointed his finger to one of the first stores he saw. "Looks like they've got some clothes there."
Skylar blushed even harder as she wasn't used to guys being such gentlemen. She started off in a random direction, hoping that they could just walk around and get lunch somewhere. Noticing that he lagged behind just a little, she turned, still walking. She grinned seeing that Marcus was taking his laptop.
Marcus blushed and walked a litlle faster to catch up. "Sorry. Um, where do you want to go first?" He smiled at her the blush having died down to a light pink.
Iggy would have changed seats during the drive, in order to appease Oliver. When he was give the debt card he gave a small smile to the old man. Noticing that Alice did not receive a card he gave a small frown. He took the card, waited till Alice wasn't watch he slipped it into her pocket. Iggy found no need for his parents hundred dollars, especially when they had given him his own personal credit card. During the drive he pulled out his iPod, and a pair of headphones. He put the headphones into the headphone jack, and began playing his own music in order to tune out everyone else.

When they arrived Iggy waited for everyone else to jump out of the van. When everyone was gone he gently hopped out, and walked towards the mall with his hands in his pockets. After a few moneys he would gently tap his back pocket to make sure he had his wallet. When he knew he had his wallet on him, he gave a small smile, and looked back at Alice. "Maybe she would come along maybe she wouldn't." He thought to himself, and chuckled lightly.
"I don't know," Skylar giggled a bit, "I don't really need anything except maybe a swimsuit. What about you?" She ran her fingers through her bright cherry red hair, smiling at him.

Alice sat in the van, the only left as even Mr. Frithe had gone in to the outdoor mall. As soon as everyone had started off towards the mall, she let her smile fade. Al yawned and laid down slowly, thinking about everything she had been through over the past few years. She buried her face in the soft seat of the van and did not cry, did not scream, but lay there silently, indulging herself in her own personal hell. It wasn't the not receiving of a debit card that upset, it was that her parents had stopped making contact with her all of a sudden. They had finally given up on her. She let tears fall from her eyes as she drifted into one of those moods again.
Marcus nodded. "Same, but I think I see a toy shop. Wish to join me in childhood fun?" He smiled at her motioning to a nearby window shop filled with stuffed animals the lad would most likely buy for his large collection back home.
As Iggy looked back he watched her fall onto the seat. He let out a sigh, and turned back to the van to retrieve her. When he got back to the van he gently tapped on the window, and made a motion for her to come. " Come on Alice, have some fun." He gave her a smile, and crossed his arms waiting for her. He wasn't going to let her sit here alone, nor was he going to let her stay in this mood. Especially when he knew he was leaving to go back home tomorrow.
Skylar grinned and started towards the toy store, "Stuffed animals are a guilty pleasure of yours as well?"

Alice looked up, her hair sticking to her wet cheeks. She was happy to see Iggy, someone she could take comfort in, but was a bit too far into her own world to be fully herself. Al's eyes were a bit swollen, but her make-up was intact even as she wiped under her eyes. "Okay," She opened the car door and slid out, trying her best to smile.

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